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Jeff n Jianli

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Posts posted by Jeff n Jianli

  1. "Yes, lets back off on the "DWA" and stereotypes." "I like to say the driving style is like a person who has ridden a bike all their life..."



    Don¡¯t be a hypocrite, dnoblett, there are many Chinese people who have never rode a bike. Don't be so serious.

  2. Congratulations! I am happy to hear some positive news for you two. I have followed your case and I think you have worked harder and suffered more than most that has gone through this process.


    Oh, by the way, Do you know why they built the bridge across the Ohio?




    So that the Kentuckians can swim across in the shade. :greenblob:

  3. When I bought a one-way ticket to the US for my wife I transposed two letters in her last name. The airline said in that case it should not be a problem but I went ahead and canceled the ticket and bought her a new one. It cost a couple hundred to do that but it was worth it to be sure that there would not be any problems.


    You may not have any problems leaving the US but you may when you return. Why take the chance?

  4. We were facing a similar problem but my fiancée was able to get her visa in time for us to have the baby in the US. I was prepared to go through the process of getting a ROBA and an exit visa.


    My advice: follow the directions given in this link only. http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/registering_a_child.html


    The Chinese government does not allow anyone to have dual citizenship.

  5. At this point in the process I would not sweat things too much. If you hit a bump in the road a quick RFE will fix the problem. It is nothing compared to getting a blue or white slip and not being able to be with your SO for an extended period of time. However, I would recommend to go ahead and get the medical done if it does not cost too much.


    People should relax, it is all down hill from here. ;)

  6. "So, now, what is the best way to overcome this?" Give them what they ask for.




    We had a similar problem. We only did the vaccinations. Had to do the medical examination and vaccinations again. We went back and it cost us $65 for the medical and they did not charge to fill out the vacinnations part.

  7. Well, just yesterday I got a RFE for a medical and vaccinations report for our AOS. We only did the vaccinations . We showed the doctor where it said that we only needed that done. Unfortunately the person at USCIS does not seem to know about it.




    We will go back monday and get both done this time. We have only until May 6th to comply or risk getting our AOS denied, then we will have to start all over again.

  8. "Many people have reported a refusal rate of 80% or more for K-1 and K-3 visas in the Guangzhou Consulate lately"


    Wow, that is a lot if it is true, even for the general population. I am sure the rate is much less for CFL users. We are lucky to have found his site and owe many thanks to the people who manage it.

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