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UPDATE on my K1 case

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Posting some facts about my case for all of you currently or will soon be at the GUZ point of your journey.


Everything for my K1 visa petition went smootly until the interview came. My SO was denied the visa, getting all popular but unwanted blue slip. The reason was 'lack of proof of a bonafide relationship'. She was told to further submit more evidence to prove that it is a bonafide relationship. Requesting nothing specific, just mentioned that whatever we think would further prove the relationship that we provide to GUZ.


The interview last for up to 5 minutes long, from what I learned on here that was too long. Not good! Most sucessful interviews lasts for maybe a maximum of couple seconds. It is true they know before the interview what the outcome will be while you sit there and freak out. The person who interviewed her was an american who spoke chinese. My SO said he left numerous times, joked around with other co-workers while interviewing her. After the waiting for him to come back and joking with co-workers, he did of total of nothing. Went thru the package; focused on my tax papers. Asked SO what school i went to college at; she said she doesnt know. Asked her how many times i've been back; she answered twice(didnt really go into detail). And finally ask her why she wants to marry in usa(she answered to have our wedding there with me an family). Didnt look at pictures, other docs, nothing, then presented the slip of blue.


My SO panic and started to consult with those people that supposly have underground connection to GUZ. The ones that charged a specified amount and you dont pay till you have the k1 in hand. That specified amount is outrageous and usually requested in US funds. We'll call these 'GUZ hookups' for the failed k1 interviews. The first hookup she consulted with set up a meeting with her. He told her to bring all her paperwork; he looked at everything and said no problem. Told her a ridicoulous amount and a date of completion. The time frame was 2 weeks for him to complete the ordeal. After the first week he contact my SO and told her he was unable to perform the task. Not really a reason given about why or why not the task could not be completed. Next person she consulted with; said they were able to complete the task. The unspecified amount to this day is unknown. My SO didnt tell me how much her parents ended up paying. I know that it was about double that GUZ hookup number 1. Number 2 Guz hookup first suggested she send all info back to me to have a lawyer here in the states verify everything. (Fun begins)


Took the info to local immigration lawyer to have them go thru everything and sign there name on certain pages. Basically make it look good to send back for GUZ. Way and behold the lawyer office set this back for almost a month. Told us a week, then after almost a month; we had to get into a argument with laywer.


I gotta get of work i will continue...this

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I thought your SO is already here in USA.


This is from your post:




"I thought i was the only one on here to having these similiar issues. After reading thru everyones posts about after there SO gets here and how happy everyone is.

I've been so busy since my SO got here that i havent even updated my time line or anything. All the things that i used to do have all been put on hold. Focusing on helping my SO adjust to her new home. She has been here for over a month.

Im so confused sometimes too, not sure what to do. I know she is trying to adjust to her new home."

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sorry about the confusion, my SO is here. She got here in may; just wanted to post my case for others in the process.


Part 2: After the month set back from the immigration laywer. Who was to perform a simple task. To this day i still cant believe of all people, i got screwed over by a lawyer i hired. When all said and done; a portfolio was created with all my documents all neatly ready to present to GUZ.


According to GUZ hookup this would do it, nothing more. GUZ hookup had connection supposly on the inside who told them that for this case. All that was needed was verificiation that a realtionship was legit by a US lawyer. Sent the massive packet back ($80 fed ex); same week she recieved. She took it to guz and dropped it of, was told to return for results the next day.


She returned the next day, to find another hurdle present by GUZ. They were requesting a video of me speaking the native language. The checkbox on the slip she recieved stated a video. To further indicate we can communicate since she cannot speak english. With the help of a friend this video was created. I was to speak chinese in taishanese dialect nonstop for 10min. At first it was kinda awkward, but then everything started to flow. I ended up creating a 30min video, of myself speaking chinese. I just started out by sitting down intro myself, then going around the house and describing things.


Sent video back in vhs format ($50 fed ex); she brought to consolute. Came back next day and recieved her visa on the same day.


That was my case in a nutshell, for everyone that is in the immigration process now. Wonder if I had submitted the video earlier what excuse GUZ would come up with. No telling whats going inside GUZ....

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I see alot of people getting upset when they get a blue slip. But, it seems that people who meet online or have a language barrier are the majority that are given blue slips. I think it is GZ's duty to put tough standards on certain cases. If you ask anyone with a 3rd person view of these things, most people would be suspicious of internet relationships or couples that can not communicate.


However, it's a good chance for the couple to overcome a small hurdle. If your relationship is real, then you will be able to overcome that blue slip and prove to them you have a legitimate relationship. Alot of people get mad at GZ for this, but you really should see it from their perspective. It seems to be the consensus that most everyone here is not treated well by GZ, so I would not feel they are "picking" on anyone or "making up things". Maybe they are just like those hardened cops no one likes, you must admit, they've probably seen it all. You know, if GZ was lax, there would be alot more fraudulent Visa cases, and alot of burned people.


Anyway, I must say I am quite impressed that you made a 30 minute video of yourself rambling on in Chinese. I couldn't go on for more than 4 or 5 minutes. That's a respectable accomplishment to prove GZ wrong :lol:

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I see alot of people getting upset when they get a blue slip. But, it seems that people who meet online or have a language barrier are the majority that are given blue slips.  I think it is GZ's duty to put tough standards on certain cases. If you ask anyone with a 3rd person view of these things, most people would be suspicious of internet relationships or couples that can not communicate.


