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ok Thoa's son, has father name on the Birth certificate, but the father not seen the son. he been around but totally ignore the son, even thou Thoa's mother trying to get them married *sign* Thoa said she has no Idea where he at, and say that viet nam law give her full rights since she never been married to him. the Boy is 3 years old and do not know who his father is. (side note is he ask his mom is I was going to be his dad, have to say I feel very fatherly at the moment)


Question do we need the father permission to get the boy here?


yes the trouble soul asking another stupid question


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Given the tricky nature of your situation now, I wouldn't let anything else get in the way of slipping you up.


It seems to me that this process is all about 'proof'. What proof do you have that Thoa never married him? Does she have a 'single certificate' ? And can she get one that also states the boy is in her full custody?


I would get something in writing to back it up.


The experiences shared on CFL, the chinese beneficiary has to have 'full custody'... sometimes this is stated on the divorce decree or is a letter signed by father in front of a notary..

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I agree with David in this. Proof, proof, proof..... Cover all bases to show the father according to the Vietnamese government has no rights regarding the boy. Does the birth certificate include any statement of marital status in addition to just mother, father?


Even unmarried the stickler is that the U.S. gives rights and obligations. If Vietnam does not, proof of it would go a long way in this matter. This might be one of those situations where the embassy already knows about the Vietnamese situation. I think it may be time to start asking specific questions to the IV unit in Vietnam.


The U.S. and Vietnam have recently made an agreement regarding adoption. Perhaps adoption would be a possibilty for dealing with the boys visa. usvisa@state.gov is the email given and 202-663-1225 the DOS number. It seems they do not have any listed direct contact for visas.


Here is the new announcement regarding adoption.


This number is listed for information. 1-888-407-4747

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Thoa getting a certifation of single for me, her bio she has to carry for police show she never been married and has a son.


the Thoa's mother added the father name to the boy birth certificate in march hoping that would force Thoa to marry the guy.


She single, and way I understand it he has no right to son unless he was married to her. Guess I might have to talk to a lawyer on that one.



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Guest ShaQuaNew
Thoa's mother added the father name to the boy birth certificate in march hoping that would force Thoa to marry the guy.


She single, and way I understand it he has no right to son unless he was married to her. Guess I might have to talk to a lawyer on that one.




To be sure, the one constant in the universe (excluding artificial insemination) is that it takes two to make a child. You will need complete, unequivocable, documented, translated, and notarized agreement from your SO's child's father. Moving in that direction will serve you well. Good luck.


J & L

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