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Guest Gene
:lol: Posts To This Thread....Thus Far.......


DavidZixuan     35

Dan R               24

Feathers268    10

oregonknl          8

ttlee99               4

ed and ying        2

Trigg                   2

bobsmith            1

frank1538           1

C4Racer              1


Can anyone say.....Fang pi la ?


:lol: Papa Bear

:o I think if you took the time to add things up for all of the other threads the numbers would be eerily familiar :lol: :D

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Top Posters In This Topic

I.  Break wind, fart

II. Bullshit, crap



I think he had to get off quickly and take care of business...

Yup, I asked the wife and she said you only need to say Fang pi. It means bullshit and with the 'la' it means too much bullshit-don't mean nothin'


given the context-I think it is simple to add this to my Chinese vocab.

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I.  Break wind, fart

II. Bullshit, crap



I think he had to get off quickly and take care of business...

Yup, I asked the wife and she said you only need to say Fang pi. It means bullshit and with the 'la' it means too much bullshit-don't mean nothin'


given the context-I think it is simple to add this to my Chinese vocab.

I think that the tie-in to the topic is that you can use your chopsticks to fan the air behind you... These chopsticks are multi-purpose...

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I.  Break wind, fart

II. Bullshit, crap



I think he had to get off quickly and take care of business...

Yup, I asked the wife and she said you only need to say Fang pi. It means bullshit and with the 'la' it means too much bullshit-don't mean nothin'


given the context-I think it is simple to add this to my Chinese vocab.

I think that the tie-in to the topic is that you can use your chopsticks to fan the air behind you... These chopsticks are multi-purpose...

I don't think that is even close to the tie in to the topic. It's my guess that someone is saying that someone else is saying to much of nothing to everyone about everything and nothing!!! Just my guess based on the posted numbers!!

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I.  Break wind, fart

II. Bullshit, crap



I think he had to get off quickly and take care of business...

Yup, I asked the wife and she said you only need to say Fang pi. It means bullshit and with the 'la' it means too much bullshit-don't mean nothin'


given the context-I think it is simple to add this to my Chinese vocab.

I think that the tie-in to the topic is that you can use your chopsticks to fan the air behind you... These chopsticks are multi-purpose...

I don't think that is even close to the tie in to the topic. It's my guess that someone is saying that someone else is saying to much of nothing to everyone about everything and nothing!!! Just my guess based on the posted numbers!!

I know... it wasn't worth my time to suggest it... I'm trying to stay on topic...



But in case your interested Trigg, here's the latest, you jumped a few spots !!


DavidZixuan 41

Dan R 26

Feathers268 10

oregonknl 8

Trigg 5

ttlee99 4

ed and ying 2

bobsmith 1

frank1538 1

C4Racer 1

Papabear 1

Gene 1

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I learned when I was about 9 to 10 yrs old. My aunt took me to a noodle place that don't have spoon or fork as standard utensils, and ignored me when I asked for it. I was too hungry to just sit there and wait. I started pushing the noodles to my mouth and then learned to pick up the vegetables and pieces of meat with chopsticks. I felt good afterwards - getting a happy full stomach was quite an accomplishment. Oh, the spoon and fork came after I have finished eating the bowl of soup noodles.

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