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mama bear

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Posts posted by mama bear

  1. Mine and my daughter's applied together, papa bear mailed out in a same package , besides all the documents CR1 was required, here is a list we submited for my daughter cr2.

    Information of beneficiary/step-daughter

    1. 1-check for payment of I-130

    2. I-130 2 pages w/attachment

    3. 4-form G325A

    4. 1-pasport photo

    5. 1-copy of birth certificate w/translation

    6. copy of fathers consent to leave China w/translation

    7. 7-copies of family photos

  2. Looking forward to getting back stateside....


    I miss a real bed...

    I miss a big screen tv...

    I miss tivo...

    I miss driving my car...

    I miss not having to wear slippers inside the house?:lol:

    I miss "central" A/C


    Congrats and all the best to your SO's interview!

    My husband misses same thing and plus "I miss american style toilet..." :lol:

  3. Congrats,Lee!

    I am too late to say congrats,hehe.Happy family life in US then!

    Dan fianlly arrive Beijing after delay 9 hours due to thunderstorm and I waited all night at airport with wet clothes in cool air contidionered waiting hall.

    Maybe I will have less time come online in the future as Dan will be here and we wil keep busy but still will keep in touch with CFL

  4. I think that some of these questions are not usually asked in GUZ . At least I haven't seen those questions anywhere in the faq or elswhere on this board.


    I have read a lot of interview experience reports in GZ recently, almost every one be asked among all those questions only except these 2:

    Have you had sexual relations with your spouse? When? (Be honest.)

    What is your spouse's religious background? Yours?

  5. Congradulations to you and Yatou! :redblob: :cheering: :coolthumb: :cheering: :redblob:

    I heard that she passed on that day, but only after you reported here I see the details, it is a little tough, but with a nice result!

    All the best to your weding and future family life!°×Í·ÙÉÀÏ£¬°ÙÄêºÃºÏ£¡:wub: :hug: :wub:

    David, you are right, we have ever met her at last 001 Beijing gathering.

    Just heard your SO's got package 3. Congrats to you! And hope the interview date soon in the future.

    When you come next time, papa bear will be here, and let's make an other gathering!

    Gathering always bring good luck. Yatou's interview just the next day after the gathering on 11th June, and this morning an other lady got red slip.I know it like A Mafan said doesn't make scence, but as least it will make a smile on our face, give us some self-confidence for the interview.

  6. I'll give it a shot with my poor Chinese.


    Dui Bu Chi, Wo Yo Shou Ko

    Ni Dong, Wo Ai Ni

    Wo bu hao

    Wo yao, Wo hen hao swa de ni.


    It quite a good translation, easy, simple and understandable!

    I have ever read a chinese poetry be translated into 200 english versions.

  7. Yes, that is question 5 on the GIV-24.


    She might put in that he is a naturalized Citizen and give the year and A#. I believe this is normally ask for Chinese citizens who will be joining family in the US.


    Thank you lee, I will tell her.

    BTW, paula didn't get red slip today, casue the communist party, I still didn't get any detailed news about her, seems wilL overcome soon,said not a big deal.

    Cross fingers for her!

  8. Her interview date at the middle of July, husband entered America illegitimately, then got Green card after an amnesty.

    How to fill in the item about those questions "when and how the american petitioner enter US", and "the visa type"?

    I am sorry cann't type it exactly since I cannot open the form as I just reinstalled system cann't open the PDF forms, and she didn't tell which form , seems it is £Ç£É£Ö£²£´.

    Any suggestion will be very appreciated, and I will make sure about the form in my office tommorrow morning.

  9. The only thing I might have said differently is the last line:

    Nin gei wode shengming xiang meng yiyang nama hao.

    But since I'm not native Chinese, I'm not sure that's correct... :huh:


    Your Chinese is a lot better than my English. I agree with what you translated the last line, and it made the whole poetry rhyme at "AO"

    It made me puzzled when I read this sentance and I asked my husand,he cannot speak any Chinese, so what he explained to me a littel far from the original meaning.


    The number 0, it means light tone for me.

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