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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. China is not strong enough to compete with the United States and its allies alone. The country does not have a good perspective without Russia. The two giants are doomed to cooperate.





    I didn't see much in that article other than extreme vaguery and speculation.


    As an off topic note... I laughed at the "breaking news" in the column to the right. "Breaking News: Iran doesn't care about the USA's carrots and sticks" I thought I might log in again to see "Breaking News: Snow is actually frozen water" or "Breaking News: 'Nearby star source of light and heat for the entire earth', says researcher."

  2. Let us forget this thread. China has move forward. The past is behind us.



    Can China also forget then the atrocities committed by Japan on them during WW2? Forgive and forget? Japan has moved forward too (actually).


    We pick and choose what is forgettable, and what fills us with rage at the very mention. Or does the state/media?


    Remember the anger sessions in 1984? Textbook stuff. Direct the people's anger outward. Baa.


    It is much easier to tear open other's wound than own.



    Very true, Joanne. I wish we could all be aware of that and use it as a stepping stone to looking into places we are typically scared to look, and with a more open mind.


    yes, with an open mind. The problem is who would know which mind is more open. :D



    As long as they are all open, no need to worry about who is the most. That would be like arguing over who is more modest :P

  3. Let us forget this thread. China has move forward. The past is behind us.



    Can China also forget then the atrocities committed by Japan on them during WW2? Forgive and forget? Japan has moved forward too (actually).


    We pick and choose what is forgettable, and what fills us with rage at the very mention. Or does the state/media?


    Remember the anger sessions in 1984? Textbook stuff. Direct the people's anger outward. Baa.


    It is much easier to tear open other's wound than own.



    Very true, Joanne. I wish we could all be aware of that and use it as a stepping stone to looking into places we are typically scared to look, and with a more open mind.

  4. Let us forget this thread. China has move forward. The past is behind us.



    Can China also forget then the atrocities committed by Japan on them during WW2? Forgive and forget? Japan has moved forward too (actually).


    We pick and choose what is forgettable, and what fills us with rage at the very mention. Or does the state/media?


    Remember the anger sessions in 1984? Textbook stuff. Direct the people's anger outward. Baa.

  5. I don't think anyone will forget.


    A Soldier's View



    One day in a 5000 year + history, forgotten no, most important maybe not. tradegy yes. every country has them.





    not going to fight with you Roger, go look at Burma,Bhutan,Semalilia,Russia,Goegia,Iran, Rhodesia,Poland, USA,Cuda,Korea


    etc..etc. take you pick.


    China is doing ok, you must agree you have houses there right. dont see a smart man like you buying houses in a bad country.



    Yes, China is doing more than ok. I don't think Roger is trying to say China is bad. Speaking of a sad/unfortunate/bad event isn't saying that China as a whole is "bad". It is only pointing out this specific issue. Also it's not to compare China to other countries and say "Burma is worse, USA is better" etc. It just is what it is, and Roger's post was a quote from a Chinese blogger.

  6. I'll chime in. It works great for a 2nd phone. The cons are as mentioned before, typically need your PC to be on in order to receive calls and 911 service can be sketchy. Other than that, it's a great way to give foreign relatives or friends a USA phone number so they can call you anytime free of charge, and vice-versa if you have free US long distance or are lucky enough to have a local number available. And at 19.95 per year, it's worth the price for sure.

  7. If we were in a bar and you said that to me, I'd punch ya out. If you want to earn any respect from members here, the place to start is by showing it to others. Like saying you'd punch them out for no reason.

    Come back in 2 days and see if you can regain any respect back. Such confrontations and violent gestures will not be tolerated. You'll find plenty of other websites which might allow that or encourage that as a sign of 'respect', but not here.



    Are you suggesting we ban Donahso for 2 days David? It's HIS quote. I think you'll find your button doesn't work on the root admin though. Or maybe you should iron out such gaping policy differences before implementing them on the board.

  8. America should do something about the deadly coal mines here too.



    China has the deadliest coal mines in the world.

    There's accidents every year, sometimes with very high casualties.



    China has the deadliest coal mines in the world.

    There's accidents every year, sometimes with very high casualties.

    Sounds like the US in the last century.



    All of which have nothing to do with the original post.

  9. I was very surprised about how @ss-paper is used whilst in the WC.


    Not that I've taken a poll, but usually an American will wad it up, wipe a bit, and let it drop into the bowl - getting more if needed.


    My chinese acquaitances all seem to wipe once, pull it UP and FOLD IT OVER, wipe again, PULL IT UP AND FOLD IT OVER again, and so on, till either all is clean or more paper is needed.


