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1) I wanted the status of my case so i e-mailed GUZ (7/18/05)

2) Recieved 2 e-mails from GUZ --- 1st email(7/21/05) saying the P3 packet sent to my SO, and 2nd e-mail(7/21/05 10 mins later) saying they could not contact her so p3 was being sent to me.

3) MY SO and I filled out P3 forms from Donasho links- sent p3 last friday

4) I e-mailed GUZ on wednesday to give them my SO's address and mobile number because i was concerned the p4 would not go to her.

5) GUZ got my e-mail and called my SO on monday to say they were sending out P3 forms to her. She told them she already sent them in. (why wait for them) also my SO asked do you have my correct address and they must have checked k-1 supplemental sheet and found her address (why they couldnt find this before is beyond me)


This brings up a few thoughts:


:stupid: 1) they are checking the applications and tried to call her home phone number (but she is never home so I should have put her mobile number down on k1 application)

:stupid: 2) They said they are sending the p3 forms but when my SO said she already sent them in it was like they havent sent them out at all yet.

:jerry: 3) GUZ is responding to e-mails because they called my SO right away on her mobile number I provided to confirm her address.



I have various conclusions but figured some feedback would be good before I jump to any conclusions...... :stupid:

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Maybe they looked int their GZ version of their Triggtionary and found the word _efficient?????????


sure hope so--this sounds liek they are beinf firced to make an effort. Maybe the great gz god is finally aware of the problems they have had--enough people have writtenletters and contacted their reps--perhaps it really does help--we shall see!

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So who actually reviews all the documentation there prior to inteview? And is there any kind of documentation they keep when they contact you? Do they have any history? Sounds to me they have a bunch of people overworked and understaffed there (i feel sorry for them). Maybe they are junior staff workers who are just putting check marks on the applications and bounce anything that does not meet some standard? And your application only really gets looked at by the person or case officer reviewing your file for the interview. :) any thoughts?

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If you figure that your case has already been approved by USCIS and the only additonal things they have to look at are the DS-230 and what ever kind of report they get from the name check, there is not really a lot to review. All of the medical, family history, financial and additional proof of relationship is not given to them until the interveiw, and half of the time not even looked at. Many people believe that the descion is made before the interveiw. There is such a wild swing of what happens from being totaly denied and having your file sent back to USCIS to being asked one question and given the visa.......Common sense says that it can't be random, but then very little of this process falls into the common sense catagory.

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If you figure that your case has already been approved by USCIS and the only additonal things they have to look at are the DS-230  and what ever kind of report they get from the name check, there is not really a lot to review. All of the medical, family history, financial and additional proof of relationship is not given to them until the interveiw, and half of the time not even looked at. Many people believe that the descion is made before the interveiw. There is such a wild swing of what happens from being totaly denied and having your file sent back to USCIS to being asked one question and given the visa.......Common sense says that it can't be random, but then very little of this process falls into the common sense catagory.


So if they have already made up there mind that my SO will get a visa why the long wait from P3 to P4???? :P

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You must not have dealt with enough government workers/agencies.


I have asked the monk with the scabby head who conferred with the monk who has lame feet who then sent an email asking about this and he says that they received back an email (in less than a day, but after two previous emails went unanswered for a week) that said something like the following:


We have made up our minds and made a decision before hand.

However, after suffering long enough and hard enough, depending on how often you bother us, or have other people bother us, and how long it takes for the name check to be processed (which really, is a dart throwing contest at the local watering hole in DC, which is why that takes so long), we will in fact change our mind after you have arrived at the interview after jumping through a bunch of otherwise questionable procedural hoops.


If in fact you have done this, we will again change our minds, having previously already decided your fate, which is pretty much 99% pass anyway unless there is something glaringly obviously wrong with your papers, which to be truthful, if we looked hard enough we could find ( or make up if someone who nobody knows sends us an email about you, which we will take to be fact even though we know it isn't, and we certainly wouldn't allow you to respond to), but generally we won't unless someone put the orange juice carton back in the fridge empty the morning of your interview.


In which case, we will change our minds from what we had previously decided. If it is your turn that is. There is a long list of students who have been waiting at least two weeks, so be patient. Your in the soon to be waiting schedule, for the waiting to be scheduled, of those who have been waiting to be scheduled of a scheduled interview. Your guess is as good as ours, because we just work here. Don't respond to this email because we won't answer your question anyway. Have a pleasant day.

Edited by nooneufo (see edit history)
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