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Everything posted by griz326

  1. I read an article that said the Ford Flex - overall - was the most fuel efficient and practical of the SUVs. That's a bit hard to take knowing how good the Subarus are, but we're going to give them a look. Any thoughts?
  2. I've been reading books about China, Chinese philosophers & their philosophy, visiting China over a span of 30+ years, and making a home with a Chinese woman and her daughter...and still I know nothing about China. Reading those comments is a sad commentary
  3. Good article, David. I lament the cultural losses I see in China with each trip, but the people seem willing participants and it is their future to guide. My Lao Po exhibits boundless ambition and is happier than anyone I've known even though she is in her 50s. I believe she'll be making a bundle of money because she seizes opportunity. She is cut from the same cloth as the Beijing people being described in the article. And yes, if the USA doesn't get on the stick, we will defeat ourselves; and very soon. It may be good for all of us to have hooks into China, because this place becoming like milk that's been in the frig too long.
  4. Thanks tsap, but I figure I'll leave the women's work to Lao Po.
  5. I've noticed the same thing -- just plain crazy.
  6. I feel good. There is always pain, but I am no longer in screaming pain. More than anything, I'm sick 'n tired of being bedridden. I want to go climb a mountain or play around with Lao Po. If only there were a magic wand to short-cut the recovery time!
  7. Nothing to add to the thread except my very best wishes.
  8. On China IS an excellent book for anyone hoping to get a better understanding of China. To balance Kissinger's work, I started reading, Death by China: Confronting the Dragon by Peter Navarro and Greg Autry. http://www.amazon.com/Death-China-Confronting-Dragon-Global/dp/0132180235/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1313079466&sr=8-1 I cannot recommend this book because of the inflammatory approach it takes. Truthfully, my take away so far is that the authors are whining about the Chinese taking advantage of greedy American businesses and seizing opportunity. For example: *** There was outsourcing of American manufacturing jobs long before China (it started in earnest after the great steel strike in 57-58). *** Entrepreneurs of all stripes cut corners to increase profits. If you go back in our history, you'll find countless examples of corner-cutting with fatal results. In fact, just consider the Enfamil baby formula scandal of the 80's when the manufacturer shipped bad formula to India after it had been recalled in the US. *** China's pollution and workplace safety issues mirror the issues we had in Pittsburgh until the 60's when the 3 rivers were nearly fish-less. Eventually, they'll get it right, but I'd bet the rules are more realistic than the ones our government imposes. *** China's attempt to lock up raw resources around the world is heads-up business that takes advantage of global leadership asleep at the switch. *** China's checkbook diplomacy tactic might have been learned by observing the US. *** China's "colonial policy" would be a new behavior - IF - that's what it actually is. China has never exhibited much interest in empire building...just in keeping the empire intact. Mostly whining & sour grapes lamenting that China hasn't accepted the international rule book as a bible...and ignoring the fact that both the US & England did the same damned things. Only time will verify truly malicious intent in these behaviors of the still emerging China. For business people and politicians collecting a paycheck while asleep at the switch, the time to wake up is long overdue. Doing business with China will require vigilance for many more decades. Old ways die hard. Chinese entrepreneurs will squeeze every ounce of value out of every resource unless we stay on our toes and catch them trying to get flavor out of thrice used ginger. The authors are writing/revising the book: The Coming China Wars. There's little doubt that there will be a war with China if the perspective of the authors becomes the global standard. I believe doing business with China follows the "buying a horse from an Amish man" paradigm. PS - I am 1/3 of the way through the book but intend to finish it in the hopes that the authors bring some balance to the presentation.
  9. I was finally released on Monday and am doing pretty well. Pain is ever present, but manageable with 40 mg Oxycontin daily. I'm walking around the yard with a 4 wheel walker and have just started taking steps with my cane. My goal is to be able to dance one or two dances with Lao Po at our 3rd anniversary celebration at the end of the month. My IV antibiotics are scheduled to continue until mid-October. After the relapse, they unleashed the gorillas on the infection: Vanco and Zosyn. With yesterday's Vanco blood test, they reduced the dosage to prevent the Vanco from eating my insides. *delightful* Everyone seems to believe I'm finally on track; all that I need to do is *walk* my way back to as full a recovery that my spine will allow. ETA on full recovery is 6-12 months. Being this sick really gives a guy a perspective adjustment! ...sleeping in bed with Lao Po holding hands is good.
