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Fu Lai

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Posts posted by Fu Lai

  1. his contract ended, no big deal


    I loved the comments... "China bashing as the best ticket for a Green Card; even the village idiot will say he wants to go to America because Abraham Lincoln will fight for him!... And with today's attack dogs like Gillian Wong, Joe McDonald, Alexa Olsen hired by the western controlled mouthpiece like Associated Press trolling for stories to smear China..."

  2. How did you manage to get out of obedience school for 1% ?, please tell me the secret One more thing... someone who has the notion that asian women are "cute little obedient fuck toys" has obviously never dated a Chinese woman. 99% of the time I'm pretty sure I am the one being trained on how to be obedient.

    I guess that 1% of the time is when she has me so fooled that I don't even realize she is still holding my leash haha.


    she is always holding your leash, that is why we love them

  3. Mine was about 300rmb and has held strong for five years now... in the USA they wanted the equivalent of 20000rmb ( and that was the cheapest I could find)



    I had a tooth implant here that cost me about 50X less than what it cost in the USA. America health care costs are waaaaaaay above other countries in most cases.

    ChunMei had one about a year before she came here. Cost about 500 RMB. Last month, while she was in Nanning, the titanium post broke, resulting in the loss of the implant. And the dentist who did it originally had moved his office, and couldn't be located. She had to have another complete implant, this time at a cost of 550 RMB.


    I've mad an appointment with my dentist for this Thursday morning. My plan is to have a comprehensive exam done, and then get everything fixed that's necessary. Probably take a number of visits, and be expensive, but insurance will cover a lot of it, and I'll feel better knowing that everything is taken care of.


  4. A friend of mine wants to know advice for ordering Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, etc. online and having it delivered to a China address. I have tried these pills with happy results and I told him that Canadian companies do this for many things, but I'm not sure of how this works here in China. I know they sell them at the local pharmacies for 100rmb+ per dose which is wildly expensive compared to online, which is why he asked. Any help (message me if you want)?



  5. (Xinhua)
    Philippine Justice Secretary Leila de Lima confirmed on Thursday the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) had recommended the filing of criminal and administrative cases against members of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) involved in the killing of a Taiwan fisherman last month.

    In a text message from Spain where she is attending the World Congress Against Death Penalty, de Lima confirmed that the PCG men involved in the incident may be held criminally and administratively liable, but she declined to state categorically what charges should be filed based on the recommendations of the NBI in its fact-finding report.


    De Lima said the report has already been submitted to President Benigno Aquino III, who has the prerogative to either adopt it as it is, or subject it to another layer of review by his own legal team.

    "I'm confirming that the NBI already submitted the report. I forwarded the report (to Aquino) before I left for Madrid. The NBI recommended the filing of criminal and administrative charges (but) I cannot disclose yet what exactly the charges had been recommended until it is disclosed by the president. So let's not preempt the reaction of the president," she said in a phone interview with reporters.


    She also declined to comment on whether she agreed with the supposed NBI finding of a security lapse, unnecessary use of excessive force and violation of the rules of engagement on the part of the PCG.


    "I cannot disclose yet the findings of the report. So if I keep answering those questions then I will be disclosing already the specifics of the findings... Until the president approves or adopts the report it would be improper to disclose it," she said.


    De Lima however hinted that the NBI would make use of the murder complaint filed by the victim's daughter, Hung Tzu Chien, before the Pingtung prosecutor's office in Taiwan.


    "If the filing of recommended criminal charges is approved, the NBI would need a private complainant, so that would be the daughter of the fisherman. The NBI is looking at it (murder charge) as a private complaint," she said.


    A source at the bureau who requested anonymity said that NBI probers were able to establish at least one of the six elements of murder under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, specifically the fact that the Taiwan fishermen were unarmed at the time the coast guard fired at their vessel.


    Investigators also claimed that the coast guard team might have violated the rules of engagement in allegedly using excessive force to drive away the supposed intruding fishermen, resulting in the death of Hung Shih-Cheng.


    On May 9, PCG officers shot and killed 65-year-old Hung at sea 164 nautical miles southeast of Taiwan. The Philippine coast guard admitted later firing at the Taiwan fishing vessel.