However, it's a good chance for the couple to overcome a small hurdle. If your relationship is real, then you will be able to overcome that blue slip and prove to them you have a legitimate relationship. Alot of people get mad at GZ for this, but you really should see it from their perspective. It seems to be the consensus that most everyone here is not treated well by GZ, so I would not feel they are "picking" on anyone or "making up things". Maybe they are just like those hardened cops no one likes, you must admit, they've probably seen it all. You know, if GZ was lax, there would be alot more fraudulent Visa cases, and alot of burned people.


Anyway, I must say I am quite impressed that you made a 30 minute video of yourself rambling on in Chinese. I couldn't go on for more than 4 or 5 minutes. That's a respectable accomplishment to prove GZ wrong :lol:

Unless you have been through it you would't understand. Also it is not just people who met online or have language issues. Most of us here met on line and have at least some language barrier. The insidious thing about blue slips is there is no common thread. Many cases where the petitioner has only been to China once and the benificiary barely speaks any English get passed without trouble. Other cases like mooncarolcafe where the petitioner had to have extra pages put in the passport because he had been to China so many times get run through the ringer.

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I see alot of people getting upset when they get a blue slip. But, it seems that people who meet online or have a language barrier are the majority that are given blue slips.  I think it is GZ's duty to put tough standards on certain cases. If you ask anyone with a 3rd person view of these things, most people would be suspicious of internet relationships or couples that can not communicate.


However, it's a good chance for the couple to overcome a small hurdle. If your relationship is real, then you will be able to overcome that blue slip and prove to them you have a legitimate relationship. Alot of people get mad at GZ for this, but you really should see it from their perspective. It seems to be the consensus that most everyone here is not treated well by GZ, so I would not feel they are "picking" on anyone or "making up things". Maybe they are just like those hardened cops no one likes, you must admit, they've probably seen it all. You know, if GZ was lax, there would be alot more fraudulent Visa cases, and alot of burned people.

Might want to be careful stating an honest opinion or observation, no matter how well-intentioned in here. That being said, I'm glad you did it. I can all but guarantee you that some peole in the room will benefit from it, and go that extra mile in their preparations. Yes, some may be offended. I'll take being offended now over being denied later, anytime.


I caught flak a few weeks ago for pointing out an observiation my wife made from her interview based on the attire of the applicant.


As long as the observation is not malicious or directed at individuals, I feel it should be welcomed.

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I see alot of people getting upset when they get a blue slip. But, it seems that people who meet online or have a language barrier are the majority that are given blue slips.  I think it is GZ's duty to put tough standards on certain cases. If you ask anyone with a 3rd person view of these things, most people would be suspicious of internet relationships or couples that can not communicate.


However, it's a good chance for the couple to overcome a small hurdle. If your relationship is real, then you will be able to overcome that blue slip and prove to them you have a legitimate relationship. Alot of people get mad at GZ for this, but you really should see it from their perspective. It seems to be the consensus that most everyone here is not treated well by GZ, so I would not feel they are "picking" on anyone or "making up things". Maybe they are just like those hardened cops no one likes, you must admit, they've probably seen it all. You know, if GZ was lax, there would be alot more fraudulent Visa cases, and alot of burned people.

Might want to be careful stating an honest opinion or observation, no matter how well-intentioned in here. That being said, I'm glad you did it. I can all but guarantee you that some peole in the room will benefit from it, and go that extra mile in their preparations. Yes, some may be offended. I'll take being offended now over being denied later, anytime.


I caught flak a few weeks ago for pointing out an observiation my wife made from her interview based on the attire of the applicant.


As long as the observation is not malicious or directed at individuals, I feel it should be welcomed.

Finding out that honesty doesn't have many bed fellows are we?


Well, a blue slip is just an RFE ... and a request for evidence can happen at every stage.


I'm so mentally prepared for a blue slip, I'll get upset if I don't get one now... :lol:

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I gotta get out of the frame of mind of using the word "denial" when it comes to the blue slip.  An RFE is exactly that: a request for evidence, not a death sentence.

And when Wei tells you she 'doesn't want to tonight'.. .don't think of it as a denial, but request for more evidence that it is necessary to do tonight !! :blink: :lol:

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I gotta get out of the frame of mind of using the word "denial" when it comes to the blue slip.  An RFE is exactly that: a request for evidence, not a death sentence.

And when Wei tells you she 'doesn't want to tonight'.. .don't think of it as a denial, but request for more evidence that it is necessary to do tonight !! :blink: :lol:

Man, I just fell out of my chair! :lol: :lol:


I'd better start gathering evidence now.

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I gotta get out of the frame of mind of using the word "denial" when it comes to the blue slip.  An RFE is exactly that: a request for evidence, not a death sentence.

And when Wei tells you she 'doesn't want to tonight'.. .don't think of it as a denial, but request for more evidence that it is necessary to do tonight !! :blink: :lol:

Man, I just fell out of my chair! :lol: :lol:


I'd better start gathering evidence now.

don't worry.. your evidence will be readily at hand ! :o

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Dan, I'm glad you overcame the obstacles and hope you both have a good life together. In our particular case, after going through the nightmare of an endless name check process, we tried to have all possible evidence on hand for the interview, never thought that language was going to be an issue for the VO (my native language is spanish) but thanks to Candle the last time I visited China we decided to make a movie of us together at the apartment. Turned out I forgot to remind him to convert it into VHS format, but my now husband remembered to do it at the last minute and at the

interview he offered it to the VO when he raised the language issue. The lesson learned is that you should always assume that you're not prepared enough for the "GZ experience" :blink:

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