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  1. Good news, we got our final processing/call in letter today. It ~only~ took 7 months and 3 days since her interview.
  2. Congrats! Consider yourself lucky. We have been waiting 6 1/2 months now, they reponded to our 6 month query with the standard "administrative processing" line, along with the suggestion that we can ask again in 2 months if we like.
  3. Congrats on the approval, and thanks for the update. We have been in the same situation and stressing over it since July. Your resume delay is very odd, you must have gotten someone new that didn't know the procedure. I suspect that providing the explanation at the interview helped the confusion. More than just an explanation is required, there is a form with 8 questions as well and three additional documents, the resume, travel history, and work plan. After discussing it at length with our attorney he advised us not to bring the extra material to the interview. But we were also delayed. The consulate claimed they did not recieve our material, which we did not find out until we asked for status more than a week later. The current process of emailing the information is beyond stupid on their part, it just begs for errors of this type with no visibility that there is a problem.
  4. I had my senator inquire, and they got the same "administrative processing" speil, albeit more verbose and flowery: Dear Senator Casey: Thank you for your e-mail regarding the immigrant visa application of _____. Your constituent, Mr. _____, requested your assistance in this matter. _____ case requires further processing under Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. We recognize that this has been a long wait for _____ and appreciate _____ patience in this regard. Please rest assured that we will contact_____ by courier mail with further instructions as soon as we complete the administrative processing on this case. We hope this information will assist you in responding to your constituent. Please do not hesitate to contact us again if you have any further questions. -------------------- It's been almost 6 months since her interview, an more than 5 since they confirmed reciept of her paperwork.
  5. Look up your Senator, they do have a liaison that can at least shake some trees. Look on their website: http://www.senate.gov/ For example, Charles Schumer of NY: http://schumer.senat...services.htm#q9 I submitted a request to my Senator, hopefully the majic approval is coming soon. We were expecting this to be completed a month ago, and now we are under some time pressure. Her landlord is demanding that she sign a new lease, which will be 5000 RMB if we break it, and her boss wants a commitment on her teaching assignments for next semester.
  6. Congrats, I'm happy for you. My story is not so lucky, today marks 4 months since they confirmed the reciept of her CCP response, and we are still under "administrative processing". Apparently CCP processing is not first in first out. Thanks, I'm sure yours is coming soon. Have you requested assistance from your Senator? I'm not sure if it helped or not but I had my Senator make an inquiry for me. Two weeks later we received approval. No, I have not contacted my Senator or Congressman. If I did, what would I say, and where should they direct their inquiry? Thanks, Steve
  7. Congrats, I'm happy for you. My story is not so lucky, today marks 4 months since they confirmed the reciept of her CCP response, and we are still under "administrative processing". Apparently CCP processing is not first in first out.
  8. Similar story here, blue in July for CCP for a K1. They received our paperwork on August 2nd, so tomorrow will mark 3 months of waiting. Under admin review is all they give me too.
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