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Internet contact with wife

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Hey everybody,


I was just wondering about how many people in this site get to talk to their SO on the internet frequently.  Ai Ye and I both have PC's at home. We talk to each other on  yahoo instant messenger every evening during the week.  Then twice a day on the weekend.



We did the same thing. For a long time!

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We chatted almost every night using yahoo messengar for over 2 years. In fact, it was yahoo chat where we first met in 2001.

One thing we did do every single day for over 2 years was to send e-cards to each other. Those are good memories now to look back on. I think now, there are no free yahoo e-cards like there used to be.

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We did the same thing. I had a pincity.com phone card that I would use about twice a month to show phone records but yahoo messenger was our main venue for contact. Both of us having webcams is what saved my sanity. Being able to see her face and hear her voice at the same time are memories I will cherish.

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We did pretty much the same as Frank. Yahoo messenger and the webcam thing. Often way into the wee hours of the mornings. it now seems funny o me. she spoke very little English and probobly half our webcam communicationwas done using the emoticon smiley things.


She would often make me move the webcam around so she could see the house and how much of a "messy man" I am. The only thing tht has changed is now I don't have to point the camera for her to say "messy man"--Oh, and we don'tuse emoticans too much now :blink: :D :( :( :ph34r: B) :P :D :lol: ;) :P :blink: :blink:

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I changed my work schedule so I could spend my evenings with Wei using Yahoo! messenger.  Gotta say I, too, have been forced to turn the cam on the room and get her complaints about being 'too messy.'

If my wife thought it was messy when I showed it to her, she should have seen it when the cleanin' lady had a week off!!!!

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Save all those internet chats. I did some of that before and I saved / logged them in a word file. I have a word file with a compilation of those chats. Nowadays, the 2.2 cents per minute calls through onesuite is preferred. Nothing beats hearing my laopo's voice and get to know if she is happy, worried, busy and whatever else. I don't have skype and video camera to chat and see each other.


Free greeting cards:



2.2 cents/min (through local access number) or 3.7 cents/min through toll free number:


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What's the quality of those calls? I use callingcard.com @ 3.5 cents/min through local access #s, but the quality isn't the best, and there are times when I can't get through at all. I've tried others in the past, and they've been even more frustrating, so, with the exception of my cell phone, I just dial directly through SBC at 10 cents/min when I'm home. It's more expensive, but the quality is much, much better.


Guess I'm falling into the "you get what you pay for" trap.

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What's the quality of those calls?  I use callingcard.com @ 3.5 cents/min through local access #s, but the quality isn't the best, and there are times when I can't get through at all.  I've tried others in the past, and they've been even more frustrating, so, with the exception of my cell phone, I just dial directly through SBC at 10 cents/min when I'm home.  It's more expensive, but the quality is much, much better.


Guess I'm falling into the "you get what you pay for" trap.

i think onesuite is the exception... you get MORE than you pay for. :( i use some other internet phone cards that sucked compared to onesuite. although, i have had few issues with onesuite, NONE of these issue happened often, nor do i consider them a bother. also, the audio quality is great. never had any issues with that.


well, the intermitent problems i have had are:

- call get cut off

- local access numbers are busy

- automated system doesn't recognize my phone, and i am requested to re-enter my pin


that's my view on onesuite. you cannot beat the price nor the quality. i guess skype does have a good internet voice chat, but for us it was hit and miss, and it was too restrictive... you could only talk if you were at your comp. phones offered much more flexiblity.


i agree with the sentiment that there's nothing quite like hearing your SO's voice, and with phone this cheap i don't think you can go wrong. we talked multiple times a day (morns on the way to work, and nights), plus we chatted once in a while. chatting was just not the same.


our most ideal way to communicate was to talk on the phone and use the webcam. :D


ps - fyi, the best thing about onesuite is the automatic pin entry, and speed dial... from my cell phone, i could connet to edith, at any of her locations, with only 5 key presses... sweeeet!!! ... just another little perk from onesuite. :ph34r: (13 key from my home phone... still not too shabby!!!)

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