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China Bound With Kids

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I am heading back for my second trip to Fushun, China (the first was in April) to be with my SO, but this time I am taking my 14 and 16 year old sons with me. They have been to Europe a few times with me, but this will be their first trip to Asia. It will certainly be adventure like no other they have experienced in their life time. My SO is very excited about all of us visiting and has made all sorts of plans. Her 16 year old son is looking forward to meeting western kids for the first time. We'll be there from July 17 - 31 and it will be a chance for my sons to meet her, her son and her extended family. Any one out there ever brought their kids along? Any tips and/or advice? Xie Xie :lol: :lol:

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Man, if there were some way to have your sons to have a "tour guide" of their age who spoke English to show them the way things really are, it would be invaluable in my eyes, so if her son knows any English, let 'em run free.


Granted, I have no children. Just tried to put myself in their shoes for this. What an opportunity!!!

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Man, if there were some way to have your sons to have a "tour guide" of their age who spoke English to show them the way things really are, it would be invaluable in my eyes, so if her son knows any English, let 'em run free.


Granted, I have no children.  Just tried to put myself in their shoes for this.  What an opportunity!!!


I have let see looking around the house 1 nephew and 2 nieces same age as Hai so I do not think he be bore from lack of friends




go enjoy trip with your kids

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Guest Gene

My son is 10 and his new brother is 11. They had never flown out of the country so it was quit an adventure for them. We had gameboys for them on the long flight and we were lucky to have the planes with private TV screens with lots of movies and games. While we were in China him and his brother ran around quit a bit, to the zoo a few parks. We were real busy with Visa stuff and the weather was pretty crummy, you would have thought I brought Seattle weather with me, anyway we didn't do alot a sight seeing. Made one trip to Bei hai, he got to drive a motor scooter all over the place, since my brother-in-law works for the police. But again the weather wasn't good enough to go swimming or play on the beach. We did run into a bunch of soldiers one day that my brother-in-law knew, they were target practicing so we all got to partake. Most of our time was spent in Guangzhou. Nextime we will get to Nanning and back to Bei hai, with better weather.

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Wow sounds great! Wait til they see the shops with large carvings of jet from the coal mines. They may not like the coal dust and fumes in the air but there is plenty to keep active in the area. I hope they have adventerous tastes. Europe certainly doesn't prepare one for Chinese variety of cuisine. Liaoning Sheng is certainly different from other regions of China. It isn't what you expect from American Chinese food.


It would be nice if you could post your pictures of it on http://www.virtualtourist.com Fushun is poorly represented.


Below a bridge is a shop selling jade. THe carved fish bowls on pedestals with goldfish in them might be interesting.


I'll never forget the miners there staring at me in groups. THey were all bundled up and covered with coal dust. Except for the circles around their eyes where the goggles protected them in the mine.


The Palace and Mao statue in Shenyang only an hour away might be interesting or the caves. They can also pick up cool software (games) at the computer places.


I hope you all have a blast.

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Pedestrians do not have the right of way.


Red lights mean absolutely nothing.

If you can, get them a mobile phone. They're pretty cheap here. Also remind them that pickpockets do not discriminate by age.


I thougth it there was just one rule:


There is no such thing as lights nor right of way, for pedestrians, bikers, or vehicles.. it's a chaotic free for all...

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What a wonderful thing!! My 16 year old is wheelchair bound, and the idea of bringing him to China during my visits was a non starter. I think MarkLuvsShuPing brought his son with him. Maybe he'll chime in.


Just remember, there's no drinking age in China, at least none that I saw. :lol:

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Your beautiful ladie's son knows some English, just give the bunch a pocket translator and let them run wild, he will keep them outta trouble, he's a great kid.


Make sure you photocopy their passports and visa's. Make a few then let them carry the copy when wandering and lock up the real thing.

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Don't know if you have an ex - but I read somewhere that it is a good idea to have a permission slip from the other spouse when travelling with minor children. Since your kids are older it might not be much of an issue. I know the Canadian customs really give me a hassle whenever I take my kids across the border

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I forgot the oh so important;


Watch where you step. B)


Thanks for all the help and information so for. It is much appreciated. Both boys enjoy Korean food, so maybe close enough to the cuisine of Fushun. They are pretty good at ethnic foods, with sushi being their favorite, followed by Korean food. Now that they are out of school, they are both studying Mandarin Chinese via Pimsleur CD's and doing pretty good. We are looking forward to the experience! Keep the tips coming. :D



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You like Korean food! Are you and the boys in luck. There is a great multistory Korean restaurant in Fushun that opened about three years ago. Sorry I don't remember the name but you drive in a driveway between two buildings There is a parking lot behind and the restaurant with dining room and private rooms. In the gallery the Fushun pic was taken there. I hope you can find it. It was one of the best Korean meals I've had and I eat regularly in L.A. Koreatown.


If it would upset the boys too much to try canine cuisine be sure to tell your SO. And make it clear to her she must let them know when it is being served. Lioaning Sheng is the best known place for BBQ and soup canine. Every Korean restaurant I went to in Liaoning served it and many Chinese places do too. So make sure she understands if it bothers you or the boys. Chinese like to serve it to see the reaction and actually have a hard time believing there is really a problem.


If you are game then I preferred the BBQ over the soup.


Oh and if you get to that Korean restaurant they have some interesting varieties of sauces and spice dips I hadn't had before. WOW! uh can I come with you?

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I just returned from 2 weeks in NanNing with my SO and I took my 17 year old daughter and 19 year old son. Told them to say hello to their future Step Mother.

Give them the pocket translator and let them run with kids in the family!

They had a blast...the two swords my son bought even made it back!

I offered them business class seats or $600US and a coach seat...of course, they took the money!

Now there was one night chugging beers with the gang and singing with the band that my children admitted opened up a side they had not seen in me in a long time....HAPPINESS....

Now if I can only get Yun here with me!

Oh and they had a movie camera and we shot alot of film. The movie shot from the back of the motor scooter was worth it's weight in laughs!

.....and try and remain calm.


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I just returned from 2 weeks in NanNing with my SO and I took my 17 year old daughter and 19 year old son.  Told them to say hello to their future Step Mother.

Give them the pocket translator and let them run with kids in the family!

They had a blast...the two swords my son bought even made it back!

I offered them business class seats or $600US and a coach seat...of course, they took the money!

Now there was one night chugging beers with the gang and singing with the band that my children admitted opened up a side they had not seen in me in a long time....HAPPINESS....

Now if I can only get Yun here with me!

Oh and they had a movie camera and we shot alot of film.  The movie shot from the back of the motor scooter was worth it's weight in laughs!

.....and try and remain calm.



wonderful story Phil.. sorry you had to come back ! :offtopic:

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