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fingerprint fun and unsealed X rays

Guest fhtb

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I have a couple of questions:


1. On both the AOS and I-485 NOA, it says we need to get fingerprints and photos done yet AGAIN. (Guangzhou and LAX weren't enough??). We got an appt for late August over the phone. The I-485 NOA says it takes 30-90 days to process. Will they hold up the I-485 approval until the fingerprints are done? Or do they only *really* need the fingerprints for the AOS? Or do they not actually need the fingerprints at all, because they have so many images of my wife's fingers already, she barely has any !(*#@!(!( lines left!


2. We had a medical appt with a civil surgeon who copied over my wife's vaccination record and gave us a sealed envelope. He also opened the X-rays and looked at them. Is this a problem? I've heard of other people bringing the sealed X-rays to the AOS interview. Has anyone else had the civil surgeon look at their X-rays? I'm worried we might have to get new x-rays.





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If it says on the I-797C notice to make an appointment for fingerprinting and it also has an ASC number on it, you better make that appointment.


As far as the x-ray goes; take it if you want to but they never look at it. I mean, is an USCIS Immigration Officer a Radiologist too!...

It's usually the Civil Surgeon who looks at it. We took my wife's X-ray to the Civil Surgeon and he said just throw it away. It was already over 12 months old.

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  I have a couple of questions:


1. On both the AOS and I-485 NOA, it says we need to get fingerprints and photos done yet AGAIN. (Guangzhou and LAX weren't enough??). We got an appt for late August over the phone. The I-485 NOA says it takes 30-90 days to process. Will they hold up the I-485 approval until the fingerprints are done? Or do they only *really* need the fingerprints for the AOS? Or do they not actually need the fingerprints at all, because they have so many images of my wife's fingers already, she barely has any !(*#@!(!( lines left!


2. We had a medical appt with a civil surgeon who copied over my wife's vaccination record and gave us a sealed envelope. He also opened the X-rays and looked at them. Is this a problem? I've heard of other people bringing the sealed X-rays to the AOS interview. Has anyone else had the civil surgeon look at their X-rays? I'm worried we might have to get new x-rays.






now now now, I sense a little hostility here . . .


How can you expect our country to pay off it's national debt if they don't charge you $70 for 5 minutes of a federal employees work?!?


maybe they need another set of fingerprints to see if your wife has morphed into an alien creature!


Maybe they have to pay some old lady to make a paper print of each of the fingerprints and store them in big file cabinets with a secret code on them so her identity will be protected.


Maybe they really need 3 electronic copies of the same fingerprints because they are so incompetent, they could actually lose, misplace, mislable or otherwise mess up 2 of the 3.


But don't you feel better now that the security of our country has been lumped into one big homeland security agency and that they will have 3 copies of her fingerprints (while 11 million illegal aliens walk the streets of our country??)


Sorry for getting off on a tangent and for being a BIT cynical, but I had to spend about 3 hours on hold over the course of a week just to get our fingerprint appt!

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The I-485 is for AOS. Two reason for fingerprints; first is for the EAD (if you applied for one) and the second is to send to the FBI for yet, another, background check in connection with the AOS. A green card won't be issued until the fingerprint check comes back.


Toss the x-ray film. No one wants to see it. I'm surprised the civil surgeon looked at it, or that you even took it with you. You certainly won't be asked for it at the AOS interview.


oops, I guess I meant I-765? I'm so sick of these forms I can't even bear to look at them any more, let alone remember which is which!


The reason I ask the fingerprint question is when I called to get her an appt, I was given a choice of two dates which were roughly a month apart. The quicker one (in late July) was difficult to make for a number of reasons, so I chose the later date (in late August). I still don't think we could have made the earlier date but now I'm beginning to realize what a miracle it may have been to even have been offered it. My wife is starting to get a lot of job interest, and I hate to see the EAD held up any more than it has to be.


My wife is a K1. Somewhere along the line we got the impression that she was allowed to work for some amount of time (90 days?) based on the K1. In fact, I think the guy at the Social Security office said that. I looked on the USCIS web site and all I see is that it says a K1 has a right to apply for a work permit. Her social security card says "employers: call the Dept of Homeland Security if you want to hire this person" (or something like that). This seems consistent to me with the notion that maybe the K1 does allow her to work but for only a limited time.


At the moment, we are at a loss as to what to tell potential employers. Can one of the sage veterans shed some light on this? Is she allowed to work now (before getting an EAD) or isn't she? If she is, is there a time limit on it? I assume there must be, or else why would one need to apply for an EAD?


THANKS VERY MUCH for the clarification on the usefulness of the X-rays at this point. The thing that made me nervous was, when we went to the appt with the civil doctor, bringing the sealed X-ray (which we presumed was meant for him), he said "Gee! I've never had a chance to look at one of these before!" Not exactly confidence-inspiring...

