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Auto Response from Bush

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Unfortunately, because of the large volume of email received, the President

cannot personally respond to each message. However, the White House staffconsiders and reports citizen ideas and concerns.


You know what this means. It means that my one email will probably not have much if any effect. Therefore, each of us (all 239 of us) need to send the President an email. If you don't have the time or whatever to compose your own, just copy, paste, and edit mine with your information. In numbers we may have strength.

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Unfortunately, because of the large volume of email received, the President

cannot personally respond to each message.  However, the White House staffconsiders and reports citizen ideas and concerns.


You know what this means.  It means that my one email will probably not have much if any effect.  Therefore, each of us (all 239 of us) need to send the President an email.  If you don't have the time or whatever to compose your own, just copy, paste, and edit mine with your information.  In numbers we may have strength.

just curious.. How many of the 239 you think are still waiting? I would have no clue really.

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You are right. Somebody keeps a list of subject matter of emails, snail mail, faxes, etc. Unless they receive a volume of complaints, it will never be look at. One letter doesn't count, 200 do. Believe me, even if it is a White House staffer, if a White House staffer calls a State or Justice staffer and says what the **** is going on over there? Somebody will feel threatened and more attention will be paid to the problem.

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just curious.. How many of the 239 you think are still waiting? I would have no clue really.

I have wondered this myself. I would guess that there are still at least 200 - no real scientific basis, just a guess based on the members that have said they received their visas. I know that we have 7 more members today that we had yesterday morning when the count stood at 232. I know also that there are many unregistered guests reading this forum. Possibly some of these are interviewees still waiting, but for whatever reason have not joined the forum yet. After all, you don't have to register to read our forum.

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Unfortunately, because of the large volume of email received, the President

cannot personally respond to each message.  However, the White House staffconsiders and reports citizen ideas and concerns.


You know what this means.  It means that my one email will probably not have much if any effect.  Therefore, each of us (all 239 of us) need to send the President an email.  If you don't have the time or whatever to compose your own, just copy, paste, and edit mine with your information.  In numbers we may have strength.

That's the same response that I got!!!! :o :o I thought I was special in getting a response! :o :o

James... LOL..

That's an auto response remember??? Computers do NOT personalize auto-response, EVEN for you :rolleyes:

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Over 200 of us here. Each one of us sends one letter per day. In a week they have received 1000 letters from us on this subject. (If you write one letter per day, I will let you take the weekend off, ok?)


Several of us have posted form letters for the rest of the 200+ members to copy, paste, and edit, so it is very easy and will only take a few minutes of your busy day to send these letters. Isn't your love worth 15 minutes a day to send a letter to help bring her home?


We have strength in numbers. Make it personal.

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Over 200 of us here.  Each one of us sends one letter per day.  In a week they have received 1000 letters from us on this subject. (If you write one letter per day, I will let you take the weekend off, ok?)


Several of us have posted form letters for the rest of the 200+ members to copy, paste, and edit, so it is very easy and will only take a few minutes of your busy day to send these letters.  Isn't your love worth 15 minutes a day to send a letter to help bring her home? 


We have strength in numbers.  Make it personal.

what's the Prez email anyway? Pres@whitehouse.gov?

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Over 200 of us here.  Each one of us sends one letter per day.  In a week they have received 1000 letters from us on this subject. (If you write one letter per day, I will let you take the weekend off, ok?)


Several of us have posted form letters for the rest of the 200+ members to copy, paste, and edit, so it is very easy and will only take a few minutes of your busy day to send these letters.  Isn't your love worth 15 minutes a day to send a letter to help bring her home?  


We have strength in numbers.  Make it personal.

what's the Prez email anyway? Pres@whitehouse.gov?


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To help the July-September group get out of the black hole, I sent an e-mail also. This is what I got from vice president, auto-reply:


Thank you for emailing Vice President Cheney. Your ideas and comments

are very

important to him.


Unfortunately, because of the large volume of email received, the Vice

President cannot personally respond to each message. However, the White


staff considers and reports citizen ideas and concerns.


Again, thank you for your email. Your interest in the work of Vice


Cheney and the administration is appreciated.



The White House Office of E-Correspondence

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