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We got our visa!!!!

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My dear friends,

Qisheng's interview took place on May 27, it was a Friday and the interview happened at 11:25AM. Qisheng was in line at 6:15AM and he got turn #7, on Fridays they take the hospital envelope and do the interviews in the morning, so I was glad that he did not left all the evidence with his father outside. The VO was a handsome guy in his thirty's with eyeglasses and braces on his mouth. Even though he seemed like a nice guy and spoke slowly, all the time he said that he didn't believe in our relationship. I just wonder why he got this impression or if it's only a way to intimidate people. Qisheng told me that he did not replied to this statement as he was there to answer questions and provide evidence of our relationship. The VO asked him a zillion of them, and asked for our photo album twice during the conversation, and went over our more than 200 photos. He also wanted to see our e-mails and chats and said that our letters to each other did not showed him that we're in love!!! Qisheng said that he's not a good writer (he,he) and that he also kept the more private ones for himself. Another big issue that came up and which surprised me very much was when he asked about the language that we use to communicate with each other. Qisheng said "English" and the VO said that he knows that the official language in PR is Spanish. Qisheng said that the other official language is English. Then he asked where I learned it and when and where did I attended college. Qisheng handed the videocassette which we recorded the last time I visited him in Beijing and the VO took it but later returned it back without watching it. Qisheng also gave him a copy of my passport with the 5 visas to China (it was not notarized), the VO took a good look to it. There was not a single error that he could find in our material. He insisted all the time that he did not believe in us and also about the language issue. There were many other questions asked, including "what special characteristics does your fiancee has that made you fell in love with her"? He answered: she's a very kind hearted woman and we are connected in a special way to each other, sometimes we even think the same things together. Finally the VO said "you should get the visa", the interview took around 20 minutes in total. Some minutes ago I spoke to him and he got the visa in hand, we"ll meet in USA next Monday. My advice to all: never underestimate the efforts needed to prepare for the interview, make your SO organize well all the evidence and have it handy, and practice all the possible questions and answers, it will definitely give your SO a lot of confidence and will make him/her look good. I also told Qisheng that the visa interview is like a job interview or a sales transaction: you should convince the other party to hire you or to buy your product, which in this case is your relationship, and I said that he should not worry as we both know that our relationship is for real. Before leaving the consulate Qisheng got fingerprinted by a woman whom he thinks was the "black pearl", and she seems as a nice woman. That day around 1/3 of the people got denials. I want to thank all of you who have supported me during these tough times, Candle has been a real blessing in my life and I'm so glad that it's up and as good as ever. BTW, Qisheng visited it the day before his interview and printed out the list of questions, and went over some of the threads, it was a real surprise to me. I wish the best of lucks to all of you in the waiting.

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Thanks to all of you for the good wishes. Don, thanks for the support and good info you provided me when I was deep down..

Once the interview is passed, just give them one day to stamp it in the passport and next day will be ready for pick up. We got it on Wednesday because Monday was a holiday.

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Sounds like he kept his wits about him. I think many times they say things just to see what reaction they get. They use this to determine which way to go when they are undecided by this point. Nice post, many happy days are to follow...


Best of luck

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Good stuff and great story Mari. Thank you. One would think that after jerking you around for 435 days the VO would be a little more polite than to keep telling your sweetheart he doesn't believe the relationship is real. It almost sounds as if he were baiting him. Regardless you won in then end. Congratulations.

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What a relief. I am glad you did not tell us anything until he had the visa in hand. I am so happy for you and wish the best in life. I am sorry they gave him a hard time. I can't understand what could make them be that way. Thank God it worked out for you.

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I'll double that "WOW"!!! Congratulations. :( :lol: :)

Your story blows me away. We were there 3 days earlier and they ask nothing...look at nothing...well, almost nothing, and a 90 second or less interview. And it sounds like the same guy. Last week seemed to show a definite pattern of VO burn-out as the week went on. Maybe they wished they were home for the Holiday. But you're past that now. Once again, CONGRATULATIONS!!! B) :P :P

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