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passed the interview

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Liwen had the interview yesterday and passed it with flying colors. I think the preparation was the key because she said lots of people were asked many questions but her interview lasted about 90 seconds. It convinces me more that they have pretty much made up their minds on a certain number of applicants that meet some subjective bar that they have raised.

Here is the jist of the ninety second interview

1. Where are you from?

2. Who is your sponsor?

3. Where was he born? (She said Oregon and told me she was nervous and knew the correct answer was Chicago.)

4. Where does he live now? (Eugene, Oregon)

5. When did he divorce?

6. Why did he divorce? (she gave her own answer based on our conversations -- because she was selfish and did not love him.)

7. What is his job?

8.) May I see his employment letter?

She handed him that whicch included all my financials. He only looked at my letter from my employer and then said -- you pass. That was it - nothing else looked at -- and we had the kitchen skink in clear plastic envelopes that were all labeled.


It rained like cats and dogs as I waited outside. Thunderstorm and close lightening bolts. Her interview time was set at 1pm. In the morning they only asked her two questions - where is she from and the sponsor's name. The 1pm group was about 50 people and i guess over 100 people were in the 2pm group. Most everyone came out from the 1PM group except Liwen. So I was starting to get worried. The heavy rain had scattered the guards to shelter so i walked up to the consulate and tried to look in to see if i could see her waiting for me. Well the chinese guards inside came out and told me to come inside. So I did and the first thing they ask for is my passpot -- several times. I tell then that I do not have my pasport but Liwen has it. They finally understood and I asked them if all the 1pm interviews were done and they said no. So I thanked them and went back outside into the rainstorm.

Liwen finally came out with another woman who she met in line and waited for inside. She needed help getting to the China Post to pay for the visa and of course thanks to all the reports from candle, I had already scoped it out and took them both there. There was an elderly man with a chinese wife and daughter and i helped them with their questions about vaccinations and where to pick up the visa -- again knowledge I had thanks to candle eand especially David for his complete packet of info.

Observations made by liwen:

Most people passed the interview in her group, but many were asked lots of questions -- most centered primarilly on the financials. But most were able to answer satisfactorily. One lady from Beijinmg was rejected, but Liwen did not know the reason.

My observations:

I do not know if they even knew I was there, but the emotional support I provided was very important. Liwen was very quiet the first few days until last night. Now she is laughing more and we are both sleeping better.

Even though she was only asked for one supporting document, I highly recommed the kitchen sink approach -- not too many photos, not too many letters, emails or phone bills -- just a sample over time to show the ongoing nature of the relationship.

She said everyone there inside the consulate was very nice.

And finally,

The group at candle was indispensible to our preparations. Knowledge is power -- and thanks to candle and again especially to David for his compilation of info.

Now we are off to some island off the south coast to bird watch, hike and relax -- I guess it is Hainan Island or something like that.Then train back to Wuhan to see her family and friends. I wll fly back on JUly 10th and she will take care of a myriad of details and be here at the beginning of September.

It is a great feeling to have this done and I wish all the people waiting the best of luck and again to emphasize that I believe preparation is the key.

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Wow, great post. My wife is inside now.. I hope. Last I spoke to her was at the hotel, and she sprained her ankle.. ugh. Told her no blood, no foul. Get up and get to the embassy...



Ahhh.. like Roger, I wear the pants... for now anyway.




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Guest ShaQuaNew

:greenblob: CONGRATULATIONS! :greenblob:



Wonderful news. It's great to hear the story of how things transpired and the questions asked. Wishing you great happiness in your future.


J & L

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