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Everything posted by Kevinf

  1. Not that I'll be able to sleep any better now but ... its ... PINK Booking tickets now ... omg ..wth happened to airfare prices!! ...lol .. who cares! Congrats to Gino & Lulu too!!! (hi5pro). They were there with my SO and celebrating afterword! Apparently, all her friends that went in today from 001 got pink! She said it took less than a minute. She went to the window, said "Good morning, how are you?" ..VO Answers ..she says, "Excuse me, I can speak english OK, but I'd rather speak Chinese" .. VO says "Oh your english sounds just fine to me, you're approved!" As far as I can tell from her account, he didn't even ask to see any documents other than their passports (SO and her daughter). When the shock and awe wears off, I'll ask her again
  2. I was told to make one up for both by lawyer and many CFL old timers!! I agree. Seperate I-134 filled out by petitioner for every "beneficiery". So does that many the exact info both times? Or one each with their different names on it? I did send her two, but other than being original notarizations, they're basically identical.
  3. OK .. I have two questions. 1.) Do I need an I-864 for a K-1 ? 2.) My SO is bringing her 12 year old daught. 001 is telling her she needs an I-134 for each person. I was under the impression that, since her duaghters name is on the I-34, that she only needed the one. Clarification please? Thanks!
  4. Yes. I called 202-663-1225. Hit 1,5,0 to skip right to the queue. Or to the message that say "We are serving too many customers. Please call back later." I hate that one. I actually have them on speed dial
  5. I did not make a "copy", but I either have copies of everything that was notarized etc, or it is all replicatable. At this point, however, we're pretty much screwed if it gets lost. FedEx says they expect it to arrive Dec 3. So, if something does go haywire, I don't think I'll have enough time to get her a second copy by Dec 11. We'd have to reschedule our interview.
  6. Wow! That is wierd. Your case was sent 4 days BEFORE mine, and we have and interview date. What's up with that? If you're calling DOS in the states, that's the thing to do. GUZ is clueless about these things. When my fiance called GUZ on Monday to ask if we had an interview date, they told her nothing had happened. When I called DOS, they told me the P4 had been mailed the previous Friday and we had an appointment. Do they even know how to network computers at the consulate?! Anyway, that feeling of helpless you have is pretty much the stock and trade of our immigration process. It's a shame you have to wait so long with no recourse! Stay with it brother!!
  7. Congrats! Let the instestinal fortitude begin to boil! So ... is it just me, or is there a sudden rash of short interview dates? I seem to remember before that it was anywhere from 30-60 days after a P4 to the interview day, and now there's a whole rash of interviews popping up in December with less than 30 days notice. In fact, from the time my P4 was mailed to interview amounts to about 19 days!! Is GUZ cleaning house? I'm kinda hoping they decided their backlog is a problem and are getting the easy cases out of the way pronto to help clear it up ... I can always dream!
  8. Haha! I know what I'm doing up! STRESS BALL EXPRESS! Actually Michael, I'm talking about FedEx'ing the entire sink tomorrow. I'm just getting last minute pieces of paper, like these, inserted into it. Honestly, I had not expected our interview date so fast, since our P4 was only mailed on Nov 23. So now I'm basically going to have to overnite all 8 pds of it!! And yes, she is in Shenzhen. They have everything there. She FedEx'd a letter to me back in February and it took 3 days to get here, so I have high hopes!!
  9. Oh... Sorry. I am talking about first class mail. FedEx priority may be way faster but I have not tried it yet. Best wishes, Gino & Lulu Hehe. I don't have much choice. The sink must fly!! So on top of all the nervousness of the interview and evidence, now I have to sweat the sink getting there on time! I wish I could hand carry it but jeez ... And though I appreciate greatly your offer of courier, Gino, she'll need this stuff before the 6th. She still has to add her things to it and organize it to suit her style and so forth. So I must FedEx it as fast as possible. Oh well, I didn't need that entertainment budget this month
  10. I tend to doubt it is anything to sweat over. Having it would be ok, but I seriously doubt they are going to take the time to look at receipts. Can you create an account online with your credit card company and print statement that way? OK! I printed my CC statement for Nov 2006 and the first one was there. I printed my bank statement for April 2007 and the second purchase was there. So that should be sufficient? Gino .. what do you mean it will take two weeks for mail to get there? Even if I FedEx it priority??
