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Success! Visa in hand!

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I would have posted earlier but I'm in China and candleforlove.com is inaccessible. It wasn't until yesterday that I found the candleforlove.com site through a post on visajourney.com


Anyway, my fiancee had her interview last Wednesday, June 29th and got her visa 2 days later!!! :D The interview was actually short and sweet and since my fiancee's English is quite good everything was done in English. The guy--super-nice, middle-aged, thin, average height, no glasses, spiky hair--asked how we met, and then he asked where I was. She said I was outside waiting and then he asked to see my passport copy, presumably to see my residence permit which we had decided not to bring in because of domicile issues. (I've been in China for over 2 years teaching and studying) The interviewer said he couldn't find anything in my passport showing I was there but my fiancee said, "Why don't you come outside with me to see him?" The guy said, "That's ok, I believe you" and handed her the pink approval slip!!! No requests for any other documents, just my passport copy!!! Haha, and to think of all the time I spent worrying!!!


The only complaint I have is that I had to wait outside in the humidity and heat biting my nails ALL DAY before we knew the result. She was in there the whole morning--we started waiting at 8, the time on her letter, and she didn't get inside until around 9. Then she came out at noon because they couldn't get to her in the morning. She went back in at 1, and then finally had her interview around 4:30. I must have lost about 5 pounds waiting and sweating!!! We were in Guangzhou for one week and this was the only day where it didn't rain until later in the night. Also--it was sort of interesting--while we were on Shamian Island (we stayed at the Shamian Hotel--Shamian Bingguan) the island actually became flooded and engulfed in water so that most of the businesses there had to put sandbags in front of their doors. I'm told that this happens maybe once every 3 to 5 years. A good omen? I'm sure of it now!!!


We leave for the US in a few days!!!! :D ;) :D :D :P B)


PS if anyone wants the information from the P-3 or P-4 letters, to try and predict interview dates, please let me know where I should send.

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CONGRATULATIONS!!! :greenblob: :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob:


Now the important stuff. Since Blenz where everyone said they wait during interview is still on Shamian, where do you wait at the new place. I am sure those coming after you want to know.


Ok enough chit chat. Time to move to the next step. Best Wishes to you both.

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And I have a question,so you have been in china while you apply for K-1 for your fiance?My husband is American,he has been in China too.Now we want to get my K-3 visa,but from what we read,it seems that he will have to go back to US to apply,because he doesn't have permanent residence permit in China,he can't DFC here :greenblob: I'm long for your experience sharing,Thanks. Congratulations again!

my email address:chlittlerose@hotmail.com

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Thanks for all the congratulations!!!


Dan R,


I am not sure where people will wait/stay after the consulate moves. Her interview was on the 29th and they were still using the place on Shamian Island at that point.




I didn't pay much attention to the domicile/residence issue when petitioning the K-1 visa. As far as I'm concerned, the US is my home and I only came to China to gain some experience and see a new part of the world after graduating from university. I met my fiancee here and stayed a little longer than I'd originally intended, though I did hold a temporary residence permit for China which comes with any teaching job here. This of course means that my income was not high enough to meet the 125% poverty threshold, but I am lucky enough to have a good amount of assets in the US as well as a very supportive family who backed me up very strongly as co-sponsors. I also have a valid US driver's license from my home state which was necessary and firm plans to return to the US shortly for graduate school. (A solid job offer would be even better). I hope that begins to answer your question.

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