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How can you expect our country to pay off it's national debt if they don't charge you $70 for 5 minutes of a federal employees work?!?


maybe they need another set of fingerprints to see if your wife has morphed into an alien creature!


Maybe they have to pay some old lady to make a paper print of each of the fingerprints and store them in big file cabinets with a secret code on them so her identity will be protected.


Maybe they really need 3 electronic copies of the same fingerprints because they are so incompetent, they could actually lose, misplace, mislable or otherwise mess up  2 of the 3.


But don't you feel better now that the security of our country has been lumped into one big homeland security agency and that they will have 3 copies of her fingerprints (while 11 million illegal aliens walk the streets of our country??)


Sorry for getting off on a tangent and for being a BIT cynical, but I had to spend about 3 hours on hold over the course of a week just to get our fingerprint appt!





Of all the people I've ever spoken to during this process, the fingerprint appointment people seem to be the most maladjusted. They actually seem to resent you calling up to make an appointment! Perhaps I woke mine up...

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How can you expect our country to pay off it's national debt if they don't charge you $70 for 5 minutes of a federal employees work?!?


maybe they need another set of fingerprints to see if your wife has morphed into an alien creature!


Maybe they have to pay some old lady to make a paper print of each of the fingerprints and store them in big file cabinets with a secret code on them so her identity will be protected.


Maybe they really need 3 electronic copies of the same fingerprints because they are so incompetent, they could actually lose, misplace, mislable or otherwise mess up  2 of the 3.


But don't you feel better now that the security of our country has been lumped into one big homeland security agency and that they will have 3 copies of her fingerprints (while 11 million illegal aliens walk the streets of our country??)


Sorry for getting off on a tangent and for being a BIT cynical, but I had to spend about 3 hours on hold over the course of a week just to get our fingerprint appt!





Of all the people I've ever spoken to during this process, the fingerprint appointment people seem to be the most maladjusted. They actually seem to resent you calling up to make an appointment! Perhaps I woke mine up...


Surely you didn't make the rookie mistake of calling during time alloted for doing their nails!!! did you??

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THANKS VERY MUCH for the clarification on the usefulness of the X-rays at this point. The thing that made me nervous was, when we went to the appt with the civil doctor, bringing the sealed X-ray (which we presumed was meant for him), he said "Gee! I've never had a chance to look at one of these before!"  Not exactly confidence-inspiring...


LOL!!! confidence inspiring LOL


What book of matches did he get his diploma from?!?


"What, you mean they done gots contrapshins thet kin looks insides 'o peoples?"



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The K-1 right to work is always very confusing and I still don't have a good handle on it. You need an SSN, that part is clear. I'm somewhat convinced you also need a green card, EAD or an EAD stamp on the visa. To my knowledge, JFK is the only POE stamping temp EADs.


There's two parts to the work stuff, there is an authorization to work and proof of authorization. K-1 only provides the first part, EAD (or stamp) is the proof.


There's also a question of whether someone with a temp EAD can continue working after the 90 days ends and they get a their EAD card. Normally, if you have the card and file for renewal before it expires, you have 90 days that you can continue working. I've heard that is not true for the 90 day temp EAD.


Add to the confusion between USCIS and SSA, employers generally know little about such stuff other than what's written on the hiring form (forget what it is called). They need several proofs of right to work and some may not accept a temp stamp. Since they can be fined for employing someone without authorization, they may be leery of anyone who doesn't have a green card.


At this point I'd suggest looking in the Links & Resources for the SSN topic and then doing a search on britishexpats and/or VJ. I know there is a guy on brits who works for SSA and often answers questions. Both sites have a much larger base adn the AOS/EAD stuff doesn't matter where your other half is from.



Thanks Don,


I'll do a little more research and report back if I get any less confused than I already am.


When we applied for my wife's SSN, we asked whether K1s had a right to work. The guy at the counter said he thought so, went away for awhile, came back, and said that she did. When the card came a couple of weeks later, it had something written on it like "employers: call this number" on it. Perhaps that fits into your "authorization to work" vs "proof of authorization" theory. Maybe calling the number provides "proof of authorization."


Perhaps we should try calling the number ourselves! It just occured to me that I'm the owner of a corporation! I can ask them if my company can hire my wife legally!!


I think I'll try this experiment and report back later today or tomorrow.


- fhtb

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We took my wife's X-ray to the Civil Surgeon and he said just throw it away. It was already over 12 months old.


Hell don't throw it in the trash, get it framed and hang it up in the den like we did..


good idea, Manguera!

I do need something to hang over the mantel!... :blink:

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