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You make some valid points about the "work" of food in China --- of course, it is part of the presentation --- if bone or shell are part of the dish, presumably it slows down the consumption, so that the diner savors the taste more..


I remain unconvinced: Having eaten far too many very good crabs (to start out with) in China ----- (even live crab imported from the US) --- trashed by the tradition of chopping it into small pieces, shell and all ---- there is a very logical way to "dress out" crab, as there is with most foods, including chicken...


Personally, I think it makes the dinning experience more enjoyable to disassemble every dish in a logical manner...

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You make some valid points about the "work" of food in China --- of course, it is part of the presentation ---  if bone or shell are part of the dish, presumably it slows down the consumption, so that the diner savors the taste more..


I remain unconvinced:  Having eaten far too many very good crabs (to start out with) in China -----  (even live crab imported from the US) --- trashed by the tradition of chopping it into small pieces, shell and all ---- there is a very logical way to "dress out" crab, as there is with most foods, including chicken... 


Personally, I think it makes the dinning experience more enjoyable to disassemble every dish in a logical manner...

Right.. I was often asked if the food 'looked good' (appetizing)... the more colors the better.


On the one hand, I like the pre-prepared approach that every dish goes through.. but growing up in Maryland ("Crabs are for lovers"), I just love to undress that crab !!!

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The trick is keeping the back end of that bugger under control. :huh: If it opens up,

I get it... I hear it all the time...

No, No, No,

Not making any California type remarks. :blink: But to tie these things together, SF Fisherman's Wharf and dungenous crab, YUM!!!!

I'm not from california (?)...


I'm making a more phallic joke.. :P

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You are a Marylander???  so am I!  Born in DC, but raised in Bethesda... 


Yeah, Dungenous crab are very, very good... 


.......  but the blue shell crab of the Chesapeake Bay is the food for the Gods.....

OMG !!!!


I was born in Bethesda !!! Class of '81.


It is so much different than when I grew up there.. Makes me really sad to see all the influence of Washington D.C. spread into these quiet towns turned metro..


Did you eat at the Crab House in bethesda? Oh, crabs.. to die for !!

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You are a Marylander???  so am I!  Born in DC, but raised in Bethesda...  


Yeah, Dungenous crab are very, very good...  


.......  but the blue shell crab of the Chesapeake Bay is the food for the Gods.....

OMG !!!!


I was born in Bethesda !!! Class of '81.


It is so much different than when I grew up there.. Makes me really sad to see all the influence of Washington D.C. spread into these quiet towns turned metro..


Did you eat at the Crab House in bethesda? Oh, crabs.. to die for !!

Either of you know whetther or not there is still a little stand making crab cakes at the Lafayette Market in "Balmer, Marilan" ?

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I tell my friends that to be a true Californian, you must be able to eat using chop sticks, and eat a burrito without spilling the contents. :P


Jim when we cecede I think that should be part of the citizenship test.

Concider it there, along with spelling. :angry:

OUCH!! <_<

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