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Tell us the reason you want your SO to have a computer ?


If you bring a system, it will have an English OS... does she want that?


Electronics and computers are not cheaper in china like other goods.. BUT !!!


The cheapest method is for her to buy a used computer in China.. they are wicked cheap there... if you can find them.

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The other disadvantage to mailing something expensive to another country is the receiver will pay additional tax on the higher U.S. cost. Even if the item is the same price in China, which many import model new laptops are, the cost of mailing and insuring and tax on entry makes it just too expensive for no advantage.

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My advice is don't do it. Buy one there.


1. Like Don, I also priced computers while in China and found better deals here in the US but preloaded English based software may be more problematic for someone not familiar with the English language. I ended up buying one locally in China.


2. Mail/shippments have a tendency to get lost in China.


3. Chinese customs tariffs are hit or miss and sometimes dependent on the greed of the official.


4. If you buy locally, depending on the city where your SO lives, on site support can be easier with a computer purchased locally. Whenever Jingwen's computer crashed, she'd pick up the phone, call the seller, and a tech would show up and fix it.

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