  11. So I basically followed Gino's (hi5pro) kitchen sink template. Thanks for that Gino! And just when I thought everything was said and done, my SO was happy, I was still a bit stressed but a little less than before. **!!BAM!!** ..She tells me that a lot of girls on 001 are saying that I need to provide proof, in the form of bank reciepts or some such, that I in fact bought my own tickets, and did not have anyone buy them for me. I had never heard of that before or seen on here that anyone was ever asked for it. Anyone got a clue if this is a major concern or not? Thanks! P.S. - Not that it really matters. I have to mail it tomorrow or it may be too late, and I doubt I can get my bank to produce a line item notarized receipt from 5 months ago without some hefty paperwork being filled out. I just have no idea why this is coming up now all of the sudden.
  12. A few days shy of 3 months for us after it was shipped. Almost 4 months if you count from the day of NOA2. I'm hoping the process sticks pretty close to standard time lines from here. 1 month for P4, 1 month more for interview. I feel like I'm at the old Macintosh "Please wait, loading ..." screen, and my blue progress bar is stuck at 80% ...
  13. That's great, Pha! Our files must have been in the same box, because we got ours too! So ... anyone have an idea as to what the inteview schedule is like? The K1 gals told my fiance that December dates are already filling up... That would mean our interview could be sometime in Feb/March ...ugh.
  14. Pha, You're just about one month to the day ahead of me. My P2 was 6/29 and mailed to China on 7/25. While I empathize with you on the wait times, I sure hope both our P3's come very soon!! So far, every email and phone call to GUZ and DOS says that they have not received my case, even though one call back in Sep to ACS in China told me it was in the computer . Hang in there brother! All will be revealed!
  15. While Huck Fin and Gone with the Wind might be good examples of classic American literature, I doubt they will give any help in dealing with modern society. The romance novels might actually help more, at least on the home front. Here's what I did the last trip in China. I went to Wal-Mart (yes, they have one in Shenzhen!!) and picked up about half a dozen American movies that are translated into Chinese. My SO speaks some English, but probably not enough to fully comprehend a modern movie. Things like "Failure to Launch", "Chasing Liberty", "How to lose a guy in 10 days", "Wedding Crashers" ... basically, romantic comedies with useful information in the background about how couples deal with the world around them. You might even try to find some translated documentaries from the History Channel, although my attempts at this so have not been successful. Hope that helps!
  16. Ok, so I'm just starting this whole process. But I've been talking to Xinhua for 4+ months now. However, outside of a couple of very close people, I've not really told anyone. I was curious how others handle the social side of this for the USC. In my experience, even admitting to internet dating can draw sneers and derision. International internet dating ... I don't know. The main reason I ask, is that before my trip to China in Feb, I of course told most of my co-workers I was going there. I did not say why, only that it was a vacation. Almost immediately, the first thing out of their mouths was .. "Don't come back with a wife!" (followed by much snickering and laughing. I, of course, responded .. "Don't worry, I won't.", because I knew I couldn't bring Xinhua back right away and I knew we wouldn't be getting married in China. However, now I'm going to be making several trips back and trying to find a way to explain this is driving me crazy. People can be cruel, and even though I'm not bothered a great deal by it, I do have to work with people and have friends and such. So ... after all of that rambling .. the question is, how do you deal with it? Just tell people and let them laugh (or whatever) or hide it from most people until your SO is here and they have to be polite... honestly, I'm at a loss. Input welcome and thanks!
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