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Everything posted by phyrwrks888

  1. How do I post a message?

  2. Hello, I am phyrwrks. I am a US native with a Chinese wife. We were married in China and I am staying on a visa. I ma having trouble with my financial qualifications. I am searching for a sponsor/cosponsor or benefactor for financial assistance. I expect to be able to go back to work and my wife will receive a green card and will be able to work, as well. We do not have the resources required to show financial independence. I don't anticipate having difficulty supporting us in the US, but the paperwork has become a roadblock. Thank you all for viewing my request and bless you for support and assistance. Happy Holidays, phyrwrks
  3. #3, if it is possible for you to go to China and get married there. That may not take very long. Don't do all the things the sites say to do about verification of marital status. My experience, after have gone through that (ie: going to the State offices to get a notarized doc saying I was single/never married. It was not 'honored' in China) It would be wise/helpful to stay in China for 6 months or more. This tends to simplify the I-130 process. They seem to give credence (positive credit?) to the fact,that the two of you have been 'together' and it is not an impulse. Your application process could take 3-4 months instead of 10-12. You could return to the US and wait or try to do it all while you re still there. Finances may dictate a version you will create as you go along. You will need to get your visa in the US and then apply for a new one in China. At the local 'Alien registration office' of the police. This is really easy and not mentioned much, but I have done it and been able to get a 6 month visa. And another 6 month visa, after that. Your passport needs to be current, of course and not expire while you are here (there) or you will be going to a US consulate to get your new one. That gets more complicated. Their appointment system is a bit of a pan, but if you want to get married and bring her to the US, you will be willing to 'invest' your time and energy. How important is it to you? And her? You should look at the I-130 forms and see if you can do all of it. Look at the Financial Support forms. They are critical. I am in China! I have been here for six years. I even taught English for a while. The commute to the province capital was not pleasant or that easy and I quit. The town/city (four million people) we live in has very few foreigners and even less need for English teachers. Most of the people here would go to Beijing to work and never consider English or going to the US. We plan to apply for the I-130 in the next year. I took my wife to the US for two months in 2014. She likes it and has decided that it is preferable to staying here. She is willing to work in the US and is studying English. One advantage of the I-130 process: she will become a citizen and get a green card in three or four months after she arrives and is 'logged in'. She will be able to work. Look at the list of forms needed and what is required. It is an option.
  4. Hello, Is this done in Guangzhou? This is the first time I have seen any mention of a fee for Green Card anything. Are there more? Is this done after the application is approved/granted and prior to the actual immigration? It is a little vague. Thanks for posting this info. I will probably find more things like this will 'pop up' as we progress through the process? It would be nice if there was a complete list of documents, fees, etc. As well as the fact that staying in Guangzhou for two days to do medical, vaccinations and the inevitable waiting to be interviewed. My wife has been to the US as a tourist (2014, for two months) and was granted the tourist vise. Will this make any of the steps for immigration easier? She interviewed to get her visa for our trip. Does anyone know? Thanks for sharing needed and useful information, phyrwrks
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