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Post P4 or Pre-Interview Syndrome (PPS or PIS)

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A few more symtoms I have noticed would be:


-Beginning every email to the boss with "Take this Job and Shove IT!!!"

-Beginning every email to Clients with "So what is your petty problem?"

-Answering work phone with "What do you want???"

-Waking after 4-5 hours sleep since shortly after P3


I am still trying to determine why I have about 200 copies of the 129F, 325a, ds-230 part1, I-134, 156, 156k, 485, 864.....


now where is my passport... :( :blink: :blink:

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More symptoms ....


- wake up at 5am on saturday morning thinking ... oh my, next week at this time i will be on my way!

- check CFL for any updates or news


I have also found that before every trip to China, about a week before, i find myself trying to be more careful. i keep thinking that i can't afford to break a leg or something, how would i manage the travel then alone? This time even more so.


Murphy, please stay away! :cheering: at least until after the interview, and after I get back with my fiancee!


And even then, don't ever come back again! :cheering:

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Another symptom "thinking positive", optimistic for the cure to take effect soon?


I bought a bottle of champaign for our celebration when we arrive back here!


So we'll have a little welcome home party when we arrive together. As it turns out the weekend we are scheduled to arrive back, the town I live in is having an end of summer festival complete with fireworks the night we arrive!


So hopefully the planes will not be late and we can enjoy our first night with champaign and fireworks!

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I hate to be the one to break the news, but the symptoms don't go away after your SO arrives. In fact the syndrome just continues on unabated.


1. The "to do" list just gets longer as your spouse re-makes the house in her image.


2. You'll still check CFL daily for the latest news on adjusting to life in America.


3. You'll still wake up at 5:00 a.m. asking yourself if you really need to take that business trip and leave your spouse at home in a strange land.


4. You'll still tell the boss to shove it as you try to talk to your spouse who is on the phone with you when he/she walks in. Doesn't he/she know where the priorities lie these days?


5. Your letters and e-mails will start with "ni hao".


6. You won't need your wallet since it won't have any money in it, and the credit cards will be maxed out (see #1).


7. You'll start cursing in Chinese. Actually, this is a good thing since most Americans will just look at you and smile.


8. You'll start driving the speed limits around town since your spouse is not used to going faster than 35 mph. It'll be tough to hold your ground on exceeding expressway speed limits.


9. You'll have to leave work early. "Sorry, boss, my spouse was out walking in the neighborhood and got lost".


10. "Wo ai ni" will continue to be part of your Chinese language vocabulary. :wub:

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Frank, you're right, the symptoms mutate into more virulent strain!!!

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I had not considered that the symptoms would continue! And after seeing this list of after cure symptoms I think I already have them! ai ya!


- i was in China for a month in June, and did not drive at all (of course). When i came back, i found myself driving along the high way and it felt incredibly fast (at 55!)


- while at a recent family reunion (my family is part swiss and so they were all speaking french. I could understand perfectly, but when i tried to speak, each time i found myself speaking chinese! "xie xie", etc. so i just gave up and spoke english.


- work in the computer field, and often i have to check log files for information about what is happening. several times i found myself writing to my boss or other about the results i found in the log files, except instead of writing "log files" i saw i wrote "love files"! those were just the times i noticed, i hope one didn't slip through an my boss read that i was checking the "love files!"


But I think my fiancee (soon to be my wife) will help me get used to these new symptoms. Today, after i cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and cleaned out the fridge, i mentioned to her that i still needed to clean inside all the cabinets and also the car. She kindly said "don't let yourself be too tired, we can do it together."!


so maybe life won't be too bad suffering from this illness, in fact the cure will be downright sweet! ;)

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But I think my fiancee (soon to be my wife) will help me get used to these new symptoms. Today, after i cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and cleaned out the fridge, i mentioned to her that i still needed to clean inside all the cabinets and also the car. She kindly said "don't let yourself be too tired, we can do it together."!


so maybe life won't be too bad suffering from this illness, in fact the cure will be downright sweet!  :hug:


Yeap, She says that to me every time I talk with her. That's why I am not sweating the cleaning thing. She wants to contribute, so I'll oblige. I'm taking care of the big jobs (painting the exterior of the house, replacing toilets, etc.) so we can have more time together.


I think my driving may scare the S%$t out of her though. I don't go fast, but tend to brake late :o


We talked on phone long time last night. We are both a jumble of emotions - I think she'll shed a lot of tears at the airport again.

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Add to the list another item


- forget to take food out of the oven! :lol:

I was "trying" to make my dinner last night, and put some eggrolls into the oven. After finishing my dinner, i all of a sudden remembered that there was something missing! I checked the oven and found my "well cooked" eggroll there brown and withered to almost nothing!

