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Everything posted by bsmith

  1. Correect, this is what we did when using the I-134, there are two ways of showing capable of support income and assets, if income is more than sufficient then no need to provide asset data. Income should exceed 125% poverty line. My income is well above the 125% level they are concerned about, My concern is that it states right on the 134 instructions if ALL directions and criteria are not followed excatly, They can reject your affidavit.
  2. GUZ speaks out fo both sides of it's mouth. While the instructions say 3 years of tax returns were not required, at thje time we'd shipped the paperwork over there I still hadn't filed my 2010 return. So I sent the "supporting documewntation, including W-2 and all the K-1 and 1099's I had at the time. I filed my 1040 a couple of days later. When ChunMei did her document turn-in the day before her interview the intake clerk told her that they needed 3 years of 1040's, and that if the 2010 1040 wasn't present she'd be blue-slipped. I emailed the 2010 1040 to her and she had a hard copy for the interview. They still questioned her strenuously about why she hadn't turned it in the day before. It plainly ask on the I-134 form for Banking account balances, Do i need to include statements from my bank? According to the I-134 instructions, They are calling for all deposits for the last 12 months, This form was revised 2010!!
  3. Hey guys i have some more questions, My fiance visa has been assigned to Guangzhou, And she is waiting to receive her interview packet, My question is for the I-134 affidavit of support, I have read the instructions online, But they are a bit unclear, Do I need to send this I-134 to my fiance? Or do i need to file it myself? I am not sure! Also in the instructions they are only asking for last years tax return? do i need to send copies of last 3 years? They are asking for a statement from my bank for deposits for the last year. Look guys i have no problem providing them with whatever they want, I am just unclear as what i need to provide, Please help, Thanks Brian
  4. What two items will they ask my finace for? OF-169 and DS-230 (Part 1) They will be filled out and mailed to the consulate here: United States Consulate Guangzhou IV Unit 1 Shamian South Street Guangzhou, 510133 PRC Thank you so much for your help here, But I still have a few questions, When we filed our I-129F appliction we provided certified and translated copies of my fiances records, Birth certificates, ect, Will she need to provide them again in the instruction packet for Guangzhou? If so i need to mail them back to her, But I am not sure if she needs to provide them again since they were allready in our application, Can you clear this up for me? And does she need to pay another 350.00 before her interview? I am a bit fuzzy on this too. Thanks Brian
  5. What two items will they ask my finace for?
  6. Hey guys i have some questions, And hopefully someone can help, Today I received I-797 , notice of action, It is a approval notice for a I-129F application, My questions are as follows #1 on the 797 it says Valid 05-09-11 to 09-09-11, What does that meen excatly? #2 Will I be notified of what I need to do next? If yes, How long does this usually take? #3 What will I have to do next? #4 Will they advise me of my finance,s interview date? Or will they contact her directly? And how will they contact her? Mail or e-mail? I really thank everyone in advance for any help here, Thanks Brian, P.S. case assigned to Guangzhou,
  7. What excatly is a service request? I think it is something I should be aware of? and maybe something i should do?
  8. I just hope to get some information here, It has been very helpful in the past. U.S.C.I.S received my I-129F on 11-15-2010, I understand the processing times are taking about 5 months at the Vermont processing center, Where my case was assigned. My concern is that during this time period I have not heard anything from U.S.C.I.S. only a letter stating they had received our application. My question is #1 Is it usual not to hear anything from U.S.C.I.S for so long? I have contacted customer service, And all they say is I should be patient until 04-15-11. #2 They have not requested any further information from me? No taxes requested? Nothing? I am just a little worried. I have all of the E-Mail and text message notfications turned on that i can possibly think of, But nothing yet. Also if the 5 month processing time is up 04-15-11, When can we expect a appointment for a interview? Thanks Brian
  9. The Chinese consulate in Houston (the one I am assigned to) had all the information I needed. It DID have to be notorized by the Chinese consulate though if it was done in America. Si i guess i might as well plan to visit Guangzhou or Shanghi to receive my Marriageability affidavit?
  10. CAn i get a marriageabilty certificate here in the U.S. before i travel to China? or must it be obtained at the consulate in China?
  11. Try checking out www.mydialbox.com it may have what you are looking for.
  12. I checked cheap o air and found a round trip ticket from Charlotte to Gulin China for 701.00 dollars, The only problem is I have to change AIRPORTS in new york, Has anyone dealt with cheap o air before? any problems?
  13. I am allways looking for the cheapest way to travel to china by air, What is the best deals anyone has found?
  14. Hey guys that is a wonderful suggestion, Because my finance and her family is very old fashioned or traditional, It allmost seems to be a black eye for me to visit and stay with her when we are not married, I think a formal announcement and some type of ceremony is in order, We will do everything except register it with local officials, Thanks
  15. I mailed my I-129F about a week ago, And sent the form requesting e-mail or text message notification upon receipt, But have,nt heard anything yet? How long does this usually take? just curious
  16. Ryan should know, check his signature! " September 1, 2010: Changed course from K1 to CR-1 " Hey guys I came looking for honest and helpful information, And that is what I got, Thanks, I guess for now we will just stay the course with the I-129F, Although it is a bit disappointing, It seems to be best.