    Investigation teams respectively organized by Taiwan and the Philippines have completed "parallel investigations" on the incident.

  6. What's the huge rush????


    My advice would be to not mention marriage AT ALL. Go and meet her and assess the situation with a clear head. DON'T MARRY upon the first meeting. Don't even hint at it or insinuate that you're thinking of it. Play possum to see which way the wind blows. She may be the one but don't let on. There is time.

    Be the tourist and sightseer. Keep your radar alert. Posters here will comment on all your comments with clear advice. You state with certainty that "She hasn't dated for 14 years so must be something about me that pulls at her heart." This is without meeting her or knowing facts. I don't want to pour cold water but, you know... Just my two cents.

    • Like 1
  7. OMG, the injustice! :rotfl:

    "Although he was released from Masanjia in 2010, Mr. Zhang, the man who said he wrote the letter, has vivid memories of producing the plastic foam headstones, which were made to look old by painting them with a sponge. “It was an especially difficult task,” he said. “If the results were not to the liking of the guards, they would make us do them again.” He estimated that inmates produced at least 1,000 headstones during the year he worked on them."

    Why I'm shocked that western propaganda would even insinuate the benevolent Chinese government would do such things.


    IMO, the people should clean their own house before, as they always do, hypocritically attack others. No country should point fingers away from themselves when their own hands are dirty. :shutup2:




    Prisons should be for rehabilitation.

  8. Sweeeeeeet! Easy peasy!



    Well, the trip went well, flight was a no brainer, easier than in the US. Just make sure you press english for the self check in counter, I did not even have to scan my passport, I just typed in the number and was thru security and check in withen 10 minutes.


    The train was also pretty easy, a little over an hour by subway and I arrived at Lohu station. Had my first Mc donalds in a month a pity no quarter pounders here :yikes: . Foreign devils cannot use the automated e ticket pickup so I had to head to a window. Waiting room was decent 4 stores a KFC. Only downside was only squatty toilets that had been pissed all over. Good thing I went in the Shanghai airport. The train was pretty clean in the soft sleeper section. I will admit it was nice to lay down with a pillow and take a nap for an hour. The only down side was no lower beds were available. So my view really sucked, thank-god for the tablet. Anyway baby is crying and it is my turn to attend her.

  9. Thank you kind owner for your uplifting and non-combative words. If you want to argue, I will not join you. You can believe whatever you want but others can just read my words themselves for what I say here. I never said "motivations for their actions in the region are purely defensive and justified."


    In the spirit of Qu Yuan, have a great Dragon Boat Festival. May your drum beat strong, your oars splash loudly and your zong zi be delicious.




    essentially it is a sovereignty and defense issue but the greedy hands of capitalism are also involved... sad Western press notice

    Man do they have you brainwashed. Either that or you just like to argue. If you honestly believe that all of China's motivations for their actions in the region are purely defensive and justified you are severely deluded.


  10. I thought this part was interesting from the article



    Lying to make you better

    Perhaps another example of parental manipulation is lying. According to a study that compares the use of lies by US and Chinese parents, while the vast majority of parents in both countries have lied to their children to influence their behaviors, Chinese parents lie more and approve of it to a greater degree than their US counterparts.

    Scientists in the US, China and Canada showed 114 parents in the US and 85 in China a list of lies that parents might use with their children. Parents were told to identify whether they'd used such statements and rate to what extent these lies are acceptable.

    Some of the lies sound like common parenting tricks: "Finish all your food or you'll grow up to be short," "If you don't come with me now, I'll leave you here by yourself" or "If you don't behave, we will throw you into the ocean to feed the fish."

    The study, published last November in the International Journal of Psychology, found that 84 percent of US parents and 98 percent of Chinese parents reported telling at least one lie similar to those on the list. It suggests that instrumental lying may be more common among Chinese parents who expressed greater acceptance of parental lying, even though parents in both countries view lying as a negative attribute in children.

    But when it comes to lying in order to protest their children's feelings, Chinese parents lie in fewer instances than US parents, according to the study.

