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Does my wife have to have my name to get a SSN

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This paper process is very long. I was never sure at what point my wife could assume my last name. Now my wife is in the states on a k3 visa and just got her work permit (her 485 is still being processed) and we just decided to leave her name alone.


But today when we went to the Social Security office the SS officer told us that it is better if she has my last name. She said that we would have all kinds of problems in the future if we don't change it. She mentioned trouble file taxes but didn't list any other specific things. As we talked she became more adamant about it. Finally she said, "There is nothing more to talk about, you need to get the work permit with my last name". It is strange that my wife MUST take my name in order to get a SSN. Have any of you heard of this? Can you confirm this either way?


If we have to do the EAD again it will cost $175 more and it will take more time. And we will have to try to change the 485 that is in progress soon or we''ll have to pay for that again too.


I thought most of the frustrating stuff was behind us. At least are together to fight it.




Brian and Ling

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I believe the SS card can be issued in the name on the document that you are using to prove identity. If that's her EAD (SSA prefers identity documents with a picture), that should be it.


The tax problem that can arise is when the employment information used for W-2s and other tax related filings identify you under one name but the social security card is issued in another name.

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My wife was denied a State "picture" ID today.


Reason: Her Social Security card is in her married name. Her EAD card, passport, etc., have her maiden name. Never mind that we just added my surname to her name.


A marriage cert in Alabama does not change the name of either bride or groom. It is a leagal instrument to do so at a later time.


We were originally denied a SSN because she didn't have EAD. So we apply for EAD, AOS, AP all under the name on her visa, her maiden name. I had understood the best time to change the name was with the SSN. When we received the EAD we go get her SSN in her "new" married name.


Yue never has intended to get a job. The due date for her job is December 25. It would be nice though, to get a ATM card, and eventually a driver's license.


We now have two choices. Try to get a new EAD with her married name, or abandon it and have the SSN reissued in her maiden name. I'm leaning toward the later. I'm not interested in sending the USCISOB any more money right now and the IRS couldn'd care less if her name was PinkGiraffe, as long as they had a SSN that matched. Last time I filed my taxes, there was no requirement for a picture ID. We only considered changeing her name to make things easier for her and our progeny.


Well, great news sports fans. Congress just passed a "real" ID measure aong with their latest "emergency" appropriation bill. The whole country will soon suffer Alabama rules of engagement. Still I doubt you will get the same answer from any two people. Welcome to chicken-egg hell.




"The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced." -- Frank Zappa

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SSA offices are poorly supervised and know little about immigration issues. It took my wife 11 months to get a SSN because of an inept SSA clerk who knew everything. The SSN was a must for us as my wife could not be insured with out it. The clerk in question is now collecting unemplyment.

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Actually Dan you may be in disbelief but TN isn't the immigration capital of the US.

Redling we need all the chuckles we can get to deal with this dang process.


As for the announcement by Trigg, I for one am shocked! :huh: Of course Davy Crockett might be relieved to hear it.


By the way can you imagine someone in government today saying this? It is a quote from a speach Davy made while campaigning for reelection.


'Fellow citizens, I present myself before you today feeling like a new man. My eyes have lately been opened to truths which ignorance or prejudice, or both, had heretofore hidden from my view. I feel that I can today offer you the ability to render you more valuable service than I have ever been able to render before. I am here today more for the purpose of acknowledging my error than to seek your votes. That I should make this acknowledgment is due to my self as well as to you. Whether you will vote for me is a matter for your consideration.'


How much better off would we all be if politicians could recognize AND admit their mistakes. Imagine today reversing a position only because you made a mistake of interpretation that led to voting $20,000 for helping victims of a fire. The mistake was that, while he had the right to spend his own money to help these people the constitution nowhere gives Congress the right to spend the people's money on this.

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I found some Social Security clerks are dummies who think they know everything.  I came across a few of them kinds myself.

Fred are you saying the rest are dummies that don't think? (disclaimer: this is a serious enquiry and not meant as harassment based on occupational orientation)

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