  17. My fiance is a nurse in China, Now she has 3 years of college and has been a nurse for 15 years, When she arrives in the U.S. she wants to continue working as a nurse, But how will this work? can she provide copies of her college transcripts and nursing degree? or will she have to go to school here? She is better educated then most registered nurses in the U.S. But I am not sure what to tell her about this subject? Please help thanks.
  18. Here is my input on the ring situation, I used it to explain to my fiance the importance of a wedding or engaugement ring. In China a beautiful woman can walk down the street alone and never get more then a second glance from most chinese men, In the woman,s mind she knows she is married and finds that a ring is not that important. But I explained to my fiance that in America, It is a different culture, If a woman is not wearing a ring here, It is a clear sign she is fair game, I explained this to my fiance and she understood very clearly that by her not wearing a wedding ring in the U.S. is sure way to start trouble. She understood, She did not perticuarly like it, But she understood.
  19. Hey guys it is me again, Have another question, I have filed my fiances I-129F petition, But I am going to visit her again in Liuzhou in mid January, Now this is my question: Should we register our marriage in China when I return there? Will this in any way slow down her visa process? Will I have to re-file using the 130? Or would this be something I could use to smack the interviewer in Guangzhou in the mouth with, LOL ?If we marry and register, Do I need to even inform the U.S. goverment of our descision to marry and register our marriage? A little back ground info. We have had a relationship since 2008, I travled to China in July 2010 for 5 weeks, We decided we were correct for each other and decided to pursue a visa for her. Our case really seems pretty simple, LOL we both were married 1 time before, Both divorced in 2006 she has no children I have 2 , both are in college and above 18, I earn well above 125% of poverty level, Give me soome feed back please. Thanks Brian
  20. Hello this is Brian, Thank you for your e-mail, My first question is. Where you peeking through our window when I was in Liuzhou? lol thanks for the great information, I have not had time to visit all of the links as of yet, But I will this weekend while I am off. I must agree it seems that most if not all chinese women are very strong willed and opionated, But from my personal expierence it seems that all of intentions are very good, They seem to only want to care for your needs, And if you interfear with this natural instinct to care for you, You will receive the WRATH!!! I am a pretty laid back person, Do not get excited about much, So I just lean back and let her go, MAn she makes me dizzy, Her appartment must be cleaned from top to bottom on a daily basis, And everything in its place, I have attempted to help her do these chores, But it seems I move to slowly or am just plain old in the way, So I reside myself to the couch and wait for this cleaning frenzy to pass. I will give you some advice too! I have learned one trick to allowing me to cook for her, Beat her to the kitchen. You may have to wake up at 3:00am and curl up on the kitchen floor though, But when she turns on the light, Just say you dropped something and get up and start cooking! lol otherwise the kitchen is her domain, Kind of reminds me of a lioness protecting her den. Although I must admit I saw wonderful things in china, Ancient history and culture that is mind blowing, Some of the best times we had together were cooking together in the kitchen, She seemed to really appreciate the fact that I was helping her, I found that we had some of our best conversations while stirring a pot of chicken feet! LOL Thanks for the e-mail, I would like to hear more from you, Brian Smith
  21. Hello evryone, I would like to ask a few questions here, I have a long ongoing relationship with a chinese woman, We have filled her I-19f petition and Ect. I am somewhat versed in chinese culture and history, And when we marry and she comes here I would like for her to be able to inject some of her culture into our marriage, As you all know, She is giving away everything in her life, Everything she has ever known to be with me, So I want her to ba as comfortable as possible when she arrives, What is some good cultural aspects of chinese culture that I could place in our marriage to make her comfortable? I would like to do some things on my own to show her I am trying, And I am good with anything she would lke to do?
  22. Hey everyone, I have allready sent in my I129F application, With all information I felt was necessary, But my question is will I have any opputunity to submit more evidence? Can we submit more at the interview? Can I mail more to them? if so where and when?
  23. First let me thank you for reply, OK as far as the language goes, I speak very weak chinese, But I am trying to learn, As for her english, She speaks it pretty well, I would say at a mid range, Sometimes things do get lost in translation, But we both know this and take our time, As far as far as my past marriages, I was married 1 time in the past to an american, That marriage lasted 16 years, And I have 2 children, 1 son, 1 daughter, Both over 18 and attending college on full scholarships. I expect you will have no problem, but a single visit could be improved by another visit or two. After you file, perhaps go visit again, and then go over to accompany her during the interview time. My Fiance is from the Guanxi province. City of Liuzhou My wife and I relationship, history, language etc. is similar to yours, and we had no problem at all. The only other possible red flag would be if your fiance is from a "high risk" province. Certainly this is profiling, and obviously the Immigration unit has no issues with profiling. Once someone did a survey here on the candle, and if I remember over 1/3 of the wives were from Naning area.
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