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Affidavit of Support

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Hello All,

First post here so hopefully I can do this right. My wife and I just received her P3 and we have sent in the 230 form. Next is the affidavit of support.


1- I am still in China and thus hard to get it notarized. We are living in Naning, so are there any other options other than a trip to Shanghai?

2- Since I have been overseas for 2 years, I do not have a W-2 that exceeds the poverty limit. This is due to overseas versus domestic payroll. Is the tax return sufficient, showing my supplemental, overseas income? I don't want to have trouble later on because they do not understand overseas payroll for US employees.


Thanks in advance

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You may need to get a co sponsor if you cant prove sufficient income or assets. Do you own property in the US? You can get documents notarized at the consulate in GZ. Closer than Shanghai from Nanning.

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Since the purpose of the visa is to live in America they will require meeting the income requirement unless you can prove you are independently wealthy. If you can not show taxable income that is acceptable you will need a cosponsor. It is possible that this might be waived if your employer issues a guarantee and complete explanation of the rate difference you are paid when in China or the United States.

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Maybe my question is being misunderstood. My yearly salary is well, well, well over the poverty limits, however because I am overseas, it is not reflected on my W-2, because I am paid through our global company, not domestically based. My tax return itself shows that I meet the requirements, but the 864 form calls for W-2s and W-2s only. Did not know if any of you have experienced the same situation.

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I had the same problem from living in Hangzhou for many years. I still filed taxes in the states using my overseas income. It didn't have enough on my W2 to meet the poverty level. I had to use a family member as a joint sponsor to mee the income requirement. I did this just to make sure there would be no problems. I was told by the NVC they only look at the W2 wages. Now I am back in the states and working and make plenty to cover the poverty level. I am not sure how it will be looked at during my wife's interview. If you can I would suggest doind Direct Consular Filing. It is much faster, and if I would have know this is possible I would have done that while working in China.



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If you have a work visa and live in China your best option by far would be to get married and do a Direct Consular Filing. It will save you at least 4 months of the process. Many self employed people don't have W-2. You only need prove you have sufficient income or assets.

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Oops. Good Catch Jenny. That will teach me to go back and reread the posts. Like Jenny said though the I-134 won't be a problem if you can provide the income tax records. They don't require W-2s. You won't need to worry about them until you file AOS. Since many self employed people go through this process as well I am sure you can prevail. Longstrider would be a good source of information on the topic. You might send him a PM.

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Thanks all,

BTW, what is Direct Consular Filing?  Don't tell me we could have shortened this 4 months!  My wife would kill me!!  Shhhhhh....



could you add in a timeline to your signature so we can see it?


you said in the first post that your still in china. Why are you in china, to visit or working there? The answer to your question of saving time depends if your there for work reasons or not... and which service center you went through (ergo, timeline needed).


The DCF is for those who are working in China and therefore have a work visa and residency established... you can file directly in China.. and save MANY months...

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