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is this a New problem with GZ?

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my girl got her p3 on the 28th of april,we both sent ALL the completed forms back to GZ on the 29th along with her new address.

well my girl calls me today monday may 16 and tells me she just got a letter from GZ that "they are unable to schedule an interview date because they did not receive the 230 and 167 forms",well..... i know they DID!!! i was with her when we sent them back to GZ,and if they are saying they didnt get them then where are they???and how can they send her this letter if they didnt get her p3??? this is the only way they can send her this letter because its her new address and the only way for them to know this is they got her p3? so should she download these forms and send them again or ask them to look harder???


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my girl has a cooler head tyhan i do, i was going to argue with GZ she said it would get us no where so she went ahead and downloaded the forms and she will send them again in about 4 hours from now, this time i asked her to send with some time of confirmation and also email GZ leting them know she is resendiong them along with a tracking number for proof.


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If you use EMS, I would recommend putting on the package to deliver to the consulate, and not to the White Swan Hotel. My P3 package, and some other people's were delivered to White Swan Hotel, and spent an extra 5 days to a week waiting to be delivered to the consulate.


Personally, If I was going to mail it again, I would use DHL or Fedex to mail it. It might cost a little more, but at least there is better tracking information.

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Guest Gene
If you use EMS, I would recommend putting on the package to deliver to the consulate, and not to the White Swan Hotel. My P3 package, and some other people's were delivered to White Swan Hotel, and spent an extra 5 days to a week waiting to be delivered to the consulate.

Quite a while back there was a thread about mail delivery to the consulate and I believe it was figured out that all the Consulates mail goes through the White Swan because the property the Consulate is on belongs to the White Swan or something like that. Maybe one of the old timers can help with this recolection :rolleyes:

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Quite a while back there was a thread about mail delivery to the consulate and I believe it was figured out that all the Consulates mail goes through the White Swan because the property the Consulate is on belongs to the White Swan or something like that. Maybe one of the old timers can help with this recolection  :wub:

I remember this also. Not sure of the why but I do remember that all of the consulate's mail is delivered via the White Swan Hotel. No reason to panic for this.

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