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Posts posted by NickF

  1. I have a 15 year old daughter who's exactly the same. And she was born and raised in the USA. But she's carrying a 3.75 grade point average in school, had a wide social group, and doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs, so I cut her a little slack sometimes. Maybe too much. My only advice is to choose your battles carefully. Some of them you can win, others you won't. Just make sure the ones you win are the important ones.

  2. Why were u not there ???

    Perhaps you could have

    go to acs window to check what s going on ???


    I wasn't there because I only have a small amount of vacation time, My employer is a little touchy about people taking time off without pay, and at my age finding another job is not all that easy. And if I'm unemployed they sure as hell aren't gonna grant a K1.

  3. She did that. See my post above for what they told her. Last night she left to return to Nanning because she needs to get back to her job. I haven't been able to reach her since yesterday morning. She isn't answering her phone or responding to text messages. Now I'm a little worried about her.

  4. Hello, guz gave my wife pink in july 2010.waiting only 9 months now,and no visa. maybe you gonna get a blue just like we did? Davy


    At this point that appears to be the case. Yesterday she was told, "We have no information on when or whether a K1 visa will be issued."


    Yes this sometimes happens, get a pink at interview, then a few days later get passport and blue slip in the mail, additional processing needed for some reason.


    Let's hope it is just a small delay, perhaps see about changing where to send package from the post office in Guangzhou, to an address in home town.


    Also let's hope they don't mail out a white slip, I have seen this posted about once before.


    I so did not need to hear that.

  5. Hello, guz gave my wife pink in july 2010.waiting only 9 months now,and no visa. maybe you gonna get a blue just like we did? Davy


    At this point that appears to be the case. Yesterday she was told, "We have no information on when or whether a K1 visa will be issued."

  6. I've told ChunMei she should return to Nanning tomorrow. Every day she's been going to the consulate, and every day they tell her, "It will be here tomorrow. Come back tomorrow" And she's been believing them.


    She's tired of living in a hotel and needs to get back to her job. I told her to talk to Mr Yang about sending it to her when/if the visa ever shows up.


    I'm thinking the consulate needs to put a banner over the entrance with their motto, "We're the US STate Department and we don't care."


    Interesting, normally it is not picked up at consulate after interview, they will use EMS to mail it to many cities throughout China, Guangdong province, or to a post office not far from the consulate.



    Apparently they told her it was mailed to the nearby post office. She's been going there every day. Then when it isn't there she goes back to the consulate. Where each dey they tell it was mailed "yesterday." She says that the post office isn't that close, and she has to ride the bus. So I',m puzzled.

  7. I've told ChunMei she should return to Nanning tomorrow. Every day she's been going to the consulate, and every day they tell her, "It will be here tomorrow. Come back tomorrow" And she's been believing them.


    She's tired of living in a hotel and needs to get back to her job. I told her to talk to Mr Yang about sending it to her when/if the visa ever shows up.


    I'm thinking the consulate needs to put a banner over the entrance with their motto, "We're the US STate Department and we don't care."

  8. Fortunately I haven't made airline reservations yet. Had no intention of doing so until she had her actual visa in hand. She's been staying at the Yangs, so I guess I'll see if she can have Mr Yang mail it to her whenever it shows up.


    Not really surprised at this; I'm getting the understanding that GUZ jerks people around just because they can.

  9. Well, it appears I was too optomistic last Friday when I posted that we were finished with the process.At that time they told ChunMei that she could pick up her K1 visa on tuesday. When she went to consulate then they told her that now she could get it on Wednesday. On Wednesday they said maybe this week, or sometime next week. At this point she's still at the hotel waiting for something a little more definite.


    Now she needs to get back to Nanning while she still has a job. We don't know what to do. Anybody else had this problem? I seem to remember a thread here someplace that said for one couple it took 4 months for the actual visa to finally be obtained.

  10. Based on all the posts I've read on here and VJ, I figure USCIS doesn't really care where translations were done, just that they are done. Thinking ahead to the Consulate, might they see a stateside translation of a family member statement as something to question?



    Our US immigration attorney's former law partner did our Chinese to English translations (she's originally from Taiwan) and we had no problems before or during ChunMei's interview at GUZ.

  11. ChunMei had her interview yesterday (late last night for me here in the USA) and she gets her visa Tuesday! Don't have any details of the interview yet because she didn't take her computer to Guangzhou. We've been communication by text message for the last week. She'll be back in Nanning Wednesday, and we'll talk then.


    In the meantime, today I'm seeing my travel agent about airline tickets.


    And the whole process only took 10 months from filing for the K1 to her interview completion. I feel much better now.

  12. Was wondering how GUZ looks at ages when considering petitions. Both the actual ages and the relative ages of petitioners. There's a 16 year difference in age between ChunMei and me. Is this going to create problems?


    And I'm 63 years old; she's 47. Do they look at us "elderly" people as more or less likely to engage in marital fraud?




    62 and 49 age difference here. At our last Interview, Dec 09, the Interview Officer made negative comments on our photos, in reference that my beard is white, (has been white for many years). My wife looks alot younger than she is, and my white beard makes me look a little older.


    I've got the same white beard issue you do, but recently shaved it off, per the request of ChunMei. She and her family say it makes me look 20 years younger. soe does my 15 year old daughter.

  13. Was wondering how GUZ looks at ages when considering petitions. Both the actual ages and the relative ages of petitioners. There's a 16 year difference in age between ChunMei and me. Is this going to create problems?


    And I'm 63 years old; she's 47. Do they look at us "elderly" people as more or less likely to engage in marital fraud?

  14. My problem is also tax return-related. I haven't filed 2010 yet because I'm waiting for additiona K-1 (IRS Form) from my accounting firm. My attorney here sent a copy of my 2010 W-2 and 3 moths of my previous pay stubs, along with an explanation of why I haven't filed yet. My fiancee is a worrier, and she took all our paperwork to an immigration lawyer in Nanning. He told her that I must file before her interview, and send him a copy of the return, plus 6 months of previous bank statements for all of my bank accounts.My attorney here says that this is horsecrap.


    ChunMei's semi-hysterical about this, and I don't know what to do.The Chinese lawyer has also told her that he needs a notarized photocopy of every page in my passport, even the blank pages, and he needs my ex-wife's social security number, a copy of my 15 year old daughter's birth certificate, copies of credit card statements showing how I paid for the airfare for my two visits, and copies of my utility bills to prove I actually live in the US. This soulds like a perfect blueprint for an identity theft.


    Any thoughts on this?

  15. This is my first post here. I've been working on a K-1 since last June, and ChunMei finally got the packet from the consulate last week. Of course it's New Year, and nothing happens during New Year. So I don't know when we'll get the interview scheduled.


    I've only made 2 trips in the past 18 months, and have used all of my vacation time from work for them. Now I have 3 weeks of vacation coming this year, and I want to make another visit. Problem is, if I go now and they approve her visa I won't have any vacation time left to go to Nanning to bring her home. Any thoughts.

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