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Every since those 10 commandments were hurled to the ground and nobody could pieced those slates back together, we've non-the-less be governed by the law and Rome made sure of that...


We are a law governed and judicially minded culture... 'fair, equality, etc' are strong demands...  this leads to people taking a stand when they feel unfairly treated and abused by a system...   This is an ego-centric way of life, since we want what we deserve and what should be coming to me...    I think that the 'victim role' is inevitable in such a situation...  and comments of discrimination.

I'm gonna buy a dictionary and figure out what you just said.


I did understand "this leads to people taking a stand when they feel unfairly treated and abused by a system... This is an ego-centric way of life, since we want what we deserve and what should be coming to me..." and agree whole-heartedly. Now what's to blame? The "entitlement mentality" created by 40 years of big government and social programs created in the Kennedy-Johnson 60's? The "America First" optimism of the Reagan 80's? Previous immigration policies that appeared to be more "open door" in nature, especially compared to post 9-11 scrutiny? We could spend ages debating the cause, and feeling sorry for ourselves; or, we can do as others have stated in this topic and work towards a solution.


The "rah-rah" comments were desperate, baseless, and unnecessary.

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Every since those 10 commandments were hurled to the ground and nobody could pieced those slates back together, we've non-the-less be governed by the law and Rome made sure of that...


We are a law governed and judicially minded culture... 'fair, equality, etc' are strong demands...  this leads to people taking a stand when they feel unfairly treated and abused by a system...   This is an ego-centric way of life, since we want what we deserve and what should be coming to me...    I think that the 'victim role' is inevitable in such a situation...  and comments of discrimination.

I'm gonna buy a dictionary and figure out what you just said.


If you do let us all know we have been trying to figure it out for weeks.

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I guess if CFL was a discussion forum for welfare recipients, there are some of us who would whine about welfare reform (i.e. complain about the system)...and some of us who would look for work (i.e. find a solution).

I agree with your dichotomy .... and my opinion is that the system is rarely changed by external forces. That is why people are willing to complain so much.. not willing to accept the state of affairs, but realize it won't change... it is doubly disheartening.


I prefer to just figure out how to beat the system at its own game... play by its rules and find a few shortcuts...

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Woohoo!!!! I actually knew what "dichotomy" meant without having to look it up!


I think the system (immigration - I'll get back on topic) can be changed by external forces...but it will take huge numbers (more than we can imagine producing) and a long time. Change does happen, never as fast as we would like for it to, and maybe our time here is actually being spent planting the seed of change for future generations.

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I agree. I meant it won't change in our time..


This makes it a trichotomy...

I hope you're marrying a university professor...or someone who can keep up with you. :lol:

she is much more profound and philosphical than me... I hope to keep up with her... she has no real formal professional education... I prefer it that way..

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I doubt it will ever change unless public opinnion changes. The sad fact of the matter is the general public is misinformed and against immigration. Politicians know this and don't want to upset the apple cart. That and it gives them a scape goat for a mishandled economy. "lets blame it on the immigrants taking all our jobs" when the real issue is why are we exporting all our jobs overseas? We are a small minority folks and our puny little voice is barely a whisper.

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"lets blame it on the immigrants taking all our jobs" when the real issue is why are we exporting all our jobs overseas?



I agree with your comments and think well stated... we cry foul about the chinese control of the Yuan to Mei Yuan (US dollar), yet we import them at an alarming rate and continue to support factories there. My work is for a contractor to the Dept of Transportation and I look at vehicle issues... and recently noticed that even Cadillac, a highly regarded america car maker has a plant in Shanghai (?)...


The bottom line is that we want goods produced in china and then also complain about our rising inflation rates.... these economies operate from different principles and yet we want the best of both worlds...

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"lets blame it on the immigrants taking all our jobs" when the real issue is why are we exporting all our jobs overseas?  

i agree that immigrants are not "taking" our jobs, but i also don't think any companies are "exporting" jobs either.


immigrants are "getting" our jobs for a couple reasons. in the case of "labor" workers are lured here by the market b/c the pay is better. same is true on the other side of the work force... professors, scientists, researchers, they are lured and kept here b/c of the market, opportunities are better.


same is true for the notion that us companies are so horribly "exporting" jobs. no they are not. the market is pushing them overseas. for me, i think that's fine. keeps things cheaper for me, AND, more importantly i believe it saves US jobs too.


there was great example of a company here in MN not too long ago, that was about to gone under. thousands, not hundereds, of jobs were at stake. but, part of the production was shipped overseas, and the company and many jobs were saved. as naive as it may sound, i say let the market rule.

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"lets blame it on the immigrants taking all our jobs" when the real issue is why are we exporting all our jobs overseas?  

i agree that immigrants are not "taking" our jobs, but i also don't think any companies are "exporting" jobs either.


immigrants are "getting" our jobs for a couple reasons. in the case of "labor" workers are lured here by the market b/c the pay is better. same is true on the other side of the work force... professors, scientists, researchers, they are lured and kept here b/c of the market, opportunities are better.


same is true for the notion that us companies are so horribly "exporting" jobs. no they are not. the market is pushing them overseas. for me, i think that's fine. keeps things cheaper for me, AND, more importantly i believe it saves US jobs too.


there was great example of a company here in MN not too long ago, that was about to gone under. thousands, not hundereds, of jobs were at stake. but, part of the production was shipped overseas, and the company and many jobs were saved. as naive as it may sound, i say let the market rule.

I agree with 'let the market rule'.... and the global market if you ask.


I don't like to hear people complain of their farm going under due to competition.. I say, "go find a different job if the market will not support your farm"....

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"lets blame it on the immigrants taking all our jobs" when the real issue is why are we exporting all our jobs overseas? Â

i agree that immigrants are not "taking" our jobs, but i also don't think any companies are "exporting" jobs either.


immigrants are "getting" our jobs for a couple reasons. in the case of "labor" workers are lured here by the market b/c the pay is better. same is true on the other side of the work force... professors, scientists, researchers, they are lured and kept here b/c of the market, opportunities are better.


same is true for the notion that us companies are so horribly "exporting" jobs. no they are not. the market is pushing them overseas. for me, i think that's fine. keeps things cheaper for me, AND, more importantly i believe it saves US jobs too.


there was great example of a company here in MN not too long ago, that was about to gone under. thousands, not hundereds, of jobs were at stake. but, part of the production was shipped overseas, and the company and many jobs were saved. as naive as it may sound, i say let the market rule.

I agree with 'let the market rule'.... and the global market if you ask.


I don't like to hear people complain of their farm going under due to competition.. I say, "go find a different job if the market will not support your farm"....

funny you mentin this b/c my uncle is a farmer and he did just this!!! (well, almost)


it was a while ago, so i don't remember all the details. but i believe he used to raise lambs. then that market went really bad, and he had a wife and 5 kids to support. he didn't go crying to the government to give him a hand out. instead, he switch over completely to dairy farming. it was a huge change. he had to renovate multiple buildings and buy a ton of new equiptment.


it was a risk, and it worked out for him.... and had it not, well, that really would have sucked, but i know he would have simply sought work elsewhere.

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Guest aosnow

no, no, no, the public is not misinformed. get real.

Americans are not anti-immigrant. they are against ILLEGAL, sneak in, gimme free health care, a free education and a drivers license immigrants.

The fact of the matter is that they don't know a K1 from special K cereal and no one cares. let us not forget how small a minority we are. we get the attention that our numbers deserve, maybe more than we deserve numerically.

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