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  1. Congrats man! Sounds like you are a step ahead of me on this NVC thing. I hope I receive such a letter or other notification from them soon too. I've been waiting for 2 months already in administrative review. Good Luck and hope that things move quicker for you on the next step.
  2. Hey Don, I'm in the same boat as you with this NVC thing. I posted a similar post a few days ago. I've been waiting for the NVC to clear my case for 2 months now, and all they have said was that it is undergoing AR ("administrative review"). My fiancee's surname is like top-3 most common in China, so I am thinking the name-checking must be taking somewhat longer for her. Some members have stated it should only take 2-4 weeks, and others said it has taken many months to clear the NVC, so I will wait it out a week or two before I start pulling hair again. Seems like a lot of members are complaining about the NVC recently, so I don't feel so alone anymore. If I do get an update on this AR thing, I'll let you know. Hang in there.
  3. Ahh, okay. Thanks for the replies. It seems that the NVC can be a bigger "black hole" than the USCIS. I think I'll wait it out for a few more weeks. Getting a visa lawyer sounds likes something I should look into.
  4. After finally waiting what seemed to be an eternity for my K1 to clear the CSC, I am once again in limbo, waiting almost 2 months for the NVC to clear my petition. Seems like most people have gotten clearance within 28 days on average. I'm getting a little concerned about being one of those unlucky few that have gotten their petitions overly delayed (or forgotten) at the NVC for unknown reasons. I've called the NVC Customer Service hotline a bunch of times and so far, the automated response says that my case is "not in their response system" yet. However, I also got a hold of a human operator there a couple of times and they said the NVC has received my petiition, but it is under "administrative review." The person there said it could be in this status for an indefinite period of time and was not very forthcoming about what that meant. I am thinking of taking up the advice of some of the other members here in the past that said they contacted their US Senator/Representative's office to have them follow up with their case, which sped things up. However, I don't know long I should wait it out before escalating it with my congressional office. Anyone else received this "administrative review" response for this long? When can I at least expect to have my petition status available on their automated phone response system?
  5. Yeah, I agree, canned response. I got the same message today, and my application is still a month away from the current CSC receipt processing date posted today. The IMBRA RFE response seems like it is worded generically towards the original purpose of a standard RFE, which before IMBRA, was sent out during the actual live processing of your petition by a case officer. Thus, the phrase "preliminary processing" was mentioned. Well, I hope I'm wrong and they actually somehow skipped forward to processing my petition ahead of schedule. Regardless of the stage of processing, it seems like most everyone that submitted the previous I-129F form, was automatically sent an IMBRA RFE, if the USCIS received it after March 5, 2006.
  6. Hey folks, first timer here. Thanks for all your support and info regarding this long millenium-dragging K1 process. You all have shown me that there should be some light at the end of this tunnel. Anyway, I'm still sitting pretty waiting for my NOA2 to come in. It's been about 100 days since my NOA1, and I recently realized something that is making me nervous. I found that I mistakenly submitted only the first page of the G-325a forms from my fiancee and me. The pdf file that I obtained from a 3rd party visa kit, only contained the first page of what I now found out is a 4-page (quadruplicate) document. With the tons of documentation I was compiling at the time, I didn't realize that I needed to submit each person's form in quadruplicate until weeks after I had sent it in. I am hoping that the CSC officer can realize my shortcoming and simply xerox the extra copies that are needed. Otherwise, should I bother the CSC now to see if I should send in new G-325a forms (in quad. of course) even though they haven't even opened my case? Or should I just wait for an RFE? Anyone else had a similar experience with missing duplicate forms? Thanks.
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