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About yuan95

  • Birthday 06/06/1970
  1. Hi, I am an old member... But I have not been here for a long time...I have a question to ask you all: Do we need to make a paid phone call of 54 Yuan to ask our interview date from GZ Embassy now? GZ Embassy does not answer our questions by emails like they used to do? THANKS
  2. Congratulations to you! You will get your visas early in this morning at 9 am!
  3. Sorry for mis- typing: Another thing: We interviewed on Friday, and we only can get our visas in the morning of Tuesday, not on Saturday. We hoped to have our visas on Sat. but ...
  4. Hello, everyone, I would like to share my interview experience with you though it seems our CFL will close soon! I only hope it is helpful for those who will go to GZ for their interview! To: nooeugo, I am sorry I was too busy to check the message recently, so I reply to your questions here, thenks for doing this job for our BIG FAMILY!!!!!! My P3 was issued by GZ Consulate office on Nov.15 and P4 was on March 28. Here is the contents about our interview. We were the 6th to be called for interview on May 13, it was a Black Friday! Our Vo was a pretty slim young girl about 30. She was busy turning our files quickly and viewed our forms when we walked to the window No. 10 where she was waiting for us. I found a young boy who seemed an interpreter standing behind her. I handed our passports to our pretty VO as soon as we stood at the window. She stamped on the last pages of our passports and our interview went as follows: 1, VO: Have you ever been to any foreign countries? ( in Chinese ) Me: I have been to American and XXXX . I told her I held a business vise to the USA. 2, VO: Who is your petitioner? (in Chinese ) Me: My husband XXXXXXX.( I spoke in English , now the boy went away because he knew I can speak English) 3, VO: How did you meet? 4, VO: How many times did your husband come to China to meet you? 5, VO: Where does your ex-husband live? 6, VO: What does your husband do? 7, VO: Do you have any photos? Me: Yes, I took out ten photo albums on the counter¡¡( Kodak's small photo albums ) and she happened to pick up the very album of our wedding party in my home town. She watched it very quickly and put it down...checked on her computer...looked at our forms on her counter. I did not know why I was so confident that I already got to know she would give us visas. Then I said to her: both K4 and I need two visa bags separately, one for me and one for my K4. K4 will not fly to America with me now and he will fly to the USA later. She looked at me at this moment and I showed my husband letter to her about this. After she read it...had us wait for a moment...she went back to the office...she came back to the window...she said to me: So you will go to America this month and your Kid will go later after his school?...I said: Yes...another two questions came to me: 8, VO: Do you have divorce paper? 9, VO: Do you have agreement about your kid¡¯s custody? I handed them to her quickly...She saw them and put them in our files... She stapled my husband's letter with a form in our file...then up her head, smiled to us: Your visas have been granted...I thanked her with smiles...she stapled the pink slip with our appointment letter together...told me to go to Shamian Post Office...We would know how to get visas...I thanked her again...and said to her: Have a nice day! When we were out of ML, my little K4 asked me: Mom, why didn't the VO ask me any questions? I feel very disappointed! My son ran around in the hall while the others were being interviewed, he told us when he came back to our seats: Mom, there is a lady VO who is about 50 to interview a girl... there is a young handsome VO who is interviewing a man... and another two young pretty female VOs are working too! My son and I were interviewed by one of the young female Vos. I feel all staffs working in the Consulate office, both Chinese and AMerican are nice to us. They also explained to us why they issued K visas to us not CR visas. (Our CR2's file is still in America. ) Another thing: We interviewed on Friday, and we only can get our visas in the morning of Tuesday, not on Tuesday. Good luck, evryone!
