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Reasons for Denial, Part II

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When I first join CFL, I started collecting information regarding the interviews. I started the previous thread by the same name to help generate some thoughts and give me other ideas on where to get more info. So, I have scourged the ‘search’ and gone back a year collecting everything I could find on P4 issues. So what I am going to share is really focused to just that part of the visa process.


Below, I show the main headings to a document I have put together. In most cases they break down to deeper and deeper subsections. 99% of the information is directly from CFL. As such, this is simply what people have shared on this forum and must be understood with that in mind.


It is formatted like an FAQ. I would like to get maybe three or four people to help review this (or let me know who you think should help review it). It is 44 pages long; and the second half is really 5 Blue slip interviews and 37 interviews ranging from 3 questions to 26 questions, as well as the famous 95 questions in English and Chinese…


I think it is best if the volunteers have a lot of history with CFL or enough knowledge of past situations since they’ll recognized many of the comments and can say if something is mis-represented, corrections, omissions, deletions, etc.


I’m thinking of reviewing in three parts:

Sections 1-2 (general links and general info about Guangzhou hotels, flights, getting around)

Section 3-4 (the documents)

Section 5-7 (The interview proper, more focus on comment than the actual interviews)


Here’s a sample of parts of the document that has to do with the interview.




I. Links and sources for information

II. Guangzhou

III. Documents to bring to the interview

IV. Advice on paperwork

V. American Citizen Hour

VI. The Interview Day explained

VII. Details about the VO and the interview

VIII. Sample Interviews (in full)

IX. Sample Questions




1. Proof of multiple visits by petitioner

2. Pictures of the couple together, and with beneficiary's family & friends

3. Proof of frequent and regular calls, preferably logs from a phone company with both caller & callee numbers.

4. Financial Support meets guidelines.

5. If communication is a problem, make a tape.



TOP 10 MOST COMMON QUESTIONS [what they establish]:


1. May I see your passport [ Establishes eligibility; always asked]

2. Who applied for you / who is helping you to get this visa [Establishes your understanding of the petitioner]

3. May I see your fiancée passport / certified copies of passport [Establishes relationship; VOs want to know if the petitioner is there or not]

4. How did you meet / where did you meet [Establishes that you meet]

5. How many times did he come / How long has he visited you each visit / how much time have you been together [Establishes bona-fide relationship via number of visits or amount of time together]

6. What does he do / where does he live [Establishes relationship, that you know your fiancée / spouse]

7. Are either of you previously married / have children (k3, beware) [test question. If yes, most likely more to come]

8. Do you have photos / communication material [Establishes relationship]

9. Do you have financial / employment documents [Establishes meeting the financial requirements]

10. Do you have plans to marry / where will you marry (k1 only) [Establishes your intent to marry]




1. Yes, here it is. [Provide fiancées at same time; if he is not with you, provide certified copy; if he is present also present his passport. This will save a question to see the fiancée passport and establishes if he is there or not]

2. My fiancée / spouse XYZ

3. If you have not already given it, provide now.

4. Internet, Friends, etc. IF second question of “where/howâ€, then give specific internet forum/board/webpage name.

5. Try to list the dates and length of time of each visit. If any visit is close to a month or more, emphasize you two ‘lived together’.

6. Say the type of work [computer programmer, works at bank, he is a plumber. If where, then give Town and State.

7. They should already know this… so a ‘test’ question. State how many times or how many children.

8. Answer yes. Provide the pictures and at least one near the top that should make the VO smile. Provide material.

9. Answer yes. Provide the material.

10. We plan to marry in the US in “town and stateâ€. When? [the date should fall within 90 days of your arrival in US]





Where is your previous husband?

Since your divorce, do have contact with him?