  10. Thank you. I'll be taking a look at some these when we go back to the doctor in 2 weeks. I was finally released this week.
  11. There are so many models that it is difficult to find what you're looking for on a manufacturer's web site so recommendations are really appreciated. I like Subaru's, but the seat height is nothing like a Ranger or Explorer...which maybe high enough. 30+ mpg would be super. I've heard VW has an SUV diesel that gets great gas mileage, but I don't know how long that's been around...
  12. Bought Lao Po a 2001 Saturn in Appril. It's been a good little car. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to drive for another 6 months and Lao Po still cannot drive our big truck safely. As a result we must get a larger car with higher seats so I can get in and out ... and ... that she can drive safely. Reasonable fuel economy and AWD are important. So far I'm looking at Subaru, Honda CRV, and Suzuki Grand Vitara but I know there are a lot of other small SUVs. Anyone have good experiences with that class vehicle? BTW - With luck, I expect to be well enough to be released on Thursday.
  13. Me too! Lao Po does not understand. I set up a phone conference with the surgeon, a Chinese medical translator and Lao Po. I hope that helps her because she was a real mess this morning.
  14. Re-admitted to the hospital on the 7th. The infection spread despite the 24/7 IV antibiotics. In figuring this out, the docs found additional spine damage, new areas of infection, AND a large kidney stone. No wonder I hurt! They've changed to broad spectrum IV antibiotics, plan to smash the kidney stone Thursday, and are trying to decide when it will be safe to fuse the many laminectomies required to clean out the puss of the infection. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laminectomy My back won't have much structural integrity until they fuse it because they "unroofed" about 12 inches of my spine. Recovery time is currently estimated at 90-120 days...but I now believe that I will recover. I really feared that my girls were going to be on their own. I appreciated all of the good wishes, kind thoughts and prayers.
  15. I had to take a large caliber pill about 2am. The pain is hideous and the big pill just softened the pain. I don't think I'm being a baby about this, but I really don't know.
  16. Doc decided to eliminate my pain meds. OUCH! Everything hurts now. I did not know they'd cut them off so soon after major back surgery. Probably a good thing, I've been using large caliber pain meds - off & on - for over a year. The ETA for my return to work is mid-September.
  17. I fell yesterday. It taught me that going from vertical to horizontal at the speed of gravity is a lot faster than 911. Then...early this morning...Lao Po conducted her own gravity experiments with our basement stairs! She's banged up, but, still "younger"
  18. What a book about China! Kissinger is arguably one of the brightest leaders of our age. His understanding of the Chinese perspective has without doubt helped all of us and China. I wish our current crop of leaders held such a complete view. ...going back to the book... B)
  19. It will be a while before I can report real progress, BUT what has most impressed me is my daughter's fear and my wife's attitude of this being just another of life's many trails. My responsibility to the girls really emerged as the key issue for me. Fortunately, I'd made a few good insurance decisions, that should help us make it through. Thanks for the good wishes. It ain't great yet, but sure beats being face down in the dirt.
  20. Came in a week ago for an MRI and was wheeled into surgery immediately. The girls were terrified. I'm looking at 12 weeks in bed. No fun.
  21. griz326


    How 'bout an allowance of 10 pounds of rice, 10 pounds of beans, and 10 pounds of soup bones a week? Government shouldn't be in the charity business; we have churches and families for that.
  22. I still haven't cracked this open on my Kindle...not nearly enough time with both girls at home.
  23. I just bought Henry Kissinger's new book, On China. Love him or hate him, few westerners know as much about China as Dr. Kissinger. When I finish it, I'll post a little something about it.
  24. The Huffington Post had a headline that he was already buried at sea. WTF? Now The Donald is going to want the death certificate. I hope the special forces saved his head to put on a platter myself.
  25. Yesterday was the grand opening of Lao Po's "Panda Cabin 10-10-10 house." It was Eureka's annual Rendezvous and thousands of people spend the day. Lao Po made more money in one day at Rendezvous than she ever made in one day at her store. She would have made a lot more money, except for a piece of misfortune that was "husband's fault." As we set up in the morning, I looked at the sky and said, "It looks like a storm." Lao Po says..."No bad talk." Action in the Historical Village is always slow until after the parade; then for about 2 hours...the village is JAM PACKED with everyone who turned out for the parade. This year, as the multitudes began to flood into the village, a hail storm exploded with 1/2" hail and the multitudes scattered. That was "Husband's fault!"
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