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No word on visa application from TCS

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Am I a lucky guy or What ?

I sent in my 129F to that Black hole they call the TEXAS SERVICE CENTER and I am getting worried!!

I sent it certified mail and they got it on May 1 ,2005 according to the US POSTAL SERVICE

They have not cashed the check so I am hoping that my application is not lost

according to others I should of at least heard something from the TSC


IS there Anything that I can do right now or should I start assembling another package for the BIG BLACK HOLE ?

Any suggustions would be greatly appreciated

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You should be hearing shortly. You will get the approval notice if all your i are dotted and your t are crossed. They call it an approval notice but in plain English it is just notice that it is accepted for processing.


Have a seat here in the official waiting room of GUZ. Take a look around and feel free to post. As you wait you will begin to understand why some of our posts are a bit looney.


Good Luck

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It took us less than a week to get notice of receipt (NOA1) for the 129F from TSC. That was a little over a year ago. It took a little over three weeks to get notice of receipt for the AOS/EAD from Chicago in March of this year. I wouln't sweat it just yet. Precessing times start from the receipt date. Maybe they are draging the initial receipt date out to bump their performance numbers.

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From the many posts on Visa Journey as well as my experience, TSC is no longer processing I129F's. It more than likely got transferred to CSC to which will add some time on the front end for the receiving of the NOA1. Since it has only been a couple of weeks from May 1, I would definitely give it some more time before raising a red flag.


Just my 2 yuan...

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The same thing happen to my I-130. Sent to TSC, a week later post office shows it was fowarded to the CSC. Two weeks after that there was still no sign of it. I kept checking my bank for the checks to clear and they finally showed up and the next day I recieved the NOA1. The post office really sucks lately. They even lost my next day signature required I-129f.


Just keep checking for the checks to clear. The people at the post office in Texas I talked to said the cali PO is a bunch of slackers. Her exact words!

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