    Now, how to work this into a sentence with structure and meaning? I've no clue - but perhaps given you something to think about.


    Warmest Regards...



    I am not that familiar with how ANY acquaintance of mine wipes their ass to that level of detail. Must say I'm more comfortable not knowing :cheering:

  10. Not only becoming a US citizen allows you to vote, it also allows you to sit on a jury!




    I just got my jury duty day but I am not a U.S citizen yet. Is this normal?



    Maybe a late reply anyway, but most of those forms have a box you can check to say "I am inelligable for jury duty" and then either a box to check for "I'm not a US citizen", or a line to write it on. Jun got one of those before too.

  11. I agree in the overreaction department. 36,000 people die from flu every year. This one occurred "out of season" whoopitie-doo. The fact it has multiple swine strains is little more than biological curiosity, doesn't mean anything as far as virulence. It's a mild flu. But people LOVE to worry about the end of days. And of course, I fully expect China to drum it up as a way to say "see, it happens to you too!"... but that was never the issue with SARS or Bird Flu. Just like the Egypt killing pigs thing... panic responses by the uneducated. Can't change it, might as well enjoy the show.

  12. "My" experience with the Chinese medical system was, hmmm... "different". Though I agree with what you said that most Chinese prefer Chinese doctors to western. Although I would attribute the widespread Hepatitis B and liver cancer in China pretty much directly to this.

  13. Well, if they had 630 officials smoking a pack a day they could do it. That would be a lot of officials for one county. Bob Dylan used to smoke 4 packs a day but that is the most I ever hear of anybody smoking. I hope they have got more than 157.5 officials.

    Bob Seger used to smoke 5. :unsure:


    holy crap. If you chain smoked for 16 hours straight, you would have to smoke more than 6 cigarettes per hour to get that. I mean, I'm sure he didn't always get 8 hours of shut-eye, but he pretty much had to be drawing in smoke for every waking breath. His lungs must have looked like dried up rat turds.

  14. What warning did Beijing have before the quake?



    There is a somebody must pay mentality in the US, that is simply sickening. When I look around me today, I see a country of people that want a better life for their children. They are slow to blame, but quick to help. They don't get stuck on what should or could have been done, but rather on what needs to be done.



    This is good. The blame game is definately a problem in the US and other western countries more than in the east. "How do we fix this?" is the most important question in many cases, but we are too busy asking "Who can we pin this on?"

  15. Thanks for the assist, youngster, but I didn't want to cross the street. :angry:


    I was keying in on this part of Jason's post:


    "But I am however, always flabbergasted to read how some people (especially American spouses) push their opinions as fact on this issue, and laugh derisively at the "stupid westerners who can never understand the Chinese" as if they have become the very avatar of the distilled essence of "Chinese" simply by "opening their eyes" and reading a few books and spending a few weeks or years living in China."


    What's posted as fact rarely is. Experts aren't.



    Yeah, Don gets my drift, and his quote is my core point. It's a shame to see others missed it already. Friends don't let friends post drunk.


    I'm all for debate, even some argument. But I am however, always flabbergasted to read how some people (especially American spouses) push their opinions as fact on this issue, and laugh derisively at the "stupid westerners who can never understand the Chinese" as if they have become the very avatar of the distilled essence of "Chinese" simply by "opening their eyes" and reading a few books and spending a few weeks or years living in China. If ANYONE could so well pigeonhole an entire nation, there would be no war or revolution, would there? lol


    Sorta like laughing at them, rather than with them? :smartass:


    If cultural awareness and education were a destination, you could get directions.....


    Yes, laugh derisively as in "in a disrespectful and mocking manner". You get an A in today's vocab.


    I could use some directions from time to time yes, but I'm somewhat picky about who I ask.

  17. This manifesto is CHINESE, written BY Chinese FOR Chinese. Yet when a westerner discusses it he/she is "assuming/projecting that Chinese would ever want a western democracy... how dare we!" Why is that?

    You can't assume all westerners think like that because it simply isn't true. It's a misleading assumption and an offensive statement to make. It's a deluded generalization of westerners and as I have already said in a post I made in this thread, "I don't assume a damn thing." Does that make me un-american not to assume? I think not. I, as a westerner, have never thought of, let alone assume, a western democracy for the Chinese. The Chinese can figure out what they want. That's the way it's always been. There's the world- and then the Middle Kingdom; the Chinese.

