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The Chinese site is a great help with paperwork

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Getting through the visa process has often been made bearable by my visits to CFL. Now as we reach the interview it has helped with advice and resources. My SO was stressed out looking at the official papers. She worried about the answers and what happens if she answers wrong or incomplete. We talked but I think the best thing I did was to send her the link found in the CFL resources to a sister site.




She had not been interested in this until now. She spent an hour there and had her questions answered and confidence restored.


This is another way, besides direct participation in CFL, that the sister site can be helpful in the process. CFL has played a multifaceted role in getting us through this process. I sincerely thank the creators, moderators and fellow members for the existence of this community.


This is a difficult and stressful experience for a couple starting together. CFL makes the unbearable bearable.

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There are a couple of good friend websites relating to CFL.


At the begining of our journey, I didn't know how to start, and I searched every possible information in the internet. Then I found Visajourney.com, and it is a big global marriage related visa discussion site, and I got a lot of valuable information from there and successfully completed and submit my application paperwork without a lawyer. But that site is national wide, and after the case has been forwarded to GUZ, I seemed could not get much more suggestions for the Guangzhou visa processing part there because many other people's cases are involved in different countries.


But I luckly met some friends on VJ discussion board and they refered me to CFL. Then I discovered and joined this wonderful site, and got so many good information and suggestions!


Then from CFL, I got to know there is a 001.com which is for many chinese ladies' discussions. Then I introduced it to my girl and it also helped her a lot.


It is a COOL world, without them I might just be a "no-head-fly", and might spend thousands bulks...... :rolleyes:

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There are a couple of good friend websites relating to CFL.


At the begining of our journey, I didn't know how to start, and I searched every possible information in the internet. Then I found Visajourney.com, and it is a big global marriage related visa discussion site, and I got a lot of valuable information from there and successfully completed and submit my application paperwork without a lawyer. But that site is national wide, and after the case has been forwarded to GUZ, I seemed could not get much more suggestions for the Guangzhou visa processing part there because many other people's cases are involved in different countries.


But I luckly met some friends on VJ discussion board and they refered me to CFL. Then I discovered and joined this wonderful site, and got so many good information and suggestions!


Then from CFL, I got to know there is a 001.com which is for many chinese ladies' discussions. Then I introduced it to my girl and it also helped her a lot.


It is a COOL world, without them I might just be a "no-head-fly", and might spend thousands bulks...... :rolleyes:

My path was the same.. except my SO does not use 001 yet !


I think that like DanR, I will be pulling that website out of my back pocket at the P4 time!!

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001 is a valuable site for Chinese women but they should also be cautioned that misinformation abounds there as well. Best to check what they say from different sources.

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should also be cautioned that misinformation abounds there as well.  Best to check what they say from different sources.

yes, yes, yes.. this is driven home every time 001 is mentioned..


I'd think the companionship and emotional support outweights some of the mis-information, particularly when they have someone at CFL...

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Sorry about the link error. I corrected it. I think she can filter some of the misinformation Carl. I had more problems over the American movies she sees on Chinese television. Of course it is nice knowing that everyone on CFL has given the correct information even when two are conflicting. :P

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