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This is for all of us, who up until this moment, may have been just sitting and waiting passively on the DOS or for the more active members of our group to do something. Owen is right! Many individual letters from each of us will have much more impact than a few letters with several signees. It is time we all became proactively involved! Help yourself and help the rest of the group as a whole by becoming actively involved.


I know that some of us don't think they have good enough letter-writing skills, or we procrastinate, or we think that we will just let the active members in this group continue to do our work. But the grammar is not so important. What is really important is the emotion, the hurt, the frustration, the determination, that each of us can convey in our own personal letter to the DOS, CA, etc.


Now, if we really believe we can't write an effective letter, Owen has made this very easy for us. He seems to have an excellent mastery of the art of literary communication, and he has volunteered that we may copy his letters or parts of them as we see fit, and adapt them and sign them and send them. Owen, please verify here again so everyone believes that it is ok to use your drafts that you have posted on this board.


Folks, we have been daunted at every turn. We must make this personal. We must make the DOS aware that we are more than just GUZ xxxx's. We must let them know that we are real people and that they are keeping our loved ones from us. The only way to change ourselves from a just GUZ xxxx into a real personality is to keep writing individual letters.


In addition to just writing the facts, it wouldn't hurt to include a brief one or two sentence that identifies us as a unique, real, feeling human being. Now, I realize that we can't tell the entire story of our meeting, our falling in love, etc., but we can include one or two sentences (similar to the signatures you see at the bottoms of posts on this board) that identifies us as a real, unique person. Also, when we send our letters by fax, why not include a small photo of us ( the happy, loving couple) at the top of the page - similar to how a letterhead would appear on a company fax. What I'm saying is, "LET'S MAKE THIS PERSONAL!" (yes, I am shouting!):unsure:


Now, I have just written a rather lengthy post. I have not pre-drafted it. I have not proofread it. It is just an outpouring of emotions from someone who is frustrated at feeling so helpless at times in bringing his love to be by his side in this great country. I am just fed up and mad :unsure: as hell, and I'm not going to take this lying down without a fight. I decide to post this in its "rough" original form to make a point. . . . . writing does not have to be perfect to get your idea accross, especially when you are trying to convey emotion. Have I stirred you into action?:unsure: I guess so; I see that you are already jotting down notes for your letter and are already thinking of a unique signature that will identify you in the minds of whomever reads your letters. :D


Just a postscript: If any of you see any part of any of my posts that you think would be of use in bringing your fiancee home, by all means feel free to copy and paste. When you help yourself, you help us all. :P

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Copy away anyone. You can use anything you want that I have posted on this board.


I am just glad to see that the need for ACTION not just talk is finally sinking in. I agree with what Wolfman had to say entirely. BTW, he proved his point. This letter is an excellent job of communicating. You don't even have to make it a long letter, just say what you feel. He is absolutely right in the need to make it personal.


I will post contact info later. I have it written down rather than on the computer. Start working on your letters for now.

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OK, folks it's Monday and time to get back to work. Let's start writing those letters! We have been nice and waited 3 weeks like good little boys as they asked. . . but no results. . . no new information. . . and no visas! <_<


As promised, you may C&P any parts of my letters or posts to use in your letters. I will be posting them as I complete them, probably one per day. We have strength in numbers. Let's start writing those letters, and don't stop until we get visas. :D

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