    The Chinese are coming of age after years of past oppression and in time, with favorable consequences, the Chinese will establish themselves as an open nation and a world leader. But it will take time, and it's a slippery slope. Time will tell. I wish the Chinese good fortune in the fate before them but I don't assume their fate at all!


    samsong... it was sarcasm. My whole rant was about people who say things like that which is why it was in quotes. I thought that was fairly clear. <_<

  18. Wow, this issue was done to death when it made the rounds a few months ago. If it stands, I fully anticipate the same lines of argument to emerge, followed by the same endless debates that changes no one's minds, the same accusations of cultural insensitivity, and hurt national pride, and the same locking and/or deleting.


    And here I am saying the same thing I said before also, cause it sounds like fun to me, so let me skip the foreplay and elevate it right away...


    This manifesto is CHINESE, written BY Chinese FOR Chinese. Yet when a westerner discusses it he/she is "assuming/projecting that Chinese would ever want a western democracy... how dare we!" Why is that?


    While the desire for a free society and more than one party system may not be desirable by many Chinese, and many more may simply not care, there are also a number who DO, or who at least want something in the same spirit, with a Chinese flavor. Don't think it is a suggestion that the Chinese simply translate the US constitution into Mandarin... it is concerning several basic ideas of a free government that is held accountable to the people and derives it's power from them, and the idea of competing parties so no one holds a monopoly on political thought, and a free press. Basic tenants.


    This idea can be discussed without looking down on anyone, or assuming that the USA is superior and should be emulated based on that concept alone, and all the other accusations that eventually bleed out from people who can't stand the idea even being broached, and/or think they have the Chinese people "all figured out". I find that to be the more arrogant position by far.


    I've read CHINESE SCHOLARS arguing about whether Confucianism does or does not gel with democracy, for example. If native experts can find reason to heartily debate the issue, then why should I accept the opinion of an American hobbyist as gold standard?


    I'm all for debate, even some argument. But I am however, always flabbergasted to read how some people (especially American spouses) push their opinions as fact on this issue, and laugh derisively at the "stupid westerners who can never understand the Chinese" as if they have become the very avatar of the distilled essence of "Chinese" simply by "opening their eyes" and reading a few books and spending a few weeks or years living in China. If ANYONE could so well pigeonhole an entire nation, there would be no war or revolution, would there? lol

  19. When you buy a TV in in china, they come and set it up in your house for "free" plus give you other stuffs for free too (cables etc). never had a tv blow up either.


    contary japanese/korean and usa electronics seem to last just a very short time, example Sony DVD/VCR player bought 11 months ago no longer plays any DVD's, example 2 Brother printer/fax/scanner no longer can scan(of course all out of theier strangly short warrenties).In china you would go to seller and get replacement for free , here its oh well , not our problem, better you buy another.


    So lets talk real quality in product and service


    our Vizio tv works great.


    Well, low-end Brother printers are cheap junk. I see them on sale for "unbelievably low prices" all the time.


    I do agree with you about Vizio, they are making TVs of mid-level quality, at a low-level price. They get good reviews from consumers too.


    Not sure about the Sony, sorry to hear it. I've had the Same Sony 27" Trinitron for about 16 years now, and it still has a good picture after being moved from Virginia-California-Storage facility-Korea by boat-USA by boat-Maryland-Virginia-Michigan-Virginia-California again, having rotten pumpkin juice dumped down it's vent, being dropped... It was the first TV I ever bought, and while I have a big screen in the living room now, it still gets used almost daily.


    I think Chinese electronics get worse reputation than they deserve. Nearly every part in the PC I just built was from Mainland China, and Taiwan. There is a curve there, but it will improve. Right now the largest demand to China from global markets is "Cheap" and "Fast", so with so many companies you never even heard of stampeding in the "gold rush", there will always be plenty of shoddy merchandise to be found, but some gems too. More and more, we will start to see larger Chinese brands with much more focus on quality, and likely still some price advantages as well.


    But with that said, I certainly don't think by comparison US and Japanese products have anything approaching a reputation for quick failure. No more than anything else. I've had only 2 electronic devices go TU on me in a short time, and 1 was Chinese (DVD player), and 1 was American (iPod).

  20. Being a former spook type guy for the military all I can say is I have seen this done on a daily basis. It is a game USA, China, and Russia have played for decades. The only reason it was news this time is because some jack ass in a news room some where wanted some rating points to spike a little bit. Don't let the media play you. :rolleyes: :)

    This type of stuff happens almost daily but you never hear about it.



    Cool, I was a Cryptolinguist. What did you do (in general of course)?

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