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P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3

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:blink: I am so happy we got our P3 entered. Even though we never received the P3 Docs..... :blink: Thanks to the CFL Team I was able to download the forms and have my SO send the P3 forms in. :rolleyes:

Should I do the same with the P4 docs? download them and fill them out? Just in case they dont get the docs to my SO?




According to our case record, the applicant's forms have been entered into the computer. Now the case is ready to be scheduled. Due to the high volume of interview we need to schedule, your interview hasn't been scheduled yet. You are advised to check the case status again if you still haven't received an appointment package after a couple of months.



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Let me make a wild guess here. Your P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 was entered into the system. :rolleyes: That's great news. You are now in the queue. Good luck.


One thing I would suggest is that you confirm with GZ the mailing address (in English and Chinese) for the P4. Since your SO did not actually receive the P3, you certainly want to make sure that they know where to send the P4. You'll need the appointment letter from the P4 which can't be downloaded.

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"And now to pull a rabbit out of my hat"

Thats great that worked, Ya download them to see what you need to do. She will need P-4 because it contains the interview letter which is needed to get in the door :rolleyes:

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Great News !    :blink:


I just sent Don some newer P4 files for him to upload to the P4 area. I know that the OF-171 is older edition.


And as someone pointed out in another thread, GIV-8 (Medical exam instructions) are not there.


CFL, Do you think I should start filling out the P4 forms like the P3 early? Then just wait for the P4 packet to arrive with the interview letter? Also the fee that was mentioned in the P3 packet should my SO pay that now?


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Guest ShaQuaNew
CFL, Do you think I should start filling out the P4 forms like the P3 early? Then just wait for the P4 packet to arrive with the interview letter? Also the fee that was mentioned in the P3 packet should my SO pay that now?



I think it's wise protocol to download the forms from here ahead of time and fill them out ahead of time. That way when the packets arrive you can refer to them, which will in turn speed the process and hopefully prevent errors....


My SO and I have done precisely that, and though your process is moving faster than ours, because you filed through Virginia, we still have the forms complete now.....

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Great News !    :blink:


I just sent Don some newer P4 files for him to upload to the P4 area.   I know that the OF-171 is older edition.


And as someone pointed out in another thread, GIV-8 (Medical exam instructions) are not there.


CFL, Do you think I should start filling out the P4 forms like the P3 early? Then just wait for the P4 packet to arrive with the interview letter? Also the fee that was mentioned in the P3 packet should my SO pay that now?



Fees: I am not sure if you have to show the P4 letter for paying the fee, as one has to for getting the interview.. I suspect so since the P4 also contains general instructions and list of approved banks to pay at.


So I would wait to pay... but probably needs to be done by the time you pickup the Medial exam envelope. Most are paying the fee prior to the medical (both done after P4 arrives).


The DS-156 (both english and chinese) and DS-156K are fillable.. so you could do those now. (I see that Don did update these files)


The GIV-24 and GNI-2 are not... but you could do those now as well.


I would be familiar with what to expect in the P4... a few did not get all the items, there's another thread about...

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