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Jeff L

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Jeff L last won the day on June 22 2019

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About Jeff L

  • Birthday 03/26/1974

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    Belleville, MI
  1. Well, we went and the DMV lady must have liked Wen (wife was in the DMV the day before to change plates on her car) cause she made the test easier for Wen by testing her with True or False questions instead of multiple choice and 10 sign test questions. So she passed it easily and was happy about it. Now she has her permit and has to wait 30 days and then take a driving test. So Im sure there will be no problems now. Thanks for all your input.
  2. My wife's English isn't phenomenal by any means but she was able to get 36/40 questions correct on her second attempt. She bombed the first attempt since she didn't study at all. She studied the English road guide for 3-4 days, pretty much 5-6 hours/day, translated sentences she couldn't understand into Chinese w/a dictionary, made flash cards for the road signs, and so on. At the end of the day, there were really only 20-30 new words she had to learn that were specific to the test (things like "merge", "right-of-way", "off-ramp", etc.) There were also some practice tests online that helped alot. Yeah that may be the route that we have to go. We are going to the DMV in a few minutes to find out the exact answer. She is a smart gal for sure and is probably nervous for no reason. But she is always on the cautious side. I downloaded a manual from the dmv.org before which I thought was supposed to be translated, but it came to me in English and no way to change it. The Michigan manual here is pretty big, so its a lot to look at. Guess she has to do some studying and I will look at an idea like flash cards. After that we will probably schedule the interpreter to come to help her through the test just in case. So many more foreigners I know that barely speak English at all have drivers licenses, so something has to give. And she has been using her translated license since she got here last year in August, so I dont think we can keep getting away with that lol. Her parents helped her buy her own car as well, so Im not sure what they used for her to have an ID besides that and her passport.
  3. Wondering if anyone has had to deal with getting a license for their foreign spouse in MIchigan? I see SoS offers interpreters for the testing. But what we are trying to find out is if they offer the handbook in chinese language? Ive been searching the web everywhere but haven't come across anything. How would one take a test without a good study guide in their language? She understands a good amount of English, but she is worried that she will come across some words she isn't familiar with. How did anyone deal with this?
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