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I know that this is a strange question to be asking, but I wasn't sure just where to ask.

My So is hoping to get her interview soon, and should she get the Visa, she wants to bring her small dog back to the USA with her. She does what she can to try & keep up with all of the shots, but has no Lisence for him. Although he is very talented, I think that it would just break her heart to have to leave him behind as he has been her dear companion when ever I haven't been her with her.

Any one know of the procedures and requirments on this? Any info would be great.


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Being an animal-lover myself (dogs, horses, cats, you name it) I know what your SO is feeling. Here is a statement about importing dogs to the US, found at the CDC web site -- http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dq/animal.htm :


"Dogs (Note: this section updated July 12, 2004)

Pet dogs are subject to inspection at ports of entry for evidence of infectious diseases that can be transmitted to humans. If a dog appears to be ill, further examination by a licensed veterinarian might be required. In addition, dogs must be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days prior to entry into the United States. Unvaccinated puppies younger than 4 months of age must be confined by the importer until at least 3 months of age, vaccinated against rabies, and confined for 30 additional days following vaccination. All dogs not accompanied by proof of rabies vaccination may be admitted providing the importer completes a confinement agreement (form CDC 75.37) ( PDF file PDF version formatted for print [76 KB/2 pages]). Such a dog must be kept in confinement during transit to, and be vaccinated within 4 days of arrival at, the U.S. destination and must remain in confinement for at least 30 days after the date of vaccination. These requirements apply equally to service animals such as Seeing Eye dogs. Unvaccinated dogs originating from or located for the previous 6 months or more in areas that are free of rabies are exempt from this requirement at the time of importation. Following entry into the United States, all dogs are subject to state and local vaccination requirements. All pet dogs arriving in the state of HawaiiDisclaimer and the territory of Guam,Disclaimer even from the U.S. mainland, are subject to locally imposed quarantine requirements. Additional information can be found in the Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control, which can be found at: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5309a1.htm."


If your SO gets her dog vaccinated in China, I think it would be a good idea to get a notarized translation of the vaccination. The rabies vaccination is the important one, and I am reasonably certain that China is not considered one of the few countries to be "free of rabies." (I think only the UK and Ireland qualify for that.)


I don't know what state you're in, but you will have to research your state's requirements for importation of dogs.


Hope this helps. You have to jump through some hoops, but if the dog is healthy, you shouldn't have any problems.

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