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Posts posted by seafood10

  1. the officer told my wife she will get the visa in the mail in 2 weeks.


    hey william lee: what part in the process that you got the exit permit yet? my wife told me in order to get the exit permit for baby, they will have to destroy the documents for the baby (not sure what it is called, but it is registered with family with english tranlation that you get from the psb). did you have to do the same thing?


    Strange why 2 weeks. Where do you live ? It should only take 1 week by EMS. Get ready to paid a bill for COD package.


    I don't know what docs are you talking about ? What registered with family wtih english translation ?


    I got unset at the police office. After going there and asking what docs to bring and copy for the visa for the baby, we got the necessary docs and went back two days later. Then the same guy said you need to bring the baby. I then I go mad and yelled at him because he never told us that. We have to make another trip to the police station for exit and entry visas. So no exit visa yet for our baby.


    Don't know anything about destroying any documents since I am not at that stage yet.


    hey william...can you tell me what are the necessary docs they tell you to bring? they are telling wife to jump to thru hoops in order to get the exit permit for the baby.

  2. the officer told my wife she will get the visa in the mail in 2 weeks.


    hey william lee: what part in the process that you got the exit permit yet? my wife told me in order to get the exit permit for baby, they will have to destroy the documents for the baby (not sure what it is called, but it is registered with family with english tranlation that you get from the psb). did you have to do the same thing?


    Strange why 2 weeks. Where do you live ? It should only take 1 week by EMS. Get ready to paid a bill for COD package.


    I don't know what docs are you talking about ? What registered with family wtih english translation ?


    I got unset at the police office. After going there and asking what docs to bring and copy for the visa for the baby, we got the necessary docs and went back two days later. Then the same guy said you need to bring the baby. I then I go mad and yelled at him because he never told us that. We have to make another trip to the police station for exit and entry visas. So no exit visa yet for our baby.


    Don't know anything about destroying any documents since I am not at that stage yet.


    i think the document is chinese birth certificate with english translation that the psb gotta confisicate and destroy. how much did you have to paid for COD? so you already got the visa? so how long is the visa good for? 90 or 180 days?

  3. the officer told my wife she will get the visa in the mail in 2 weeks.


    hey william lee: what part in the process that you got the exit permit yet? my wife told me in order to get the exit permit for baby, they will have to destroy the documents for the baby (not sure what it is called, but it is registered with family with english tranlation that you get from the psb). did you have to do the same thing?

  4. Cr1 visa. The officer didn't bother asking for to look at any documents such as email, photos, my 3 yrs 1040, etc. All he ask was about 7 basic question like how we met, how many time I've been back to china, what kinda job I have etc. And he said congrats to my wife and told her to wait 2 weeks for the visa. So all the preparation and documents that I had for my wife so she can bring it to the interview was a waste of time. Oh well.

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  5. On 1st day, where they supposed to give them all the evidence to proof it is a bonafide relationship, they didn't asked for any from my wife. All they ask how old is our baby was born a couple month ago who now has us birth abroad certificate and american passport. They told her to come back 7:30 am the next day. My laopo will still bring all her evidence and document with her during this interview.


    So what do u guys think? Is this a good or bad sign?

  6. so they got a slip that say not a bonifade relationship. did they reschedule for another appt.? do you believe they requesting the dna cuz they didn't have the us consulate birth certificate the and usa passport for the baby on hand during interview? in other words, if they had the baby usa passport, the consulate probably won't have requested the dna report.

  7. william lee: hey, just curious if you wife had the interview yet? if yes, how did it goes? what did you wife bring or show the officer about the baby? was the baby enough for her for guangzhou nazi to grant her the visa?


    my wife interview is coming up pretty soon...


    Had the interview this week. Damn hotels were twice to three times their normal rates because of the Canton Fair. Suprising her interview was less

    than 2 minutes. After asking about any baby, and looking at the documents for the baby, She said everything looks great and you are done. She was given a white paper.


    On the other hand, we meet a couple that requires DNA testing. They applied for a passport for the baby and was accepted but they didn't have it on hand yet for the interview. They showed them a Chinese Birth Certificate and other docs but it was enough for some reason.



    NOTE I want to attach serveral pictures of documents in a post but I don't know how to do it......I have pictures of documents that needs to be filled out for a Chinese exit visa for a baby. .Can someone explain how to post or attach pictures ?


    wow dna testing? so during the couple interview, the officer ask for dna report? how did they do the dna test so fast? the first day was to gather all the evidence and 2nd day was the actual interview. where was the dna testing being done? which hospital and was the result seal? was the couple both asian?

  8. so if my laopo pass the interview and get a white slip. what would it say on the white slip? we already know if it is a failure, it would have "NOID" written on it. but what about passing, what about it have on the white slip?


    so when my laopo arrive in the states, we need to fill out i-551 and i-751 form in order to get the 2 years green card? if so, where can we get that form and once the form is completed and send, how long we have to wait to get her green card in the mail?

  9. a couple of questions. her upcoming interview is very soon. our application is cr1 visa.


    1. if she pass and got the cr1 visa granted,what color is the slip, pink or white? and what is written on the slip? noid. same for failure on the inteview.


    2. how long that visa last for? if the visa last 2 years, what do you need to do once it expire, what forms and where to you go to renew the cr1 visa and then how long would that last for?

  10. after 1 week, my baby birth abroad and usa passport is ready to be picked. but i have returned back to the states. so my wife will pick it up on monday.


    my wife asked about the exit visa from her psb and they have no ideas what she is talking about. william lee, please report back if you are able to pick up the exit visa for your baby from the psb. also what the exit visa looks like? thx.

  11. i know you need to wait 2-3 weeks for the passport. how about the birth abroad certificate? how long does that take?


    Sorry, I don't know anything about a birth aboard certifcate ? I think your Chinese birth Certifcate is prove of birth abroad.


    Fogot to add, they took my English translation for the Chinese birth certificate. I kind of want it back and will ask for it when I get the passport next week.


    the whole point of going to guangzhou embassy is to register the baby birth abroad and to get that certificate. like randy w said, you can use that certificate so when the child comes to the usa, it can be used as birth certificate for school and work. if you didn't get it, you better go back and ask them when you will get that certificate.

  12. Documenting a Child Born Abroad Who Acquires U.S. Citizenship at Birth - http://guangzhou.usembassy-china.org.cn/ne...gistration.html (GUZ)


    The American parents of a child born in China should report the birth to the Consulate General. The Consulate General will issue a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (Form FS-240), and a U.S. passport, which will be needed for the child to depart China. The Report of Birth Abroad may be used as a birth certificate for school, work, or other purposes.


    When you apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, you will also be able to apply for a Social Security number at the same time. The number will be mailed to you approximately four months after registration.


    in the above link it stated: " There is a fee of $85 USD for a passport and $65 USD for the Consular Report of Birth Abroad."



    so william, when you go to register your baby in the us embassy in guangzhou, did you get the report of birth abroad (fs-240) yet? if not, how long do you have to wait?

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