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No vacation...

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Man, I had the best vacation in the planning! With all these CIS dates coming up, I was going to take a real advantage of it! My plans were this, and they were spectacular!:


~Drive to Norfolk for my stepdaughter's fingerprinting on July 8th. Visit my family over the weekend while we were there. On Monday, catch the Amtrak Cresent out of Norfolk to D.C. Go to my wife's interview in Fairfax, VA on the 12th. Spend the 13th and 14th touring D.C. Catch the train back to Norfolk on the 15th. Say bye to the family. Hop in the car and drive back home! Sounds like a great vacation! Since I was a kid, I always wanted to see the Lincoln Memorial, not to mention the Washington, the Vietnam veterans wall, and all the rest!

And I was all ready to do it! I had 3 screens up. The amtrak reservations, a car rental one and a hotel one, getting them all coordinated and ready to click, click, click!

So what happens??? My wife was against it!!! said it was too much money! I told her not too worry about the money, it's not all that bad. Sure it's a few bucks but we should take advantage of this situation! She wouldn't budge on her idea! Wow!, kinda deflated my enthusiasm! And the little girl!, She threw a fit with her mother in ruining such a trip to visit D.C. and ride the train.

OH well, I think one can be too frugal but it's not worth arguing about. We will just do the ho-hum dull CIS crap putting many more miles on mmy car.

I guess I can always stand and look across the Potomac and dream of what could've been. :D Maybe skip a few rocks across the water.


P.S.- how do you say "old stick in the mud" in Chinese? :D

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Time to lie through your teeth. :lol: Tell her you have heard that the AOS interviews have begun to ask questions about family vacations and whether the petitioner has any knowledge of the nation's capital. Then tell her that you want her honest opinion whether the US trains are on a par with the Chinese trains. Then tell her that the cost of the trip will be reimbursed by the government and will be included in your tax refund (?) that you'll get next year.


If everything else fails, tell her you'll shave your beard. :lol:

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I guess you will always be out voted 2 to 1.

It's not easy.

When those two argue, I just kinda disappear. I learned a long time ago not to get involved. I tried that one time when the two were arguing and they both turned to me in the middle of their arguement and yelled, "SHUT UP!!"

Ever since then, I just let it go.


And to know who wears the pants in the house?...I do!, definitely and of course but don't tell my wife I said that!......... :D

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