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  1. I need some advice for my situation. My wife and I have been married almost 2 years and she got her CR1 15 months ago. We both still live in China as my job is here for the foreseeable future. I have worked as Chief Engineer for a Chinese company for 7 years and lived here for 4 years. We both travel to China together every 6 months or so and stay 2 to 3 weeks each time. I maintain Domicile in the US with bank accounts, parents address (where we also stay), drivers license, Life Insurance (she is beneficiary) and so forth. No property in either country aside from a car in each. Until this week, I thought this was the "right thing" to do for her to maintain her LPR status. However, last week she was talking to a man that was just popped by INS going back to the US after 5 months who warned him that he would lose his card if he didn't stay in the US more. After researching this some, and reading some postings here I have come to the conclusion that we might have trouble!!! Especially because she is still CR1 and not IR1. I tried contacting USCIS here in Guangzhou and they referred me to the IV unit. The IV unit only told me how to enter the US the first time (which she did last year). In other words, dead end and no help!! So the questions are: 1) I am considering filing a Re-entry permit when we are there next month. With her still being conditional, I am wondering if this is just delaying the inevitable and they will deny the removal or conditions next year and she loses LPR. Any ideas? 2) Can anyone recommend a good immigration lawyer I can talk to? 3) If she were to lose her LPR status, how difficult would it be for her to travel with me on a Tourist Visa? We went the I-130 route because she couldn't get one before. The Visa officer told me this was because we were married and that makes it too strong that she intends to immigrate. If she loses the CR1 due to not immigrating, does this make a case that she doesn't intend to (for now). 4) Once LPR is lost, can it really be regained? I know in theory it can be, but does it actually happen in practice? Thanks in Advance!!! Steve
  2. Just wanted to post my 2 cents worth from Nancun, Panyu in Southern Guangzhou. My wife and I run a shop serving Pizza and selling imports. Some of our foreign customers had mentioned that the Police had been stopping them to check for the registration papers. I was due to re-register as my residence permit had just been renewed a few days earlier. We asked the Police woman about the noticed increase of checks. She said it was part of the crack down leading up to the 60 year celebration of the government and they were actively checking foreigners for the proper papers. She said here in Nancun they will take you down and make you register right then if you aren't already registered. However, she said in the downtown region they will fine you and blacklist you in the system which makes it difficult to get a new visa. My advise to those that say they have never been checked, remember the police here operate on a policy of "One eye open and one eye shut". Right now the open eye is in control!!! Just wanted to pass this along.
  3. Don't know the law on that, but wouldn't surprise me. First thing that comes to mind would be to find another place to do the shots. My understanding is that any place can do the shots as long as they issue the yellow card. Then take the yellow card to the OTHER exam place in GZ. There are 2 of them. Don't know if Clifford Hospital in South GZ (Panyu) can do the yellow card, but I would think they could. They cater to many foreigners and are pretty up to date.
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