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would like to do medical in Beijing

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My so and i would like to meat in Beijing and take care of the medical part of the visa before going to QZ for the interview but we are unable to find out if it is possible to pay the visa fee in beijing and sense the reciept for the visa fee must be included inside of the sealed medical envolope it looks as this is not possible. Has any one done the medical and paid the visa fee in Beijing or know if this is possible.

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I think the original poster was asking about where to pay for the Application fee, not the hospital location.


Check and see if Beijing has any CITIC Industrial bank branches. I didn't locate any on their web site, but my Chinese isn't that great  :blink:



I also can not read the link, however, you may find? this info on the US Consulate site for Beijing (this info is on the local Shanghai Consulate site).

It is my understanding that only a few branches are either capable and/or authorized to accept fees for the medical done for a visa.

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