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Does your Lau Puo do all the housework

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Guest ShaQuaNew

There was a little insistace at first that my helping her around the house was not needed, but was soon very happy to accept my help. Just as in America, the Chinese don't appreciate a lazy person....

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I don't know all the women in the universe (not yet anyway)--but i damned sure know mine and she is convinced that i should know  what she has on her mind at least two hours before she thinks it.  She scares me sometimes!!!!


No problem with that Trigg, she tells what she's thinking and also tells me what I think about it. Really takes the stress off of the old noggin'. :lol:

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If you don't help her she will feel as though she is your servant. if you do help her she will insist that you are doing it wrong and the only way for it to be done correctly is for her to do it. I opted for the second. I NEVER wait to be asked to help as the asian women feels you should know her mind. However, I always make sure i make a bigger mess than when i started. This way she is happy because hubby tried to help and i am happy because she won't let me.


It is really that simple if you allow it to be!!!!!!!!


.....as the asian women feels you should know her mind.


Now, I believe that this must be a universal female trait.


I agree with Triggs point...


My observation is that the many chinese ladies are conditioned to few words within their culture... And a chinese man's responses in action are an indication of his 'mind reading' the situation.


Otherwise, why would many chinese families not state the simple, "I love you" and "thank you".... because actions speak louder, making the words less necessary...

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We generally share household and child-rearing duties, although I can safely say that Li does more than I do. Not a lot more, but more. This is especially true during football and basketball season when I am frequently out of the house covering ball games until late at night.

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