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Hi, I am new here! Nice to know everybody

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Hi, I am new here! Nice to know everybody!

I am now waiting for my p4. My husband sent the papers request to IRS last week, hope to get documenys from IRS soon.

I am going to go to Dallas, TEXAS. We already have a lovely baby in China. Life is wonderful.

Now i am looking after baby at home. I am wonderring will two laguage bother Jimmy's talking when he is learning speaking? Can you give me any suggestion?

Nice to be here talking with everybody!

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Warm Greetings Lisy Zheng!


Welcome to the Candle!


I have two daughters adoped from China, both who started out speaking Mandarin ...


So I think I can safely say that Jimmy will indeed be confused with English when he first gets to America... and may even be a little slower to understand ---- but if you speak in both languages at home, he will have a great advantage when he gets older, being bi-lingual in the Chinese language that you speak, and American English. It will give him an advantage later in life!

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I know many children raised with two languages. It is easier for the children than the rest of the family. From all that I have seen and from teaching ESL to children, I would say that the most important part is making it clear who speaks which language. If you always use Chinese with the child and the father always uses English. This prevents confusion of mixing the languages.


My Grandfather's parents spoke German. To make sure they spoke English my Great Grandfather had a firm rule. "To your siblings and me you will speak English. With your Mother you will use German so that you will never forget it." Even without more than 6th grade educations the children all became successful business people fluent in English. My Grandfather associated with Mayors, Senators and Movie personalities and his English was excellent.


This syystem works better and faster than any I know. It gives the child clear cut immersion in both languages.


Happy Child Rearing :D

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Welcome to CFL Lisy. Check out our new Chinese forum.


Children learn languages much faster and easier than adults. I know several mixed culture couples who's children are bilingual. I think you will be amazed at how easy they make it seem.

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Thank you everybody!

I am speaking chinese to him more than english with him when i am at home with him daytime. When his dady back home, we speak english together. My husband can speak english and german(not so often at home). I wish Jimmy learn chinese and english. BTW, Jimmy is only four monthes old now, a long way in front of him!

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Agree with everyone- the immersion at home, your attitudes and later, the child's desires will all affect this. I met several people from Europe who spoke Belgium, Dutch, German, French, Spanish and English. They explained that because they often heard, and spoke, all these languages it was natural to know 3 or 4 or 5 languages later in life.

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Welcome to Candle!


At our home, we have a one-year-old daughter. We primarily speak English but there is also a good amount of Chinese spoken as well. Li was an English teacher at a Chinese university, so her language skills are excellent.


My Chinese skills are passable, but barely. I am sure little Salina, if she listens to me, will speak a butchered form of Chinese! :D

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