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the poll sampled Asian American women only.


Ahh, I see now. Apologies.

You had me confused about the idea of exoticism for a group of white males with Chinese females (since CFL is about Americans and Chinese)

intermixed with the information about Asian American females with white males. Two completely different subjects.


In which case, I will keep the first part of my post, and say the second part can be ignored.

Since Asian American females make up 2.5% of the population in America, where their large pool of choices are in the white male catagory because choosing from only 2.5% of Asian American males is a small group in comparison.

Fortunately, this is America, you are free to choose who you want to be with (at least lip service is given to the ideal anyway).

Sheer numbers will naturally make you tend towards the larger group. But clearly some kind of bias is there to make you choose within your own perceived group ( I disagree with racial characterizations, so I assume this is cultural or parental pressure)

or we would see this number to be much higher. ( I assume also that this type of pressure within groups, for example my SO does not like being confused as Japanese, so I would assume this is also going on within the available pool of eligible males to choose from).


Some interesting statistics here (and other information): http://www.asian-nation.org/interracial2.shtml

Edited by nooneufo (see edit history)
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I believe the term is "Trophy Wife".


... I hear that one so often when people first see lao po's picture.


I am not marrying her for her looks ... I am marrying her for her heart.


now you're talking.... we have the prize!!!!

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But now what is "white"? Seems that depends on the situation. When I was growing up I was not white, now I am. Hitler called the Japanese white and therefor able to be allied with. Australia use to restrict southern Italians from immigration as nonwhites. In winter I am whiter than in summer but at best an off white. The whitest skin I have seen was a Chinese woman in Hawaii. Have you seen pictures of Vanessa Williams? Not sure where the color goes sometimes. It is all so confusing. :blink:


I just wonder why we need to classify. What's the point?

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Sorry but I don't see what you guys are talking about. I see happy Chinese men- Chinese women couples everywhere around me. Chinese women that marry foreign men are definatly in a very small, not visible, minority. Admitedly, my own situation is even less visible....


I guess a black man's numbers are much less common than the white guys. but not very uncommon anymore

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I'm whiter (pigmentation) than most 'white' people. [That's why I'm having surgery for skin cancer (again!).] The whole 'white' thing is archaic IMHO. Formally used by the British Empire and Europeans and kept well entrenched by their colonies for far too long and with terrible consequences.

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