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Did I Screw Up????

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I got the DS-230 (P-3) Friday last week. I filled out the information and yesterday (Monday) I sent the packet to Ying via Global Express Mail. This morning (Tuesday) I was surprised to see Ying online waiting for me. She said she had read on 001 that I needen't have sent her the DS-230, but could have signed it myself as her agent. Is this true? Did I add extra time onto our wait because I sent the paperwork to China for her signature?


If this is true everybody please castigate me about the head and shoulders and whip me, in true Chinese fashion, with a wet noodle



P.S. check out the new additions to my signature box......I like it.

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Cool flags. I think you did your 230 as I did. So no wet noodle whipping..



Unless of course you want one...




Thanks, there was something in what she said to me that just did not pass the smell test. :lol:


As for the whipping, call it my daily pennance in my quest for celibacy :lol: .

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I prepared her forms for her also.


Where her signature is required I put a sticky note with an arrow pointing

to the box.


For her name in Chinese I did a cut & paste.


No problems.


She even complemented me on how professional the forms look.


She's a desktop publisher.

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