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Having children in china

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Lynne, Do you know the current practice in China regarding ceasareans? I am curious because here in L.A. many doctors are doing them as routine. At work in the past year 5 women have had babies of those 3 were ceasarean because their doctors insisted on scheduling the delivery appointment or they couldn't be sure who would deliver the baby. 2 of those required additional surgery following the delivery because of ruptured sutures from going home to soon. This appears to be the trend here. Do you have any information regarding practices in China on this?


Also in Japan delivery is in a special delivery chair so the woman squats rather than lie down. In China is this done or is a table used like here. I have heard some hospitals have imported the Japanese delivery chair here.


In the case of emergency I don't think it sounds like there is much difference here or what you describe there. Pregnant friends with emergencies have had to wait as much as 3 hours to be seen. The receiving nurse will move you up to the front only if the condition is thought by the nurse to be life threatening for either mother or child. While private practice may differ it seems that hospital (especially emergency) care is similar.

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fhtb, I can remember as a child the first time a doctor used a disposable needle on me. I was worried it was so flimsy looking with the plastic syringe and all that I thought it might break off inside. When it was over and no problem I was very relieved.

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Guest fhtb
I could tell many horror stories of experiences in hospitals in China, but it is a totally different standard for pre-natal care there.  They just don't have the all same standard check-ups and scans that are scheduled in the US. ..

But if you grew up there and lived your entire existence there and knew nothing other than that care.. would it still be 'freightening' and a 'horror' ?


Maybe not, but it would still be a pain in the ass.

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I tink language was definately the major factor of why the experience was so bad to me. It is really hard to not knowing what is going on, my husband was absolutely no help in trying to translate or explain things.


According to my sister-in-law ceasareans are less common in China. They also seem to treat the situation very differently. My husbands family were really suprised that I was out of the hospitals after 3 days of having a ceasarean. Half of the women in my child birth class had to have ceasareans. Part of the problem seems to be because of fear of malpractice suits from something going wrong in natural birth. In Washington State where their are currently no limits on rewards for malpractice suits it is hard to find a doctor to deliver your baby some places. Their malpractice insurance has become to high and doctors have left the state.


I don't know anything about medical malpractice suits in China, I doubt it would be possible to get much compensation if any at all. I had learned a lot from a Lawyer in China about compensation for families of people killed in car accidents. The situation is so sad, the compensation usually rewarded to families is shockingly low and it is hard to enforce payments.

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Lynne, you are right about the hospital experience. Though I'm surprised they wouldn't give you faster attention if it's an emergency. If you push them, they can be nice. I know plenty of foreign women who were quite happy with their experience. But I am also glad to be back in the US for the rest of my care. The one thing I miss is having an ultrasound anytime I want. Here they're more strict and sometimes can't fit me in (It'll be five weeks at the next one since the last one, and that's a mighty long time with twins in the last trimester).


What do you mean about the 0 blood? I was told I have O+ but noone seems concerned.


That was me that mentioned the ball-pulling thing. Purely rumor and in Mexico, don't worry....

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It is only RH - blood that causes promlems with RH incompatability. I think it is more a problem for the second pregnancy after exposure to RH + blood. I recieved RH vaccine here in the US during and after my pregancy. If you don't get these RH vaccines then your system can treat you babies cells as foreign substances and can cause major problems. I think O - blood is less than 6% of the population in the US but less than 1% of the population in China.

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If we have children at this point we decided that we would go to China before they start school and raise them there. Later they can decide about citizenship. Of course that is what we decided now. It could like many things change later.

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If we have children at this point we decided that we would go to China before they start school and raise them there. Later they can decide about citizenship. Of course that is what we decided now. It could like many things change later.

Interesting.. had the same idea.. but assume you meant they could decide to change their citizenship to chinese , since they would be born here? Your really looking down the road...

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OOHH? Wow that was a diss to the entire CFL!!!


Repent evil doer! :)  :(  :angry:  :angry:

I think you got it wrong.. it was only a diss to those in CFL who would consider raising their kids in china.. He didn't diss himself ? :P


These opposing sides came up in the other thread about moving to china... Probably nobody's really going to change their mind or position, but worth hearing out.


I still believe that children are probably getting more freedom and raised better overall in china than america.. If only for the unlimited supply of fire works ! :lol:

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It seems to me that in the big cities at least, (if you seek it out) medicine practiced in China is nearly identical to that in the US. Fei is being treated for an on-going medical problem, and both her treatment and the medicine used are identical in China and the US. Also the ongoing lab work that I have reviewed is very professionally prepared.

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