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Dateline: Chengdu

LiuXia gets a phone call from GUZ on Friday- Wednesday interview will be CR1 instead of K3.

I arrived Chengdu Saturday night and we travelled to GUZ Sunday. We stayed at a hotel about 4 blocks from the embassy, off the island. Don't know the name of the place (001 sisters can find out), but it was new and the price was right-about $15/20 per night. The proprietor (Mr Yong) was extremely helpful as a guide, escort, and travel agent.

Monday and Tuesday were full days at hospital, etc.

Wednesday morning we met Ron(SoCal) and Eva(K3), Will(NYC) and Susan(K1). Girls enter embassy, guys wait at Blenz. About 10, Eva and Susan show up at Blenz- where is LiuXia? At noon we go to lunch, after which, the girls return for interviews. By 230, my nerves are frazzled- still no LiuXia. Did she get lost, abducted, or what? Then at 315, they all show up back at Blenz, trying their best to look sad. But they couldn't pull it off, the excitement was too great- 3 for 3, we're batting a thousand! En masse, we go to the Post office right around the corner. Later that night we have a victory celebration at a hotpot across town.

Thursday we take the subway to another medical center for additional shot records.

Friday morning, we all pick up and compare visas at yet another post office.

Later that evening , back to Chengdu.


Interview details:

CR1s interview all day long, have to pay extra $45 in RMB(373.50 exact change) only.

LiuXia's VO was a tall handsome blonde at window 7. He rejected the previous applicant, so she was very nervous.

But her interview was a slam dunk, especially considering it was all done in Chinese.


Q1: What is your husband's name?

A1: Duh. She also gives my regards to VO.


Q2: Where does he live?

A2: slight twist- She answers Portland, my residence is actually across river in Washington. VOs consult. OK.


Q3: What is his work/employer?

A3: she answers and shows him a company monthly magazine that highlights our Chinese operations.


Q4: How many times has he visited you?

A4: hands him my passport, answers.


Q5: Do you have pictures together/ correspondence?

A5: passes him a Chinese newspaper article showing us together. Also shows him an email (some of which is written in Chinese) that I sent her prior to applying for visa (apparently the email with Chinese writing BEFORE the application seemed to have great importance).


VO: Congratulations, you are approved!

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VO: Congratulations, you are approved!


Ditto on that... I am so happy to hear. What are the plans? When will the two of you be in the US? It would be nice to see the you at the Oregon get together giving us a chance to meet her.


Have a great rest of the trip. Be careful. Be safe.


And Congrats.....

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