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About YuLong

  • Birthday 11/11/1978

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  • Location
    Miami, Florida
  1. I believe if her system is fully Chinese windows you have to re-install windows to (normal) windows in order to have it as we know it. Then add your MUI pack.
  2. welcome Richard good to see another Floridian around.
  3. Have a wonderful time over there and get her back state side.
  4. Where do they get the balls for that?
  5. I¡¯m sure you have worked out how this will all happen. But if you decide to use the ATM card be sure to call WAMU before she goes to let them know the card will be used in China or it might be declined. Not sure. Her implication was there are extra fees. Doesn't matter now. Leiqin has her WAMU ATM card. Can she just use that? How about the $3000 that she'll need to purchase the pension?
  6. What kind of special fees is BA asking for? Transaction fees at the ATM tellers?
  7. I just heard from her today at lunch her AP arrived in the mail today. 2 copies to be exact. Our trip is right on schedule.
  8. Does anyone know how long it takes or should take to file for advance parole?
  9. Most all of todays DVD's can be region free hacked. In other words you can punch in a code into the remote and would be able to play any region. We love Chinese movies, but most all of them are PAL (I think its region 6) I purchased a Phillips DVD player that plays anything i have stuck into the machine, it also includes a USB 2.0 which is nice if you have avi's on a flash drive you want to watch.
  10. Mutianyu is light years better than Badaling. They should divert people to that site ... it'd be doing them a favor. Is that the section that's much more rustic and original than Badaling? Not sure what you mean by original, but hardly rustic. It is 20 minutes further out than Badaling, but once you've been to Mutianyu you'd have to be brain dead to return to Badaling -- ever. At Badaling the only senses that get aroused are sight with millions of a$$e$ staring you in the face while walking and smell when they fart. There are hawkers selling everything from Chairman Mao caps to the latest Linkin Park CD ... and at prices you'd only be able to pay by taking out a second mortgage. Half of the time at Badaling is spent in a line of various sorts. The only thing missing there is a McDonald's, Starbucks and a clown show. The scenery at Mutianyu is just as stunning as it is at Badaling, but minus all hordes of people, crap and no Starbucks, McDonald's or clown show under construction. where is Mutianyu with relation to Badaling?
  11. poor kids, they could probably learn how to draw like that with the time he puts out faking it. someone is drawing them, so i guess they are still nice pieces of art
  12. I think this is exactly what I am looking for, thanks Gino
  13. Yes I am aware of all the wonderful things they are capable of I was wondering if anyone knew where to get them online or in South Florida. Ive been eating them for about 6 weeks now since my brother in law spoke about them and sent me 2 bags of the little brown raisin looking dried berries. I was told they were good for my kidneys, and much more.
  14. Does anyone know anything about wolf berries also known as èÛè½ (gou-qi) I have been all over miami this weekend looking for the little small berry and only to turn up with no one knowing anything about them. Even the local chinese market does not carry them. I made an order from my brother in law from canada but I really dont want to bother him everytime I need a fresh bag for my fix.
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