Most frequent documents requested, in order:

1. Beneficiary’s passport

2. Petitioner’s passport (certified)

3. Pictures and evidence of meeting

4. I-134 financial statement, tax returns or financial supporting evidence

5. Employment letter

6. Divorce decrees


Most frequent item needed for overcome evidence:

1. Request for evidence beyond the above

a. Video tape

b. Proof of trips

2. Documents missing or newer ones needed

a. Financial statement too old

b. Employment letter too old

c. Petitioner’s Passport not certified

d. Intent to marry too old

e. Email showing dates, etc

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Actually, what I was collecting was CFL members 'reports back to us on their interviews'... I figured this was a gold mine of information.


And then expanded it to the P4 documents since the same questions keep getting asked over and over in threads...


Although very long, it's like a 'one stop' doc for P4 issues.

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You should profile the VO's for us, if it isn't too much hassel. I think they started the same thing over in 001.

It's a good idea... I actually thought of that..


I think that maybe half of our posters did give some description.. but once I found out that the VOs rotate, I decided not to. The hope is the document endures with needing hardly any changes...


I had one other nagging feeling against it too.. this is delicate. I have heard (and seen) how gossipy some Chinese can get. And in the end, I Preferred for my own SO to not have any worry about what the different SOs might be like. I think this is one issue that I prefer she walk into without any pre-conceptions.


But it is no surprise to me when I hear the are 'profiling' them at 001..

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Because the FAQ Interview document is very long, and while it gets some review going on, I thought I would periodically post some items from it that I found very interesting while doing the research:


These are paraphased from the FAQ.


1. Does the VO expect that the petitioner is present at the interview?


Although we did a poll recently for who went to the interviews, it does not show any relationship between not going and a blue slip...


Nevertheless, it was apparent that many VOs would outright ask for the petitioner's passport (assuming they were there). One VO asked why the petitioner was not there !


At a minimum, the beneficiary should have a certified copy of the petitioner passport. One VO gave the beneficiary a blue slip for not having a certified copy of the petitioner passport , even though she had given the VO the actual passport !!




- Third party setup the relationship

- Previous Marriages / children (VO will know this prior to interview)

- Beneficiary does not speak English well

- Few number of visits

- Document issues

- False disclosures

- Fraud


I'll just comment on the Fraud and avoiding the preception, unless I get a question on another:


Seems that even at the American hour, the VOs will mention issues regarding fraud.. so it is not like they don't even mention it.


Fraud appears to have two basic categories:

1) Single party - the beneficiary is pretending to want the relationship

2) Two party - the beneficiary is paying the petitioner


if a beneficiary is previously married, this often leads to more questions by the VO... they seem to want to know where the 'ex' lives and is there any contact. If the 'ex' lives in the US, then this could raise the VOs eyebrows...


[ A few USC who went to interviews have commented on meeting men who were being paid ]


Here is an excellent comment made by CFL member:

"The one formula that the fraudulent people will never be able to duplicate is EFFORT. Someone who is committing fraud is not going to put in the countless hours of communication those of us with valid relationships put in. "


1) your putting in a lot of time and effort to communicate (a few written letters takes more effort than a week of chatting! You have logs of her initiating talks)

2) you are visiting a few times (single party fraud--she wont really want you to come; two party fraud--if your getting paid, you won't want to spend the money on anything unnecessary)

3) You are present at interview (same issues as #2)

4) If the beneficiary speaks english well (shows she has an interest to communicate)



3. Is Sending money to my SO considered supportive?


ALthough it suggests that you are taking care of your SO.. also, if your being paid then you would not send money !!


But, if the lady paid you, she might talk you into paying some to make it look good.. and your got caught in her trap! A chinese lady will typically not ask for money...


If she stops working and that is why you are sending money, then try and get receipts of computer or language classes she is taking... although this might be hard.


Only one person gave a clear recommendation in all the material I read, and it was to NOT DISCLOSE that you are sending money... Just be careful with your decision.

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But it is no surprise to me when I hear the are 'profiling' them at 001..

Heck, from what my SO tells me, the girsl on 001 know just about everything :P They don't seem to know much about sheep though - guess they don't have time for the real important stuff :D

Do you have a URL for the 001 group? I'd like to send it to my SO.



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