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I had not considered that the symptoms would continue! And after seeing this list of after cure symptoms I think I already have them! ai ya!


- i was in China for a month in June, and did not drive at all (of course). When i came back, i found myself driving along the high way and it felt incredibly fast (at 55!)


- while at a recent family reunion (my family is part swiss and so they were all speaking french. I could understand perfectly, but when i tried to speak, each time i found myself speaking chinese! "xie xie", etc. so i just gave up and spoke english.


- work in the computer field, and often i have to check log files for information about what is happening. several times i found myself writing to my boss or other about the results i found in the log files, except instead of writing "log files" i saw i wrote "love files"! those were just the times i noticed, i hope one didn't slip through an my boss read that i was checking the "love files!"


But I think my fiancee (soon to be my wife) will help me get used to these new symptoms. Today, after i cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and cleaned out the fridge, i mentioned to her that i still needed to clean inside all the cabinets and also the car. She kindly said "don't let yourself be too tired, we can do it together."!


so maybe life won't be too bad suffering from this illness, in fact the cure will be downright sweet!  :wub:


the "love" files should be protected by password.... :wub:

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A few more symtoms I have noticed would be:


-Beginning every email to the boss with "Take this Job and Shove IT!!!"

-Beginning every email to Clients with "So what is your petty problem?"

-Answering work phone with "What do you want???"

-Waking after 4-5 hours sleep since shortly after P3


I am still trying to determine why I have about 200 copies of the 129F, 325a, ds-230 part1, I-134, 156, 156k, 485, 864.....


now where is my passport... :exclaim:  :ph34r:  :blink:




Too funny...


I have nightmares about what side of the bed Lucy will sleep on when she arrives. Literally keeps me awake all night sometimes.


I awaken several times during the night to see if I have missed calls on my cell or messages waiting in my inbox. I have been doing this since March 1 when the petition hit Guangzhou.


35 days until interview (34 days China calender)

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A few more symtoms I have noticed would be:


-Beginning every email to the boss with "Take this Job and Shove IT!!!"

-Beginning every email to Clients with "So what is your petty problem?"

-Answering work phone with "What do you want???"

-Waking after 4-5 hours sleep since shortly after P3


I am still trying to determine why I have about 200 copies of the 129F, 325a, ds-230 part1, I-134, 156, 156k, 485, 864.....


now where is my passport... :ph34r:  :blink:  :huh:


The sleep deprivation is killing both of us. My bedroom floor if knee deep in photos, docs, snail mails, and luggage (got to bring 2 large empties). Now the NWA strike is building stress. :exclaim: :ok:

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A few more symtoms I have noticed would be:


-Beginning every email to the boss with "Take this Job and Shove IT!!!"

-Beginning every email to Clients with "So what is your petty problem?"

-Answering work phone with "What do you want???"

-Waking after 4-5 hours sleep since shortly after P3


I am still trying to determine why I have about 200 copies of the 129F, 325a, ds-230 part1, I-134, 156, 156k, 485, 864.....


now where is my passport... :ph34r:  :blink:  :D




Too funny...


I have nightmares about what side of the bed Lucy will sleep on when she arrives. Literally keeps me awake all night sometimes.


I awaken several times during the night to see if I have missed calls on my cell or messages waiting in my inbox. I have been doing this since March 1 when the petition hit Guangzhou.


35 days until interview (34 days China calender)


Yep, it gets stranger and stranger. Tomorrow they will remove all the carpet and put the same carpet back down on Wednesday. Guess this makes it easier to clean sinc the house is about empty now. :lol:


Since you get done 2 days before me I would expect for you to puchase a sympathy drink or two for me on the 27th in GZ. :P

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A few more symtoms I have noticed would be:


-Beginning every email to the boss with "Take this Job and Shove IT!!!"

-Beginning every email to Clients with "So what is your petty problem?"

-Answering work phone with "What do you want???"

-Waking after 4-5 hours sleep since shortly after P3


I am still trying to determine why I have about 200 copies of the 129F, 325a, ds-230 part1, I-134, 156, 156k, 485, 864.....


now where is my passport... :blink:  :D  :lol:


The sleep deprivation is killing both of us. My bedroom floor if knee deep in photos, docs, snail mails, and luggage (got to bring 2 large empties). Now the NWA strike is building stress. :ph34r: :P


Yep the NWA strike is a real bummer, just happy I booked on China Southern a few weeks ago. The prices are jumping up since the weekend.

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Lee, fess up, are you really nervous?

:ph34r: :blink: :D :lol:

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