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I've used them for years. I often cook some chinese lettuce and rice, etc...


I taught myself three different 'holds' of the sticks to get me through any situation... actually, I watched a few Asians eating a few years ago and noticed the difference ways, so taught myself them.


Needless to say, I got many comments about my dexterity of the sticks in China... although a few times, Zixuan had to rescue me... just made me practice more !

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I've used them for a long time also. My wife has been here a total of seven weeks. We have used a fork three times. Once when were taken to an American dinner by my sister and brother-in-law, another at a car club gathering and last night I made her an American omlette. Other than that we use chopsticks. except if it's soup then we have the Chinese style spoons in the house.

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Chopsticks make it very easy to remove bones from fish

PLEASE!! Ever eat those really small guys (or girls, don't mean to be sexist in my carnivorous ways)...


The bones are so small, I'm more hungry after attempting to sort the bones from meat in my mouth !

Well if we do the national get together I'll show you how to seperate meat from bone. If you do it right any bone too small to get is safe to eat.

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If you do it right any bone too small to get is safe to eat.

:rolleyes: :lol: I was told that.. I saw Zixuan with practically no pile of bones and I was sifting through my mouth like the goldrush in California...

careful about that gold rush thing. It seems to cause Trigg to disappear to water his flock.


Ooops ..... hope that doesn't cause this thread to degenerate towards the LL.


I just meant that it reminds him they need care. Yuh that's it.

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If you do it right any bone too small to get is safe to eat.

:rolleyes: :lol: I was told that.. I saw Zixuan with practically no pile of bones and I was sifting through my mouth like the goldrush in California...

careful about that gold rush thing. It seems to cause Trigg to disappear to water his flock.

Sheep hang out in level ground.. goats go to the moutains , yes?

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