    The results are consistent with differences between Asian Americans and Americans of European descent, the paper writes. Researchers suggest that cross-cultural differences may reflect "greater concern with social cohesiveness and a greater emphasis on respect and obedience in Asian cultures that encourages parents to be more willing to lie to achieve these ends."

    To elaborate on the approach, the paper quoted a Chinese parent as saying, "When teaching children, it is okay to use well-intentioned lies. It can promote positive development and prevent your child from going astray."


    I find the wife believes this and tells lies if she thinks it helps our relationship. This is hard to accept from my Western point of view.

  11. I'm going this coming week. I made this little plan (copy and pasted from several sites) and I would like some feedback from those who have gone there before or just know about it.


    Yueyang is the spiritual anchor of Hunan province. Since ancient times it has been reputed as the land of talented poets and scholars. On the bank of Miluo River, Yueyang city, you can pay homage to Quyuan, one of the most revered patriot poet living during Warring Period (over 2000 years ago), drowned himself here when his country fell. What can be more authentic than experience Dragon Boat Festival in its hometown?

    Yueyang International Dragon Boat Festival
    Place: South Lake in Yueyang, Hunan Province
    Activities: Every year it attracts more than twenty dragon boat teams from as far a field as the United States, Canada, Australia and others who come to attend the competition. Other activities such as tasting delicious foods, making zongzi (pyramid-shaped glutinous rice wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) competition, the tour to Donting Lake, Yueyang Pavilion and other local competitions and activities are also held.

    The Miluo River, the place where the story about Qu Yuan (339BC-278 BC) drowning in the Miluo River' happened. Many historic sites lie alongside the Miluo River, which is located on the east side of Dongting Lake. The famous patriot Qu Yuan who lived during the Warring States Period is worthy of mention here as he finally plunged himself into the Miluo River. The Quyuan Tomb and Quzi Temple are top destinations among the cultural relics left in this area. Each year people along the Miluo River hold a grand Dragon Boat Race in memory of Qu Yuan during the traditional Chinese Dragon Boat Festival. Qu Yuan was born in about 340 BC in a noble family at Leping Village, Zigui County, Hubei Province. He was smart in management and had good memory. He became an important official when he was young. He changed politics and attached importance to the enforcement of laws, which were against by some of the nobles. Qu Yuan was expelled to southern China and arrived at Mi Luo, where he spent his last nine years of life. According to legend, his masterpiece “Li Sao”, “Jiu Ge” and some part of “Jiu Zhang” were written near Mi Luo River. On Chinese Lunar Calendar May 5th, Qu Yuan jumped into Mi Luo River with a stone. It is said that, after Qu Yuan jumped into the river, people along the rivers rowed boats rescue him. Gradually, it has become a tradition to have dragon boat competition to memorize great patriot Qu Yuan. The people of Chu who mourned the death of Qu threw rice into the river to feed his ghost every year on the fifth day of the fifth month. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a huge reptile in the river had stolen the rice. The spirit then advised them to wrap the rice in silk and bind it with five different-colored threads before tossing it into the river. Hence the making of zong zi.

    The well-known Yueyang Pavilion is one of the three famous pavilions in South China. It is located above the city's Western Gate with Dongting Lake located in the west. Its architecture is very special because the whole building is made of wood and not brick or stone, with just four pillars to support the entire structure. Over the centuries, many famous people have left their mark here such as the famous politician and writer Fan Zhongyan (989-1052) who lived during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).
    ---at the Railway Station, you can take bus no. 15 to get there.

    China's second largest freshwater lake Dongting Lake is located southwest of downtown Yueyang. Its beauty lies in the width of the water surface. This is especially so at dusk when nocturnes are sung under the moon from fisherman boats, giving rise to a sense of romance and poetry! The Lake is sometimes known as 'the taker and sender of the Yangtze River'. The most famous scene in the lake is an island called Junshan. Junshan Island in the lake faces Yueyang Lou (Pavilion). Here visitors can discover many small pavilions, ancestral temples and a number of wells. There are ferries to take the passengers back and forth and the ride takes about an hour.

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