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Posts posted by Christopher

  1. This is my first post.


    My mother was from Germany, lived through WWII in Berlin, moved to Brazil with her family in 1951. Then off to the US for college in the late 50's. Got herself a PhD in Chemistry in 1964. When my father left the family, she couldn't get a job, they said she was "overqualified". So she went back to school and got herself a Masters in Chemical Engineering. After that, she was really overqualified. She got one job offer, and grabbed it with both hands, and stayed with it until they gave her early retirement a few years ago. Along the way I had some medical issues, where I had to be hospitalized a long time. She was still paying for it when I was in my 30's.


    Does this sound a lot like the women you're with? From reading your posts, it sure does to me.


    Most guys end up marrying their mother, if you know what I mean. It's taken me a long damn time to be OK with that, which is why I am as of yet a single guy. I find most of the women I meet don't measure up. So from the demand side, I don't see where it's going to let up.


    On the supply side, I look for China to become an increasingly violent society, the same as happens in every other society where the supply of women is short.


    I am just starting out on this journey, I don't know if the woman I'm talking to will work out or not (I think I've already messed up), but CFL is most definitely needed.



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