  5. Hi all, My Wife was told to go to Post office after her interview to fill out a form. That is when you tell the Post office if you will pick up or where you want it mailed. They will hold it for 15 days. You can also call the PO later if you plans change. Mark and June
  6. Hello, nooneufo, Our P4 got to my hands on March 30, 2005. I went to the post office to get it! It is REALLY a long waiting, but I got to know more and more that my husband is REALLY a nice and wonderful man to me during this hard time. He always encourages me during the frustrating waiting! I love him very very much! I feel it is so good that we have CFL such a big family to get helped each other. I wish all those got blue paper could overcome their problems and get reunited with loved ones. Only us who have been experienced the horrible time for a visa can feel the pain for it... Thanks for doing this for us. June
  7. We are CR1, but IR1 soon. P3 of CR1 : Nov. 19, 2004 P3 of K3: Nov. 18, 2004 Wait for P4...................................................
  8. Happy new year to all! Yes, sometimes we talk about this too. Well, according to these who had been denied for their visas, to visit China only once is part of the reasons. There are many other reasons to make VO give us a red flag, of course. Especially the visa jouney takes so long, normally takes one year or 18 months or even loger, if it is possible, to visit China twice at least is more resonable to VO, I think. On the other hand, to talk face to face to husband or wife is quiet different from only talking on telephone and chatting. I feel we got to know each other deeper and deeper every time we met. We learn many things and communicate more nicely after meeting each time. Visiting more times can make relationships between us more wonderfully. All of us here are walking in the way for visas, our aim is the same, to get reunited with our beloved ones soon...May we all do our best to reach our aim.
  9. Wow, Mark and Bea and Elizabeth, I am late to be here to say Congratulations! When I entered CFL, there are already so many friends here...!!! But I still feel so happy that I was the first one to hold little Elizabeth except the nurse and THAT will bring good luck to Mark and I! Mark and June:)
  10. Suggestions again: 1) Your mother's letter to Consulate, which we have told you on yesterday's post; First to email and Fax to them than fedex your mother's handwriting letter to them. 2) Make a video about 5 minutes both you and your wife to comunicate in English, together with body language and translation machine and so on. I remember there was a member here who paid 500 yuan to have one video with his fiance in the shop just near the Consulate Office and it worked! There is a lady who got the visa few months ago. Whoes husband married her at the first time when he was in China! Good luck.
  11. Hi, I am sorry to hear that. But now you had better do something. Here are some experience of others, and hope they will give you some help. 1. You and wife can submit any evidence to consulate from 9 to 10am everyday and you may try to be there to manage to go into the consulate not wait until Thursday. 2. Call your Mum or you wirte an email to her, have her wirte a letter to GZ Consulate to say your family is so happy you both married, looking forward to meeting your wife in USA as a daughter in law. Explain why she could not be able to meet your wife when she was in China and so on and so on... Of course letter will be slow, so ask your mother send it by email to Consulate and also tell Consulate the formal letter will be sent out at once. How many times have you been to your wife? Is this a CR1 or K3? A lady was denied visa for her CR1, her husband has been China 4 times within 4 years, but still let her submit the real relationship evidence to Consulate. Another was asked to submit evidence for 6 times... Those are only someone's cases, you just take them as a referrence. The bad thing is the Consulate will not tell you what evidence they want. Oh, another thing they like to deny a visa is the problem of I-864. Please check all those things. Good luck to you and hope to hear your good news soon! June
  12. Hi, Bryan and Qunying, Congratulations to you! There will be more members finishing this long waiting soon. We would like to borrow some good luck from you and get together...
  13. Taz, that is a good news! Congratulations! Our case finally was sent to Guangzhou on Oct. 4, 2004. We are waiting for P3. My husband and I talked about you yesterday when we were on the phone. Mark asked me if I saw your post recently about your P4... Now your P4 comes! I saw many oo1 JMS got interview day is in Nov. and their P3 was sent out in May too. How is your baby girl now? Mark and June
  14. Hi, Steve and tony, There is no cat visa! But you need to do some paper work for pets. As I was told by Bea, they will bring her cat to USA too. But the cat needs to buy a ticket, about 20% of an adult's price! Steve, you may contact Mark and Bea to ask for more detailed information about it. I envy that a cat does not need a visa but we need! June
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